New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves)


    First off, Im a firm believer that every player in SOT should (geographically speaking) experience the same things to keep the world consistent. For example, islands should all appear the same to players to make everyone's stories and adventures relatable. The locations of each island and all large structures in the oceans shouldn't be randomly placed (like it already is) to allow players to learn the map and make consistent and accurate calls in terms of navigation.

    However, I would enjoy some aspect of randomness and unpredictability when it comes to activities.

    The Story
    The most fearsome pirates in all the Sea of Thieves, the Skeleton Pirate Lords have hidden their most valuable treasures within an ever changing Labyrinth to prevent future generations from stealing their bounty. Rumor has it they still dwell among their riches to protect it from any pirate attempting to reach it. The Order of the Souls have discovered the entrance to these mysterious Labyrinths and created keys to open each one. The Order is calling all pirates to purchase the keys end descend deep into the unknown in search of these treasures.

    The Details
    Create an OOS mission type that would ask players to take on "The Labyrinth". This idea would ask players to purchase a Labyrinth Key from the OOS vendor, then travel to one of several tiny islands where you would enter an ever changing series of underground cave rooms to finally get to the final room where you would take on a skeleton pirate lord.

    Think like The Underground in The Division or Phantasy Star Online 2 style procedurally generated rooms. There would be a dozen or so predesigned rooms with one or two variations to each room. Every time you enter The Labyrinth you would start with a different room and each room would be different than the previous. The order of the rooms would change each time you played it and the enemies and objectives of the room would vary in each room.

    One cool aspect of this would be that things could offer platformer style experiences not currently in SOT. For example, certain rooms wouldn't require players to kill enemies to advance. Certain rooms could require a puzzle to be completed by the players, rooms could have deadly traps to avoid or certain rooms could have huge or difficult structures to traverse.

    Imagine a room where you have to finish a puzzle while the room fills up with water, so you have to complete the puzzle or else you'll drown. Or a room where there are stone platforms you have to jump to and if you miss you'll fall to your death in a dark pit. Or a room you'll need to fire yourself out from a cannon to land on a swinging platform. There are so many fun ideas to think of for rooms that don't require killing enemies to proceed. The cool thing is, the dev's could craft new rooms and add them to the Labyrinth room pool later.

    This could also be an awesome way to introduce skeleton lords into the game. If anyone has ever purchased or skimmed through the art book, you'll see an incredible amount of detail and variation in the skeleton lords. This could be a really cool way to give each skeleton lord their own time to shine. Each lord could have a unique boss room as well as a unique combat style. This could allow players to experience unique and otherwise impossible fights because the boss would be in an enclosed environment that could be completely manipulated by the boss. Each skeleton lord even appears to have visual/cosmetic ties to certain areas of the map (Shores of Plenty, Ancient Isles, The Wilds, Devils Roar). Let's say there is a Labyrinth island or two in each zone, then the boss you fight at the end could be tied to the zone you started The Labyrinth in. The zone you start The Labyrinth in could also be reflected in the visual style of the Labyrinth rooms or even its difficulty. For example, The Labyrinth in the Shores of Plenty could be beautiful and colorful and easy. But The Labyrinth in the Devil's Roar could be fiery and dark and more difficult than the rest. There's a lot of possibilities here for differentiation.

    Once you get to the end and defeat the boss you'll get access to his treasure room. There you'll get some instant rewards for your hard work, like gold or a piece of a clothing set unique to that boss, as well as items you'll have to turn in like fort loot.

    So how do you prevent puppy guarding you ask? There are several ideas with some variation to them. Some of these were even created by others here in this thread! Thank you for your awesome ideas friends. So here we go...

    • Idea #1: The Labyrinth islands could work like the island Thieves Haven where your ship can physically sail into the island through an entrance and settle at a dock. This is where some variations can occur. The first variation is that similar to Thieves Haven, your ship remains open to attack from other players but the island is fortified with cannons to protect your ship and there's only one way in and out. With this idea, similar to Forts, it would be smart to leave a player behind to defend your ship while others take on the Labyrinth. The second variation to this idea is that when you finally enter the island with your ship and use your key a great wall would rise at the entrance to the island and protect your ship until you defeat the boss or quit the mission. Then once you beat the boss and start carrying your loot back the wall would drop and you'd be vulnerable to attack again. As this wall rises, this would put you into a private instance and the server you left would fill your spot to keep the open world populated.
    • Idea 2: Again, each Labyrinth Island would mimic Thieves Haven where you're able to physically sail your ship into the island. EXCEPT, the entrances to the island requires your ship to sail through a large waterfall to get to the center. Sailing through this waterfall would mask the server change and you would then enter a private instance to take on the Labyrinth and your spot in the open world would be replaced to keep the world populated. If you didn't have the proper Labyrinth mission purchased and proposed then trying to sail into the waterfall would either result in not transferring into a private server and you'd basically be sailing into an island with nothing for you and you could be followed in, or you couldn't sail through it at all. You would just crash into a rock wall. Either way, not having the mission activated would result in the islands not helping you in any way. Then once you're in the waterfall and the Labyrinth has begun, you're able to respawn at your ship safely!

    No matter what idea is selected from above, this main dock in the center of the island could be creepy and cool and serve as a place to stock up before the upcoming Labyrinth adventure. The nice thing about any of these ideas too is it will still require the player to return to the open world servers with your loot to turn it in. This would keep everything in line with risk/reward system!

    The End
    This concludes my insanely long feature request! If you read it all, I commend you. If you have any additions or ideas to add I would love to hear it. Thank you all!

  • 61
  • So you want to add a dungen crawl element that are private instances on the island that procedural generates the dungeon upon quest purchase and is tied to an object. Well i must say this is a very elaborate idea and would actually add a real adventure element to this so called adventure game althou i see a think of a few things that could be problematic.

