(Forsaken Shores Spoilers) Grace's Journal - Ashen Reaches

  • This looks like a journal, belonging to 'Grace'

    • Week 43

    I talk to myself so much, I've started answering. But you know what? It isn't lonely here, not really.

    It's too loud and dangerous for me to feel alone. It's more like living with a big, angry monster.

    I entertain myself with game and by exploring the region. I have a grog or two, if any bottles wash up. Sometimes the giant sharks try to e****e.

    I noticed something. There's always a quake just before an eruption. I can avoid them, if I'm careful.

    So I guess I get to survive a while longer.

    • Week ??

    I've lost count of the years I've been here, but I'm not bored.

    The great sharks keep me on my toes! I call the biggest, angriest one 'Redmaw'. She reminds me of my mother.

    Then there was the merfolk incident. They weren't so friendly in these parts. But I've smoothed things over, since I married their prince...

    Then the Ferry of the Damned appeared! If it had been around sooner, my crew might still be alive.

    I took a couple trips there, but how long was I truly gone? Decades? Who knows. The Ferryman seemed amused to keep me in his service.

    Several Years flew by during the invasion of the crabs. I wish someone had been here to see me take down Lord Pinch! What an epic adventure!

    And I suppose all those visits from the Pirate Lord helped. Gosh, I remember when he was still alive. Me, Jim, Ruby, we were practically kids.

    This is the text that you can find in Captain Grace Morrow's journal. You can find on Ashen Reaches.

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  • 9
  • just pointing out that this text is from the journal on ashen reaches, there is a journal on rubys fall, but its set in the first few weeks they were in the devils roar.

  • Lord Pinch huh?
    Giant Crab boss confirmed?

  • @brackengoblin This is the journal from Ashen Reaches its just I typed up the wrong island name in the description. facepalm

  • How many journal Grace's there are? I have found 2 book so far (Ruby Fall and Ashen Reaches)

  • @d42striker

    I'm really grateful you posted this, after hearing @CaptainLogun's theories on the Tuesday stream I've been interested in what the residents of Forsaken Shores have to say for themselves.

    'all those visits from the Pirate Lord helped' hmmmm.

  • @wesliver So far we only know of two.

  • @d42striker thanks for telling us again

  • @sgt-palooggoo AYE CONFRIMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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