Tales From the Sea of Thieves - Nine Cat Nura's Lost Pages - The Tribe of the Hungering One

  • My name's Nine Cat Nura and I've decided to add pages to this book, partly to continue what Flameheart started and partly to leave a record of the crazy things me and Bel have discovered on the Sea of Thieves.

    There's so much we can still learn about this place! I hope future explorers will find this a useful as Jean's recipes.


    Even before pirates like me started finding the Sea of ​​Thieves, there were people here. Nobody really knows what happened to them, outside of what we can glean from the paintings they left behind in caves on scattered islands. You know what, some of those paintings would make great tattoos.

    They were primitive, but they had a connection to the land and the creatures that live here. I wonder, did these 'ancients' live as one, unified people or as various tribes with their own beliefs?

    Whatever the case, there was a tribe that drew pictures of celebrations, or possibly even worship, of great creatures from the deeps. One shows a particularly forbidding beast... a very old, very large beast. I think they revered it, maybe even sacrificed to it. I guess it's better to have your chickens gobbled up than your... well, your everything.

    I spoke to a woman from the Order of Souls who thinks the markings translate to 'the Hungering One'. I don't scare easy, but I've stopped dangling my feet in the water lately.

    The paintings show the tribe performing a ritual dance, maybe playing a tune? Well, it seems to appease or possibly summon the Hungering One. I hope nobody figures out how that sounded. Keep your eye on those shifting shapes beneath the waves, fellow pirates.

    This is the text from a page that is technically part of the Tales From the Sea of Thieves lore book, and is one of Nine Cat Nura's Lost Pages. The original place to find this page from the book can be found on the Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8 but has a link to just the page itself here.

    • My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)

    Text Archive

    (Sorry for the long title)

  • 4
  • But why is there no new ones for devil's roar and the spoils may i ask

  • @passiondpete sagte in Tales From the Sea of Thieves - Nine Cat Nura's Lost Pages - The Tribe of the Hungering One:

    But why is there no new ones for devil's roar and the spoils may i ask
    For the Roar there is an new one! For Spoils not!

  • @passiondpete I wish I knew

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