We started our game with the brigantine during the refuelling phase. This phase was full of freeze from all of us 3, playing with two separete connections (for those who can think it was a connection problem). Pass on the often FPS drops, (at this point, usual on the game) we left behind the island where we've done refuelling and then a raid spawned, so we went on course.
We remained on a island full of treasures and skulls. Skulls that even tho they had sharp weapons, loaded guns and barrels of gunpowder, they were harmless, so together we approached them and made ourselves undead friends, caressing them as pets.
The trip was strangely easy. Or at least, in THEORY. Because once I got the mermaid to go back to the ship, after I fell in the water, I respowned inside the jail. My friends had to vote to put me on the jail, because the game didn't recognize me as a prisioner. So I was in jail, my friends voted to imprison me, the game reload the point of respawn, so I had to wait there till the timer allowed my friends to free me. This thing will happen to me 2 more times during this game session.
Done the raid we went to the outpost to deliver the treasures. The Megalodon arrives. But he isn't the same fearsome shark that we all know, no no, it's the new hyper turbo engine 3000 in which the charge bugs from the back of the ship and pushes us at a speed that even a shuttle can't reach. With, obviously, various pentration from the little fish between lots of rocks.
OK, that's good, let's go on.
We delivered the stuff having some problems with the traders that didn't allow us to buy anything, so we move on to the East of Maruder's Arch to challenge the skeletal crew.
We challenge the various waves, one behind the other and finally arrive at the captain. With low resources remaining and the annoying timer that reset every time we get hit from the balls (congratulations to who had this brilliant idea), we always got raised the sails. In some way we are about to sink the captain, I start to foretaste the gold, but..
the game.. CRASHED. Only at me. Telling me that the crash happened because of the internet connection, when in the wall next to mine, my brother was playing with me with the SAME connection. I try to join again, while the captain was sinking and, obviously, I didn't get the achievement. During the attempt to reconnect, it shows me an error, that taken from the nervousness, I didn't read the phrase well, but it talked about my INACTIVITY.
Meanwhile, I hear my friends in difficulty because they were left without boards to repair a little hole while they were climbing up the treasures. So, I try again to reconnect, I did it! I'm ready to help them! If it wasn't for the fact that I WAS IN JAIL AGAIN! During all of this, the audio of the inn bugged, hearing it for all the time during the battle.
We went to the nearest outpost, while delivering the stuff puuum. I crashed again.
I rejoined the game, because meanwhile, a sloop that I saw in the last second before crashing was coming and... I WAS IN JAIL AGAIN!.
My friends won against the sloop, and waited me to deliver the loot, we did it.
I described a usual game session lasting about 2 hours.
Now, I don't like to talk about the work of other people, especially when I'm not able to express my opinion more thoroughly. But, those problem always occur. From a session of 10 minutes to a session of 2 hours (and surely I have left out some stuff). There are problems that this game has from the Day One and the Beta, I repeat that I don't like to talk about the work of other people, but CLEARLY, some developer or programmer doesn't know how to their work, maybe it's better to assume someone better to guarantee a better service. Because I spent money for this game, I do not have the game-pass, I BOUGHT IT, also to finance the development company. But if EVERY game session present bugs, glitches or anything else that waste the game experience, I think (and I'm not the only one) that I wasted my money.
Thing that I don't want to think about, because I hope this game will be a REAL game, mentioning Pinocchio.
Best regards from a angry and disappointed player, not the only one.
P.S. Sorry for the errors.
JokerJK27, Zeframknox, SylverDrake17.