Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.

  • It's nice to see after Beta, that pvp is still cheesy and resorts to being boarded by 2+ Galleon crews who can't shoot a cannon to save themselves instead of promoting actual naval combat. The Port and Starboard ladders should be retractable to force the derps to actually have to work on boarding instead of simply swimming to a moving ship. I still don't understand why it was never a option to begin with as aiming the cannon at the right height to launch oneself onto the deck of a ship is rather easy for boarding purposes but most i come across unless they're blatantly using aimbots ( have reported quite a few cheats another prime example of why crossplay was a bad idea) seem to not use cannons now i have my ship sunk while in actual naval engagement fairplay but to have a larger crew fail to waterline a sloop and only to have them constantly swim over through the use of the saber charge exploit to gain speed or swimming over to climb up a moving ship is just horrible design it was a good thing i stopped playing more actively after launch as even with the current added 'content' the IP is still a heap of garbage.

  • 43
  • Oh no, the Punctuation Mark Pirate has struck again!
    Won't somebody think of the readers...

  • Shoot boarders back in the sea...


  • @zannarii klick on the number indicating the ammount of upvotes, there is a downvote section ^_^ I want to use it.

  • @hambeard said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    The Port and Starboard ladders should be retractable to force the derps to actually have to work on boarding instead of simply swimming to a moving ship. I still don't understand why it was never a option to begin with

    Well for a start it would mean players frequently end up unable to get back onto their own ship without the help of a mermaid/man, either because they forgot to lower the ladders before they jumped off or if they fall/are blown off by enemy fire...

  • @hambeard said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    It's nice to see after Beta, that pvp is still cheesy and resorts to being boarded by 2+ Galleon crews who can't shoot a cannon to save themselves instead of promoting actual naval combat. The Port and Starboard ladders should be retractable to force the derps to actually have to work on boarding instead of simply swimming to a moving ship. .... constantly swim over through the use of the saber charge exploit to gain speed or swimming over to climb up a moving ship is just horrible design .

    All very, very true.

    It makes no sense at all why we can't raise rope ladders, and I think it'd be great if we could.

    @gdb071 said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    I agree, it's to easy wich reduces this beautiful game's pvp to bunny hopping fortnite scenes. it would be great if shooting cannons was more prominent part and boarding ships requires getting right next to it.missed opportunity there.

    Yep, so much wasted potential to try and appeal to children and people that don't like games that require thought.

    Really wish jumping was disabled with a weapon drawn.

  • I share your frustration for the lack of naval combat... Making cannonballs more destructive could be a solution too.

  • @ever-reddy ladder could auto pull down if no one left on ship

  • Retractable ladders wouldn't be very authentic, since ships of the 1700's did not have them or rope ladders on the sides for that matter. Instead unlike SoT they had the steps built directly into the wooden hull, which obviously couldn't be retracted.

    So no thank you.

  • @breizhpanda said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    @ever-reddy ladder could auto pull down if no one left on ship

    I really dislike the idea of automatic ladders, that would really break the immersion for me.

  • @hambeard being a man of hand to hand combat. It would significantly reduce my motive for pvp at all..

    Ppl haven't been engaging in naval combat because, plain and simple, it's not even close to as effective as getting on the boat killing the crew, keeping them dead and running the boat a ground

    I board and I burry.
    Cannons are just a tedious distraction while boarders nullify repairs.
    After a few cannon shots the boat is immune to broadsides because there is no more room for holes to be placed. Just bucket your way too salvation.

    If cannons done real damage. That resulted in a sink (damaged beyond repair) Instead of just putting a limited amount of holes in it. There would be less reason to leave the boat and naval warfare would be much more weighted.

  • Having to watch ladders is a huge part of strategy in ship to ship. Learn how to watch them instead of wanting them to retract.

    What's next ? GPS for ship navigation ?

  • The "retractable ladder" issue should be getting close to megathread status by now.

  • I fail to see why boarding shouldn't be encouraged seeing as boarding was very common during the Pirates' Prime anyways. Many pirates would board a ship and talk to the captain of that ship. While distracting the captain would raise their Jolly Roger then reveal the fact they were pirates to them, then proceed to rob them blind.

