Who is Who? Getting to know the forum

  • Old Salt or Green Gilled? WELCOME!

    Who’s Who on the forum

    Welcome to the Who’s who post, aimed to introduce yourself to the forum, as started in the @boatswain Discord server, now carried over to the forum for us all to enjoy!

    The format is simple, copy my post below, answering the questions provided as honestly, humorously or in as little detail as you feel necessary!

    Who’s Who – Sshteeve

    • Gamertag: Sshteeve
    • Name Steve
    • Country England
    • Languages English and Bad English
    • Age 32
    • Platform Xbox One
    • Favourite Colour Green
    • Favourite Food & Drink Ribs and Pepsi Max
    • Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves, Abe’s Oddysee, Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9, Kingdom Hearts, Knights of the Old Republic, Fable 1, 2 & 3 (RIP Legends)
    • Favourite Movies: Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2, Back to the Future
    • Favourite TV Shows: Star Trek DS9, Stargate SG1, Game of Thrones, Grey’s Anatomy, Chicago PD, Open All Hours
    • Favourite Books: Anything by Sir Terry Pratchett (RIP)
    • Pets: 2 Cats – 1 Maine C**n and 1 British Blue
    • Hobbies: Drawing, Playing Guitar, Playing Videogames, Moaning
    • Job: Head of Computer Science at a Secondary School
    • Additional Info (1000 words or less): Played the Beta and stress tests of Sea of thieves from January 2018, been playing ever since launch. Not quite Pirate Legend yet, but making my way there slowly over time. Been a forum Boatswain since July and privileged to be able to interact with such an excellent group of people.
  • 39
  • GamerTag: Skulliah
    Name: Captain Skulliah.
    Country: The Devil's Roar.
    Language: Pirate slang and Merfolk.
    Age: Many days, many years.
    Favorite Color: Gold.
    Favorite Food & Drink: Bananas & Grog.
    Favorite games: Riddles or Broboat races.
    Favorite books: The Evil Pirate Code and Wanda's Journals.
    Pet: Meggie the big shark, Betty and Lily the chickens and Jake the pig.
    Hobbies: Take too many sunset pictures.
    Job: Grow my plants, produce rum in large quantities and trade pirates.
    Additional Info: All Hail Skulliah!

  • Who’s Who – Sir_Lotus

    • Gamertag: Sir_Lotus
    • Name: Nick
    • Country: Czech Republic
    • Languages: Czech, Slovak, English and very bad German
    • Age: 32
    • Platform: Xbox
    • Favourite Colour: Purple or Black
    • Favourite Food & Drink: Pizza and Cuba Libre
    • Favourite Games: Sot, Forza, GoW, Fallout, Fable etc.
    • Favourite Movies: Star Wars, Back to the Future, LOTR, Top Gun, Days of Thunder
    • Favourite TV Shows: MASH, TWD, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, Star Trek, House of Cards, Firefly
    • Favourite Books: Books by: JRR Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Naomi Novik and Walted Isaacson
    • Pets: not right now
    • Hobbies: games, cars, golf, photography, technology in general
    • Job: yes
    • Additional Info (1000 words or less): SoT since closed beta, boatswain since 2018 :D I don't know what to write in here? That's like a dating profile.... I enjoy long walks on the beach, deep conversation, holding hands, romance novels, pruning the garden, skinny dipping and piggy-back rides. Call me
  • Ahoy there @sshteeve!

    GamerTag: FishSt1ck (on Xbox), FishSt1ck_ (on PS4)
    Name: Mitch
    Country: The Netherlands
    Language: Dutch, English, German
    Age: 36
    Platforms: Xbox / PS4 / Switch / PC
    Favourite Colour: Blue... no yellooooow
    Favourite Food & Drink: Pizza, chocolate / carbonated hipster water, Murphey's
    Favourite games: Most Zelda games, Skyrim, Guacamelee, Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, Sea of Thieves, I play too many games so I probably forgot a few.
    Favourite movies: Snatch, LOTR, Guardians of the Galaxy, Django Unchained, Deadpool, Monthy Python and the Holy Grail, Pirates! A band of misfits
    Favourite tv shows: Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Vikings, Black Sails, Elementary, Rick & Morty, Sherlock, Southpark, Naruto, Castle
    Favourite books: Ready Player One, Off to be the Wizard, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter
    Pets: 2 small dogs, 3 cats, lots of tropical fish & shrimp, a white horse
    Hobbies: Gaming (video and tabletop), slacking, boxing, Warhammer
    Job: Agile coach, scrum master and software developer
    Special skills we should know about:
    Most people that see me are intimidated, until they hear my voice :)
    I'm stress resistant especially when it's work related.
    I don't have any trouble talking to others, even offline, but I just prefer not to.
    Additional Info:
    Most importantly I have a lovely girlfriend who is 37 weeks pregnant of my first selfmade pirate.
    I'm tall, bald and have a mighty fine beard.

