Time limited cosmetics?

  • Can someone give me a clear answer as to what is time-limited? Is it only the items you purchased with the dablooms? Or Does it include the forsaken shores sets that you buy with gold? (Ie: Kraken, Crab, ashes set)

  • 7
  • @robski101 All the stuff that dave or duke or whatever from the bilgerats has is time limited. Other than that Idk, one of this games many problems is clarity on what exactly is going on in the game world. They need a bulletin board of some sorts at every outpost that lists all the new changes and other relevant info.

  • Ahoy! The Forsaken Ashes weapons and livery are the only time-limited items for this event. You can check the page for Forsaken shores here. Note that all items that are limited have the watch icon in the corner of the image. :)

  • @robski101 Duke's weapon set, the Devil's Roar hull, sails and figure head, are all time limited. The clothing sets and Kraken and Crab ship sets are not. The doubloons are not time limited, you can earn them after the event. I think if it is purchased with doubloons you can count on it being time limited.

  • @robski101
    alt text


  • Thank you for the wonderful answers. Google doesn't help much for this game

  • @robski101 You can find a full list of all event limited cosmetics that I keep updated as they are added to the live build here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/99ble8/screenshot_database_of_ingame_sets_and_items/

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