    Boarding is a big part of the game and it is incredibly easy to avoid, simply watch ladders and shoot anyone on them off. If boarding is hindered you will simply see more players ram you and then do the same exact thing, board. I have went on ship sinking sprees and only rammed and boarded and we sunk 13 ships without breaking a sweat. If boarding is hindered you simply will find another thing to complain about, that's how you people are.

    I also would love retractable ladders, I frequently sneak onto enemy ships but if I was able to raise the ladders so I could focus on raising anchor and sailing instead of watching ladders that would make my espionage that much more effective.

    Finally, why does everyone think Sword Surfing/Swimming is an exploit? It was confirmed by the devs to be a glitch but they decided they liked it and wanted it to remain a feature. Why is it not in the "known issues" section on any of the patches? Because its a goofy mechanic that spices up the game.

  • @dutchyankee Thank you for not just complaining about this topic and actually trying to add a possible solution to the concern. I wouldn't say boarding is child's play. A lot of people don't know how board effectively. I do it because it's very time consuming if you're just shooting at them.

    I agree that new mechanics would have to be added to naval combat to solve some of the issues people have with this. But as it stands it's more of a resource fight if nobody boards. Who runs out of planks and cannonballs first would be the name of the game.

    If I'm captaining a ship I rarely get boarded because if you're aware of the enemy and listen for the swimming cues it's fairly easy to repel them. I think when it comes to people on both sides of this debate we just have to find the balanced solution oppose to saying the other is broken or terrible.

  • i had so many encounters and those without boarding were the best ones, the funny thing is most people i met who boards are mostly not be able to steer a ship right or make some good manouvers etc.
    and the easiest targets are those with 3 people boarding and leave their ship instantly while one man try to rescue it ^^

  • @breizhpanda said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    I share your frustration for the lack of naval combat... Making cannonballs more destructive could be a solution too.

    Hopefully the addition of cursed cannonballs will help in this regard

  • To begin, I have to admit that I too would appreciate more value in ship to ship combat but sadly the balance design doesn't make naval combat effective in the least. Should ladders be retractable? Well, based on the notion that they are just rope ladders, I don't see why it couldn't be imagined that it'd be a good idea. But it wouldn't. Players would miss the mark constantly, leaving ladders up and not being able to get back on board their ship after the fact reliant on mermaids to help them out. Especially ruin some if the ship was parked at an island and the player would then have to swim out just for the privilege of getting back on their ship. Let alone being knocked off due to current factors in Pvp and from cannon fire.

    I respect the call for deeper combat. But I disagree with the tone and perspective. I think combat works well for the game in it's current form. Considering that boarders can be dealt with quite easily if a player keeps their wits about them... I'd say 'let them board" the less players on an enemy ship, trying to get on mine and failing, the better for sinking the enemy - I say. Sure, like I said, improvements can be made. But overall i find it acceptable. Even if I too would prefer greater navel combat feel in my fights.

    I fail to see how you've uncovered or mentioned 'another prime example of crossplay'... that's pretty off-topic so I can forsake it. It's the phrasing I draw notion towards, another? Makes me feel there's more impetus for the post than is obvious.

    Saber charge (the flying through the water one not the basic charge) isn't an exploit it's an aged bug the devs actually announced they decided they'd just keep in the game for whatever reasons.

    If you really do think the IP is a heap of garbage. I'd encourage you to laud what it is that brings you back to the game and support it as it grows. Or turn your back and just ...leave. If your simply expressing disappointment and want for better, that's totally fine! The Sea of Thieves is borked in a lot of ways - it's through perseverance and patience not to mention feedback, even like this OP, which will get us through to the plateau of solid gaming we're all after.

    If the PvP is truly that obnoxious for you - I'd suggest Skull and Bones it might cleave closer to your desires, tho I am uncertain, it shows some promise.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    What's next ? GPS for ship navigation ?

    Um...I hate to break it to you...

  • It's nice to see after Beta, that players are unable to adapt to boarders to this day. I mean these players can't seem to do the action that is so simplified by the developers. From sound cues, being unable to fire while on ladder, physically fly of the ladder when attacked, and the ability to turn the boat a smidgen away from a swimmer. At some point you would think these derps would use their noggins to execute these simple maneuvers.

    I'm being passive aggressive, with a rewording of OP's words here, not actually poking fun.