  • Gamertag: PirateCraggy
    Name Adam
    Country Northern Ireland
    Languages English
    Age 41
    Platform Xbox One
    Favourite Colour Yellow
    Favourite Food & Drink Macaroni Cheese with extra Bacon, a good Belgian beer
    Favourite Games: In no order Elite (Original 80’s), Elite Dangerous, Battlefield 2, Age of Empires 2, Sea of Thieves
    Favourite Movies: Moon, 2001, Aliens, Where Eagles Dare, Shawshank Redemption, Das Boot, The Pianist, Silent Running ( Hitchcock, Hammer Horror... etc )
    Favourite TV Shows: MASH, Battlestar Galactica (both versions), The Office (USA), The IT Crowd, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Father Ted, Black Books, Black Mirror.
    Favourite Books: Anything by Douglas Adams
    Pets: None - but I feed the birds
    Hobbies: Avid Movie Collector from VHS, DVD, HD-DVD, Laserdisc, Bluray all sorts of formats.
    Watching Movies (obviously), Mac Repair, electronics repair. Casual Gamer.
    Job: Mac Monkey ( I know macs ), design on them (for proper job), fix them up also to make money.
    Additional Info (1000 words or less): Played a little bit of Beta in a former life (different gamertag). Mid ranking 30’s on all factions (only really get a proper play session towards weekends, a casual gamer if you like). No rush to Legend, just enjoying the journey.

  • Who’s Who – JetOrchidee97

    • Gamertag: JetOrchidee97
    • Name: Thomas
    • Country: France
    • Languages: French and English
    • Age: 33
    • Platform: Xbox One
    • Favourite Colour: Green
    • Favourite Food & Drink: Salt and Vinegar crisps & a Pint of Lager – Lasagnes & red wine – Bacon, egg and cheese & coffee
    • Favourite Games: Minecraft, Zelda OOT, Dark souls, GTA V (and RP), Sea of Thieves
    • Favourite Movies: Fifth Element, Hot F**z, Le Prénom
    • Favourite TV Shows: True Detective S1, Community, Stranger Things, Sherlock Holmes
    • Favourite Books: LOTR, Stephen King's books, Harry Potter
    • Pets: -
    • Hobbies: Drawing, Composing music on computer, Playing Videogames, Surf (when I can as I don't live near the coast) and forums.
    • Job: Signwriter & Graphic Designer
    • Additional Info (1000 words or less): Played the Alpha, Beta and stress tests of Sea of thieves from April (or May) 2017. Not quite Pirate Legend yet but it doesn't matter to me, I just want a community HUB lol
  • Who’s Who – Captain Revan
    Gamertag: RevanJStone
    Name Revan
    Country America
    Languages English
    Age 30
    Platform PC
    Favorite Color Green
    Favorite Food & Drink Sushi / Sake and Wine
    Favorite Games: Sea of Thieves, SWBF 2, Mario 3, Smash Bros
    Favorite Movies: Count of Monte Cristo, Knight's Tale, Gladiator
    Favorite TV Shows: The Office, The I.T. Crowd, Scrubs, Parks and Rec
    Favorite Books: Redwall
    Hobbies: Drawing, Video Games, Drinking
    Job: DSS Caseworker

  • Who's who - Stacky a

    GamerTag: stacky a
    Name: Stacey
    Country: Australia
    Language: Aussie/English
    Age: 33
    Platform: Xbox One, Nintendo (Wii U, 3DS, Switch)
    Favorite Color: Purple, Yellow
    Favorite Food & Drink: Spicy ramen, Green tea
    Favorite games: Sea of Thieves, Legend of Zelda series, MarioKart, Splatoon, Skyrim, Dragon age, Fable series, Destiny
    Favorite movies: Guardians of the Galaxy, Croughing tiger hidden dragon, any of the Studio Ghibli films, Disney’s Mulan
    Favorite tv shows: Vikings, Black Sails, Death note anime, Game of thrones
    Favorite books: Dracula, Ready Player one, Harry Potter, Garth Nix Old Kingdom series
    Pets: Two cats called Link and Zelda.
    Hobbies: Gaming, Board games, Sewing, Crafting, Fishing
    Job: Librarian
    Additional Info: I am incredibly short (5ft 1) and have a Nike tick scar on my leg from running into a terracotta pot plant haha.

  • Who's Who - J4dio

    GamerTag: J4dio
    Name: Jay
    Country: UK south coast
    Language: English/German & well anything I can get my tongue around generally foul language most the time
    Age: is but a number (and yes it's one that will take some time to get to)
    Platform: Xbox, PC, or whatever train I need to catch 9 3/4 ?
    Favourite Colour: Purple and Orange!
    Favourite Food & Drink: PIZZAAAAA and neat vodka
    Favourite games: Sea of Thieves, RB6 Siege and anything Starwars (except the latest SWBF2 it sucked)
    Favourite movies: If it's not too obvious by my Discord image and name (yeah J4dio is in respect of C3P0) Star Wars
    Favourite tv shows: Tv is generally lame but I do like having the Goldbergs or How I met your mother on in the background when actually working. (Pet hate for reality shows)
    Favourite books: What's a book ?
    Pets: A golden Lab puppy - Harlow.. and an old but still elegant Mastiff b***h who guards us all with passion - Poppy!
    Hobbies: Sleeping and err lurking around the forums and Discord
    Job: Semi retired, but have owned a couple of businesses... so mostly a househusband (try not to have to go out to work anymore)
    Additional Info: I get grumpy old git mode with ease !
    I'll happily help anyone with anything... and I've always got the patience and time to listen if somebody needs someone to talk to about literally anything (being an ex pub landlord, I can take a lot of things on the chin, but always have some compassion and advice, or just a good ear). So honestly if anyone needs to get something off their chest in private... I'm here, and discreet always.

    Also been around this forum for a long time, playing all test sessions since Jan 2017.. So always willing to help anyone on the Seas if they need a hand with anything.

  • GamerTag: NeedSmokes
    Name: Graham
    Country: England - Plymouth
    Language: English
    Age: 45
    Platform: Xbox one X
    Favourite Colour: Black
    Favourite Food & Drink: Cornish Pasty & A nice cup of tea!
    Favourite games: Sea of Thives, Forza Horizon 4, Heroes of Might & Magic
    Favourite movies: I'll watch anything!
    Favourite tv shows: Currently: Better call Saul, Suits, Homeland, Bottom.
    Favourite books: The Guv'nor
    Pets: 2 cats and various fish
    Hobbies: I love bikeS!
    Job: One of those unstable bus drivers.
    Additional Info: I belong to a group called T-W-A-T (Two Wheels And That)
    I am Number 236! Yes i paid for membership!
    A local groups of bikers from Devon & Cornwall, as you can see from my gamer pic, we created that using bikes and people and a drone.

  • @sshteeve
    Gamertag: KnifeLife

    Name: Rob

    Country: England/Cornwall

    Languages: English

    Age: 25

    Platform: Xbox One X

    Favourite: Red

    Favourite: Chicken...just chicken xD

    Favourite Games: MGS, Elder scrolls, Fallouts, SoT. RDR 1,2 and probably 3 lol The Witcher’s and millions more..

    Favourite Movie: The Crow RIP Brandon lee!

    Favourite TV Shows: Rick and Morty, Big Mouth, South Park, Brooklyn 99. (I like to laugh) GoT obviously..

    Pets: 3 Dogs and a Cat

    Job: In education.