    I generally find the arguments, of the following, to be silly:

    1. Players only do it because its a crutch
    2. Its too easy to do
    3. Requires no thought to do
    4. Its childish/catered to children
    5. Its unsophisticated to do it.

    The people who spout these argument, in my experience, lack the ability to adapt. These are all assumptions, obviously not everyone falls into this trait. It feels that rather then adapt to the game, players like this would rather have the game cater to them.

    Boarding is done out of necessity. No ship worth its salt will take a ship sinking cannonball pounding. They will disengage, repair, then finally re-engage. I'ts a Waltz I'd rather not dance. In my experience only bad players sink from cannon fire alone. In the games current state ships are too easily repaired. I would rather keep boarding then turn fights into battle of attrition. The looser being who runs out supplies first.

  • And therein lies the problem. You don’t play often enough as you used to so you’re not accustomed to audio cues of enemies boarding your ship, or watching the water, or just paying attention to them hopping off their ship. You think it’s easy to board? Against new players sure, against anyone that’s relatively good, near impossible. The point of the boarding is to prevent enemies from repairing their ship, with how easy it is to bail a sloop or repair a galleon I’m surprised there aren’t more methods of boarding.

  • @gdb071 I have some questions for you:

    1. What post are you reading?
    2. Who, besides you, has said "Git Gud?"
    3. Why bring up Fortnite and bunnyhopping? This is Sea of Thieves and the topic pertains nothing to bunny-hopping.

    Your boxing shadows my dude.

    Edit: The punctuation pirates have struck again. I would even add, I have a difficult time understanding what you are arguing. No one you tagged has made claims you are saying.

  • @foxdodge said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    The "retractable ladder" issue should be getting close to megathread status by now.

    Some of the people agreeing with this thread should take their "retractable skill level" and let it out a bit.

  • you wont sink a ship without boarding them, its too easy to repair otherwise.
    really repelling them isnt that hard, at all.... sounds like the ladders are not the problem

    In other words, boarding isnt easy, unless you make it that way for the enemies..

  • @gdb071 said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    @Nabberwar @Sytoki you guys don't get it."git gud".
    It's not about that,it's about the disappointment and missed opportunity that could have made tgis game unique in pvp yet they cater to the bunnyhopping fortnite kidz.nowere does it say anywere people feel defenseles,i don't, i'm just disappointed by this games pvp a tiny b
    it,would have prefered it to be harder to board. PC playing kids who are huge fans of this jumping to it's defence is what is REALLY getting old.

    We do in fact get it.

    Here is the thing, In my experience our main crew rarely gets boarded. Why is that? We have the same tools as everyone else. We don't have retractable ladders. The difference is we adapted our playstyle to prevent just that. It's easier to adjust your playstyle than demand Rare change the game.

    I find that there is a common agreement between both sides, we wish there was more focus on the naval aspect. I just don't think retractable ladders fix that. It doesn't fix the main issue. That being, Naval combat in itself is too weak.

    I'm just copying what I previously said:

    "Boarding is done out of necessity. No ship worth its salt will take a ship sinking cannonball pounding. They will disengage, repair, then finally re-engage. I'ts a Waltz I'd rather not dance. In my experience only bad players sink from cannon fire alone. In the games current state ships are too easily repaired. I would rather keep boarding then turn fights into battle of attrition. The loser being who runs out supplies first."

    Address the main issue, you are arguing a non-issue.

    Side not Bunny hopping has long since existed before the "Fortnite Kidz" Either learn to adapt, or simply stop playing. Your choice, it isn't going anywhere.

  • @gdb071 I’m not exclusively a PC player, in fact I’ve played more on xbox since my pc broke, so let’s just pretend like you never said that coz it just sounds like a passive aggressive way to point out your insecurities. Think about the balancing of it. If you can’t board an enemy except by shooting your self on it, then fights would devolve into a war of attrition. No way to stop bailers and repairers if they don’t even have to worry about boarders.

    For once it would be nice to have one of you guys offer an alternative way to board, but no all you guys want is no boarding.

    As a console “noob” to clearly a skilled but misunderstood player, get good (sarcasm)

  • Sloop stole my raid loot yesterday...I'm not complaining about boarding. It happened because my shipmates eat crayons and sniff glue.

  • @gdb071 In a game with krakens, skeletons, and mermaids, you draw the line at ladders being climbed...just wanted to see if I got that right...