    Additional Info (1000 words or less):
    I joined during the TA, was on the first iteration on the Pioneers, done the surveys scale tests, betas ect..
    I also love Psychology and how the mind works. I also love stand up comedy, generally the more political or offensive ones like Joan Rivers, George Carlin, Bill H***s, Frankie Boyle, Doug Stanhope ect... Other than that I’m pretty boring lol.

  • GamerTag: musicmee
    Name: Damien
    Country: England (Yorkshire to be precise)
    Language: English
    Age: 30
    Platform: Xbox, PC and Switch
    Favourite Colour: Blue
    Favourite Food & Drink: Chinese Food - Rum and Coke
    Favourite games: Sea of Thieves, Wind Waker, Banjo Kazooie or Any 3D Mario Game
    Favourite movies: Not really a movies guy... but any Star Wars
    Favourite tv shows: I don't watch TV!
    Favourite books: Harry Potter - Yes I know they are for kids!
    Pets: None, but there is a mouse on my desk!
    Hobbies: Coding and Making Web Things
    Job: eLearning Development Manager - Yeah, not sure what it means myself!
    Special skills we should know about: Nope, I'm just me, sorry!
    Additional Info: It took me some effort to write this as I am incredibly introvert and don't like talking about myself. I just hope people like me

  • @skulliah No All hail Captain Leech of the Devils Curse!

  • Who’s Who – Jonaldinho
    Gamertag: Jonaldinho
    Name: Johnny
    Country: USA
    Languages: American English
    Age: 30
    Platform: Xbox One
    Favorite Color: Green
    Favorite Food & Drink: Pad Kee Mao and lightly sweetened tea
    Favorite Games: Sea of Thieves, Red Dead Redemption, Rocket League, Breath of the Wild
    Favorite Movies: Braveheart? I'm out of the loop - not a movie-goer.
    Favorite TV Shows: Big Bang Theory, The Carbonaro Effect, The Voice. Again, out of the loop - not a TV watcher.
    Favorite Books: Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock,
    Pets: None
    Hobbies: Play drums and guitar, Writing music, Playing Videogames,
    Job: Energy Management System Administrator for a utility company
    Additional Info (1000 words or less): Been playing since launch, recently reached Pirate Legend, level 7 Athena

  • GamerTag: Friedwilly
    Name: William
    Country: United States (NY Metro to be exact)
    Language: English
    Age: a young 47 years of age
    Platform: Xbox & PC
    Favourite Colour: Orange
    Favourite Food & Drink: Mexican Food & Maragritas.
    Favourite games: Sea of Thieves, World of Warcraft, World of Tanks, Forza Franchise, RB6 & Call of Duty on PC (before it's current popularity)
    Favourite movies: Fan of any movie genre, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be the Star Wars franchise. With exception to Phantom Menace.
    Favourite TV shows: mostly streaming, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Walking Dead, Black Sails, Daredevil, The Punisher, Iron Fist....
    Favourite books: anything historical or non-fiction
    Pets: Tropical Fish (fresh & saltwater)
    Hobbies: Brand & Business Development, Hiking, Mountain Biking, Football (not-american), Scuba, Cooking, Woodworking...
    Job: UX & Visual Design Engineer
    Special skills we should know about: Top Secret! If I told you, I would have to kill you.
    Additional Info: Just ask, I might tell you.

  • GamerTag: gatorwocky
    Name: Dave
    Country: United States
    Language: English
    Age: 48
    Platform: Xbox & PC
    Favourite Colour: Blue
    Favourite Food & Drink: Beer and smoked ribs.
    Favourite games: Sea of Thieves, FIFA, World of Warships, just about any racing game.
    Favourite movies: Not really sure. I really like Saving Private Ryan and most war movies. I also cry at the end of Rocky II when he yells "yo, Adrian! I did it!" Gets me every. single. time.
    Favourite TV shows: Sports. I watch little else.
    Favourite books: Military history/stories. Fiction or non, matters not. I enjoy reading about places I'm going to visit as well.
    Pets: None. My son and his wife moved back in last June with three cats and a dog.
    Hobbies: Watching sports and taking multi day hikes in new places.
    Job: Administrator for a large college within a major university.
    Special skills we should know about: I can make all of your beer vanish.
    Additional Info: Uh.....I don't know? I have really long hair and am an old metal head. My kids and most of my friends call me Hippie.

  • GamerTag: DrunkPunk138
    Name: Sean
    Country: United States (Central Oregon)
    Language: English
    Age: 34 (35 next Tuesday)
    Platform: PC
    Favourite Colour: Red
    Favourite Food & Drink:
    Food: Breakfast Tacos
    Drink: Lone Star
    Favourite games: SWG, Fallout franchise (I even enjoyed BoS for what it was), D:OS 2, Sea of Thieves
    Favourite movies: The Departed
    Favourite TV shows: The Expanse, GoT, The Wire
    Pets: 2 cats
    Hobbies: Bass, are comic books a hobby?
    Job: Technical Analyst
    Additional Info: N/A

  • Gamertag: el Dunco
    Name: Duncan
    Country: US
    Languages: English
    Age: 32
    Platform: Xbox One
    Favorite Color: Green
    Favorite Food & Drink: Tacos, chocolate milkshake
    Favorite Games: Ninja Turtle arcade games
    Favorite Movies: 5th Element
    Favorite TV Shows: Futurama
    Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings series
    Pets: 2 dogs, Bella (labrador) and Lola (pitbull)
    Hobbies: Animation and comics
    Job: GIS Specialist/Graphic Artist
    Additional Info: i like big boats and I cannot lie

  • Who’s Who

    • Gamertag: NunoAzuldimeter
    • Name Nuno
    • Country Portugal
    • Languages Portuguese and Bad English
    • Age 29
    • Platform Xbox One & PC
    • Favourite Colour Blue (Azul)
    • Favourite Food & Drink Italian Food (Pizzaaaa!) & Coffee
    • Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves, Bethesda Games (Skyrim & Fallout mostly), Ubisoft Games (For Honor and Assassin's Creed mostly), Rockstar Games (GTA & Red Dead Redemption mostly),
    • Favourite Movies: Pirates Of the Caribbean
    • Favourite TV Shows: Black Sails, Game Of Thrones, Vikings, Breaking Bad, Stranger Things, Rick & Morty and Lots of Animes (One Piece, Dragon Ball, etc)
    • Favourite Books: Mostly Comics (DC & Marvel)
    • Pets: 3 Cats (J'zargo, Waldo & Videl)
    • Hobbies: VideoGames, Music (love to play guitar and sing as well), Art, Figure Collection (mostly anime figures, the majority is Dragon Ball)
    • Job: LifeGuard
    • Additional Info (1000 words or less): Fell in love with this Game when I first saw it at the E3, signed in to everything about it and got lucky to be called. I've been around for about 2 years. I'm an Original Pioneer, one of the first wave and it's amazing how I'm still so in love with this game and the community.

    You are Great!

  • Who’s Who –LadyAijou

    • Gamertag: LadyAijou
    • Name Still LadyAijou!
    • Country United States
    • Languages English and a teeny bit of Japanese
    • Age Old enough to know better XD
    • Platform PC
    • Favourite Colour Purple
    • Favourite Food & Drink French onion soup, and coffee
    • Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves (is this even a question??), loads of RPG's, Terraria, Hammerwatch, Heroes of Hammerwatch, Maple Story 2 (SUE ME!)
    • Favourite Movies: Quite a few really, not sure which to single out
    • Favourite TV Shows: Sherlock, Stargate SG1, Dr Who, Fringe
    • Favourite Books: The Horus Heresy, and Warhammer 40K novels in general
    • Pets: a veritable zoo, 3 cats, a dog, several lizards, 2 rats, and a big toad
    • Hobbies: Writing, gaming, sword and knife collecting
    • Job: Community Manager
    • Additional Info (1000 words or less): Not sure what else to share!
  • Who’s Who on the forum