  • @gdb071 I appreciate it, and I genuinely don't want people to quit. I simply frown on those who look down on bunny hopping. Its a style of FPS. I've played those styles of FPS since Quake and Unreal tournament. Being a hard target to hit has always been a past time of games. Its simply a by product of fast style shooters. Nothing to turn a nose too.

  • @gdb071 Thanks for clarifying that you’re just looking for attention

  • @hambeard There is no need to add a retracting ladder system, all you have to do is be organised. Have crew mates watch both ladders and then if an opponent tries to climb up the ladder they have no chance, especially when the ship is moving.

  • Boarding was a real part of naval battles, because pirates did not want to destrtoy enemy ships, they wanted to capture them for their loot onboard. They usually destroyed the enemy sails or use grappling hooks to keep their boats together. Killing and or capturing the crew was their main goal, hence requiring the need to board. I feel like this would be a terrible idea, because it would be immersion breaking, and it would be wayyy too modern.

  • @gdb071 mate, be respectful, that’s not very nice

  • @gdb071 said in Boarding a moving ship shouldn't be so easy.:

    @Nabberwar @Sytoki you guys don't get it."git gud".
    It's not about that,it's about the disappointment and missed opportunity that could have made tgis game unique in pvp yet they cater to the bunnyhopping fortnite kidz.nowere does it say anywere people feel defenseles,i don't, i'm just disappointed by this games pvp a tiny b
    it,would have prefered it to be harder to board. PC playing kids who are huge fans of this jumping to it's defence is what is REALLY getting old.

    @sytoki no you appearantly have either a reading or comprehension disability,good luck with that

    Well for starters my man, though grammar n**i-ism isn't really my thing...

    Spaces, complete sentences, capitalization, unified words that aren't broken by spaces, and more, indicate that the disadvantage or potential disabilities are yours and we're all just victims of our attempts to comprehend gibberish ranting and insulting tones. So, maybe for the sake of useful conversation and opinion sharing we should attempt to do less trolling of opposing views and actually discuss the matters at hand.

    That said, I further wonder where this concept of "PC Bunny Hoppers" has developed. Ignorance, clearly, as the issue is a gaming concern as a whole that is quite commonly showcased in console gaming. And to use Fortnite as the example, since that seems to be the go to... it wasn't cross-play on console for long after it's launch... bunny hopping is and has always been alive and well in that environment. And that's just one example.

    Personally I am all for more dynamic pvp, either in a naval front or even a face-to-face manner. I think many players would happily sponsor more dynamic pvp measures. Heck, if I had it my way... we'd all be using cutlass' or we'd all be in "hardcore mode" and ships would certainly be more robust in combat doing much more than "holes" of damage which can be repaired on the fly.

    But I have to admit that feels like it flies against the thematic nature and tone of the game since conception. If I want a more robust pirate experience I feel that AC: Black Flag is still a valid choice as is the upcoming Skull and Bones. Both of which have the more 'realistic vibe' that is being called upon in this sort of request. And both of which fit the flavor and tone that Ubisoft desires.

    Recall Rare is perhaps most notable for "cartoony" games like Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong Country, Battletoads, and similar offerings. The more 'realistic' games would be on the line of Perfect Dark and Goldeneye, which although excellent ground breaking titles in at least once case, aren't the primary flavor of Rare games.

    Therefore as mentioned before I feel that a removal of the ladders however introduced would not befit this sort of title. It introduces issues such as simply getting back to your ship when accidentally falling, or being 'shot off' and god forbid you drop anchor somewhere and forget to lower the ladders! I can't wait for a 'realistic pirate game' that captures my interest the way Sea of Thieves has... But I can't reconcile this sort of request easily.

    I certainly cannot abide presumption that PC gamers are categorically anything that isn't also equally present on console. We're not "all" anything.. we're gamers.. many of us game on BOTH console and PC. I finally, feel that you really need to develop a willingness to comprehend the uselessness of the trolling flavor in your posts, the cruddy writing that really is hard to follow without a drool translator, and frankly - the overwhelming willingness to insult simply because you can. But your character flaws aren't the topic of this post, so simply be aware of the sort of drivel your posting and how it will likely simply end with your removal from the forums over time... eventually.

    You catch more flies with honey my man.

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