    Who’s Who – Admiral RRRSole

    Gamertag: Admiral RRRSole
    Name Rob
    Country Australia
    Languages English and Aussie slang
    Age 56 going onto to 21. Oh that just put a naughty image in my head. :P
    Platform Potato PC
    Favourite Colour Black or a woman in pink. :P
    Favourite Food & Drink Pizza & Beer. Why is this even a question, is there anything else? Oh of course, meat pies & beer.
    Favourite Games: I haven't made it yet. True racing simulators or any half decent arcade racer... as long as they have real cars, muscle cars and not just the same ol' exotic cars garbage.
    Favourite Movies: The Jerk, Top Secret & Hot Shots (1 & 2)
    Favourite TV Shows: Most comedies "Big Bang Theory", "Two and a Half Men", "Mr Bean". Any car custom or restro show (Overhaulers, Kingdigit designs, Fast & Loud, Fired Up Garage) and "Street Outlaws".
    Favourite Books: Anything by Hugh Hefner or Dr Suess. :o)
    Pets: 1 dog, 2 cats, 2 chickens, numerous rainbow lorikeets and geckos.
    Hobbies: Creating maps & cars for games and programming. Yet I'm not into the usual geek stuff (i.e. comics or any sci-fi) and never have been.
    Job: Caring for my autistic son and injured animals. Killing deadly snakes, then killing them again.
    I have been paid to create game maps so I guess by definition, that makes me a professional.
    Additional Info (1000 words or less): Played the beta of Sea of Thieves, pre-ordered the game and have been playing ever since launch (minus a day or two here and there).
    I am a Pirate Legend A8+ and still wondering when the game begins.

    @Skulliah: All hail Jake the pig.
    Geez I hope I got that right. I have a shocking memory.

    @FishSt1ck: Congrats on the expected baby.... just don't call it "Jake" for reasons above. lol

  • Who’s Who – JacketedLawyer6

    Gamertag: JacketedLawye6
    Name Definitely not Jack
    Country Murica
    Languages English and some Latin
    Age 15
    Platform Xbox One
    Favourite Colour Red
    Favourite Food & Drink French fries and milk
    Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 4, COD, PUBG, Fortnite, No Mans Sky.
    Favourite Movies: Star Wars, Hacksaw Ridge, Saving Private Ryan, Avengers series.
    Favourite TV Shows: Star Trek (current series), The Office (American), Brooklyn 19, SNL
    Favourite Books: Miscellanious, like Sci-fi, Historical Fivtion and WW2 stuff.
    Pets: 1 golden retriever, shepherd mix and hamster
    Hobbies: Playing Videogames, Moaning about homework, playing drums, reading, and playing Dungeons and Dragons (retro b**o right here)
    Job: Still in high school shut up.
    Additional Info: Not much. Got interested in SoT a few months from launch and things started rolling from there.

  • Who’s Who

    Gamertag: Tartansnake
    Name: Chris
    Country: Australia
    Languages: Bad English
    Age: 38
    Platform: Xbox One
    Favourite Colour: Green
    Favourite Food & Drink: Pizza, Peanut M&Ms, Irn-Bru and Rum
    Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves, Destiny 1&2, FIFA, X-Com, The Settlers, Monkey Island Series
    Favourite Movies: The Goonies, The Rock, Ready Player One
    Favourite TV Shows: Black Sails, The Amazing Race, Plant Earth
    Favourite Books: ?????
    Pets: Larsson (Snake)
    Hobbies: Football (Soccer), Videogames, Travelling
    Job: No idea but I get paid for something.
    Additional Info (1000 words or less): 1000 words or less, you must be kidding.

  • Gamertag: Ever Reddy
    Name: Eddy
    Country: England
    Languages: English
    Age: 41
    Platform: Xbox One
    Favourite Colour: Purple
    Favourite Food & Drink: Cheese & Wine (though in a scoffing and quaffing way, none of that pretentious nibbling and spitting here thankyouverymuch!)
    Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves, Deus Ex, Command & Conquer
    Favourite Movies: Star Wars, The Fifth Element, Lord of the Rings, The Princess Bride, The Last Samurai
    Favourite TV Shows: Babylon 5, Black Sails, Vikings, Galavant
    Favourite Books: Anything by Sir Terry Pratchett (RIP) or Neil Gaiman, Lord of the Rings, Kate Travis' Republic Commando series
    Pets: 1 Cat
    Hobbies: Video games, board games, eating cheese
    Job: University Admin
    Additional Info (1000 words or less): I've been a gamer for about 30 years and have been playing SoT since the Alpha. My gaming time is limited these days though so I've only recently hit the rank of Legend. I've also been extremely busy of late, so not been able to get onto the forum quite as much as I used to! Hopefully that'll change fairly soon though.

  • @stacky-a haha i didnt even think about real name. I'm Kyle. Stacey is a pretty name I like it! And 33 that's right haha I remember my wife hearing you and saying why are you playing with little kids haha. Then I was like she is ten yrs older than you are! haha.

  • @revanjstone lol thanks haha. Maybe I should add that to my additional info "Sounds like a kid" haha. I can usually still pass as being 20 odd, always asked for ID.

  • @stacky-a Better then sounding like some posh Englishmen while actually being broke! XD

    Fancy a trade?

  • Gamertag: NoFears Fun
    Name Fears
    Country USA
    Languages English and Bad English
    Age 47
    Platform Xbox One X and PC
    Favourite Colour I prefer bright colors
    Favourite Food & Drink Pizza and Diet Barq's
    Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves, Neverwinter, Star Wars: Battlefront II
    Favourite Movies: Everything Marvel
    Favourite TV Shows: Everything Star Trek, Walking Dead
    Favourite Books: Everything by Tom Clancy
    Pets: None
    Hobbies: Gaming, day dreaming
    Job: Sales/Engineer - building life safety systems
    Additional Info (1000 words or less): Started game a full month and half after official launch. Got talked into it by a friend. Actually had to buy a console (first console of any kind I have owned since Sega). Got hooked right away. Played fast and hard to grind out PL. Since becoming PL, have traded in grinding mentality for a whatever happens today mentality, freeing me up for many more adventures and stories.

  • Jezus , this will be a lot of scrolling upwards and downwards. My memory is so broken that i can't remember the sequence of data ( * As long as you remember to keep yer ...waste in then i'm more than happy, moron)
    Gamertag : Clumsy George
    **Name: ** Please call me George, i hate my real name ( * Oi, yokel...you forgot all the names yer factory"mates" give you: Dumbo, fool,wacko, old sock, f-t**d, nag, pinguin , Death man limping, Silverfox...and my personal favorite : Moron. - Oh, Sunshine, please don't destroy this topic with yer bad mood * " Bad Mood" ,Captain Tearface ...i'm the happiest braincell around, i can bash on the moron and no one is going to stop me ,hihihihihih).
    Country: Belgium
    Languages: Flemish and a bit English ( * A bit? None at all, would be better dufus...You only mimick sounds like a parrot!)
    Age: 43 ( * 43!!!! And still you need Mommy to tie yer shoelaces - SUNSHINE!!!! * What? i'm only telling the truth...)
    Platform: ( * He wasn't born on a platform...He slipped throught the hands of the vet when he was born, he was a slippery little eal baby and fell on his head ...no platform except the floor to catch him) The Divine Spencer Machine: Xbox One.
    Favourite Colour: The Colour of Life ,of course ...Black as Night
    Favourite Food and Drink: Tea with lemon...Belgian Frites with Belgian stewed meat
    Favourite Games: Without one doubt : Sea of Thieves, second and others are Gears of War franchise, The Settlers, Total War Series, Fable 1,2 and 3. Mass Effect 1,2,3, Dragon age series , Elders' Scrolls, Fall out series 1,2, Tactics,3, New Vegas, 4 , Jagged Alliance 2 , Xcom series, Gabriel Knight series,....
    favourite movies: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars episode 4,5,6, and all Western with Clint Eastwood in it , and of course many movies with Jim Carrey...What a Talent...Master and Commander
    Favourite TV shows: Sherlock, Hornblower , Black Sails
    Pets: None, had a dog, Orry a Shetland Sheepdog, the sweetest little rascal i ever had ...he died in my arms when the vet put him asleep...Never been able to replace him since then , i just can't...
    Hobbies: i like reading, and Videogames are my life .
    Job: Isn't that a Bilblical figure ? ( * They mean work , moron! ...Jezus and All other Saints, i will take this. the Moron works in a factory , mostly on a miniature testing street , so he can't break the big, moneymaking productionstreets...And if the work is done you can find him sweeping the floor with his Relical Broom, anyone that moves that Broom is in trouble , his Broom is Holy and he hides it so only he can use it..." A fruitcake " i hear you say ....Well, you have noooooo idea , hihihihi).
    Adiitional Info : What? Only 1000 words or less? Who made this Topic? Are ye out of yer mind? i can only say hello in thousend words...( * Talk about yerself, dufus) Well, uhm...what can i say ( * It depends if people will understand you, fool....hihihihi). i 've been here 2 months after the Forum started , i was one of the First 1000 Alpha testers and i'm still proud on that ( * It was pure luck , fool, they wanted the opinion of a moron and wham , the biggest Moron of all time was on their Forum) and i will always love SOT ...It has me brought more emotional and inner mental joy than all my other games together...i'm a slow reader, no make it slow translator and therefor i have lost the peleton of Forumposts.This once ,together with a massive dark mental cloud after two years of pure joy, made me erase my account on the Forum....My worst mistake ever ...i may look like a very social Forumman but i'm very shy in real life , that sounds through towards new or random pirates too,so if you should meet me ,have some patience ...i'm like a Diesel engine, i need to warm up before the adrenaline starts flowing but when it flows...oh boy ( * Yep ,Massive headache garanteed, hehehehe)...

  • Gamertag: lizalaroo
    Name: Liz
    Country: UK
    Languages: English
    Age: Older than you lot :P
    Platform: PC
    Favourite Colour: Purple and yellow
    Favourite Food & Drink: Any cake, voddy and coke
    Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves, Guild Wars 2, Monkey Island series, anything Lego, anything Zelda, anything Nintendo :P
    Favourite Movies: The Goonies, Ghostbusters 1 & 2, LOTR, The Hobbit.
    Favourite TV Shows: Stargate, Star Trek, anything Sci-fi actually,
    Favourite Books: Too many! Skullduggery Pleasant, LOTR, The Hobbit, Happy Potter, Artemis Fowl, and many more.
    Pets: A really old Westie we rescued called Hollie and, I also want a VECTOR!
    Hobbies: Games, making lots of stuff, drawing and zentangling
    Job: Teaching Assistant
    Additional Info (1000 words or less): Hmmmm

  • @lizalaroo said

    Age: Older than you lot :P

    We can try to count wrinkles all day long (zzzzz) Get off the lawn you hooligan (zzzzz) but no use making this a 24hr endurance.
    Lets settle this by a good ol' fashion "sit & stand" contest. Whoever creaks and cracks the most is the oldest.

    Ready, set.... a little help please. No no, the other way, I'm trying to sit not stand.

    Hobbies: Games, making lots of stuff, drawing and zentangling

    Okay, now that I have already started this reply I have to ask. What is "zentangling"?
    It sounds like "centering" but on the Z axis. lol

    Perhaps it's Chinese Twister?

  • @ant-heuser-kush Nice! a fellow New Yorker.

    • Gamertag: Muzackmann
    • Name Zack
    • Country USA
    • Languages English
    • Age 33
    • Platform Xbox One/PC
    • Favourite Colour Black
    • Favourite Food & Drink Taco's and Mt. Dew
    • Favourite Games: Sea of Thieves, Final Fantasy(any of the series), Diablo 1,2,3, Overwatch, and probably 200 other ones I can't think of currently.
    • Favourite Movies: Anything Marvel, Ready Player One, Flight Of The Navigator, Goonies
    • Favourite TV Shows: Seven Deadly Sins, DB,Z,GT, Bleach (theres a theme here I think)
    • Favourite Books: Ready Player One, anything by Michael Crichton or Douglas Adams.
    • Pets: A Hermit Crab, and a Goldfish
    • Hobbies: Playing music and video games mostly
    • Job: Owner of a Family Fun Center
    • Additional Info (1000 words or less): Been playing SoT since first week of launch and while I started slow, my whole family of 5 has been over taken by pirates (even the kids are getting into it). At this point even my less the one year old has a SoT mural going up in his room. It's a pirates life for us.
  • @admiral-rrrsole zentangling is.....

    Where you draw a picture and fill it with shapes. 😄

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