    So is this "Key" a phyiscal object?

    Can it be stolen by another crew?

    What happens if another crew steals it?

    How can they find the location?

    Would they even be able to open the door with a stolen key?

    Does the door close when all crew walks thru the door?

    What happens if a crewmate has the door shut on him leaving them outside?

    Does the teleport all the crew member into the dungeon after the frist one enter?

    I could see more issues but ill let you answer these first. Great post though.

  • @enf0rcer Thank you for your comments! I'll give you some possible solution and answers to your questions above!

    So is this "Key" a phyiscal object?

    • Yes, I think it could be similar to a fort key in the sense that you're able to hold it in your hands and drop it.

    Can it be stolen by another crew?

    • I think that should be totally possible. Similar to how cargo runs can be stolen and turned in by another crew.

    What happens if another crew steals it?

    • If stolen you can return to the OOS vendor for another mission. Since this idea means the are 8 total Labyrinths, and right now there are only 6 possible crews per server I believe, there should always be an available Labyrinth.

    How can they find the location?

    • Similar to OOS Bounties, there could be a mission paper with the island name and picture, or its on the key for the players to press Y to read the key and it could tell you where to go.

    Would they even be able to open the door with a stolen key?

    • Yes, I think so.

    Does the door close when all crew walks thru the door?

    • Yes, I think the door will close once all crew members are inside.

    What happens if a crewmate has the door shut on him leaving them outside?

    • It shouldn't close until everyone is inside I think.

    Does the teleport all the crew member into the dungeon after the frist one enter?

    • I think the dungeon should only start once everyone is inside and the door has shut.
  • @stryker-osiris I really like the idea, I’ve always been a fan of randomly generated dungeon crawlers. This would be a great change in what it means to sail the seas. Unfortunately, it’d be at least a year before the developers would unlikey implement such an idea. Nonetheless, it is a fun idea to entertain.

    There are currently 6 inactive forts, these would make great locations for such an idea. Just use the vaults as the entryways for the dungeon. You could either risk leaving your boat at the fort, or drop a rowboat off and let your boat coast away so that it looks like no one is at the dungeon island. Perhaps make it so that multiple rowboats spawn on the dungeon island so that you can still escape with the treasure if something happens to your boat while you’re gone.

    This idea would greatly favor alliances, not sure how I feel about that...

  • @stryker-osiris

    Fantastic post and an idea which I really like, especially incorporating puzzles into the journey as well as defeating enemies, it's certainly plausible given that caves feature in the world and in the Tales book, Flameheart and his crew encounter something along these lines.

  • How about this...

    Dungeon portals occasionally spawn inside the caves of islands that have caves. Upon entering, you must complete the challenge without dying, otherwise the portal is deleted and no loot/commendation is rewarded. Keep it short and sweet, especially considering your boat is vulnerably waiting outside while you complete the dungeon.

  • @stryker-osiris This idea is coming along nicely. There where some great anwers so with this info i would like make some suggestions from my anaylsis.

    So as i understand it right now there will be a set number of Doors. 8 in total and each of which has it's own key.

    Then i suggest easiest way the detmine which key goes to what door is to make each Key visually unique with a matching lock on the door. That way you have gets the key could figureout where there have to go. This adds a bit of exploration to the mix instead of just telling player where to go.

    Next thing from a technical perspective you sound as if you want these dungeon rendered in the current instance instead of a seperate private instance. This is far more difficult to do then having private instances which would be far easier to do. This will also effect weather other crews can join or not. So i will address these two senarios sepreatly.

    For Private Instances:

    This would prevent other crews from everpartipating.
    It could also break immersion as it would need to add a load screen and a portal like entrance.
    Would allow the dungeon to be generated upon entrence.
    It would also allow dungeons the be scaled in difficulty for crew size easier allowing for more varity in creative option for dungeons.
    I assuming that when a crew member dies they would respawn in the dungeon requiring it to be completed before they could leave. Or will end if all crewmembers leave the session.
    Question: Should the Dungeon be joinable if a crewmate leaves or dc's and a spot open up or is the looby locked?

    For Current Instance.

    This would potentially make so other crews can join if no mechnics are put into place to prevent it.
    If other crews are able to join then this would be made into a Raid.
    This would also make generating dungeons much more difficult as they would be limited to there construction as they would have to made changing to do for muiltiple players of diferent while still doable for a solo player.
    This would also be have to be taking off the voyage system to prevent to many dungeon type raids to be going on in the session as this would cause way to much stress on the client. It would have to be do as a world event.
    Qestion should alliances be allowed with this?

    Lastly the other big hurdel i see is at the end. You mentioned that the ship would be left outside but made immoble and indestructable. This however does not stop other crew from camping the entrance or stealing loot and resources from the ship. This part was not thought throu enough.

    Maybe we could make the entrance large enough for the whole ship?

    Perhaps the ship would despawn and then respawn from a saved state?

    Some ideas need to be brian stromed on this part.

  • @they-sank I agree, it would take a long time for the Devs to make something like this but I would gladly wait!

    I think once a crew is in the Labyrinth their ship should be protected. Like its unable to move or receive damage. Then when you're out, win or lose, your ship is vulnerable again. This would make it so trolls would most likely get bored waiting for you to return since they cant damage your boat. OR they stick it out and are in it for the long-hall haha.

  • @katttruewalker Thank you for your support! I think this idea could really improve or at least alter the daily grind and switch things up. And as mentioned before, this is something they could add to over the life cycle of the game. New rooms, puzzles and bosses could be added down the road and keep things super fresh! I also think this would really fit the many personalities of the Skeleton Pirate Lords that have yet to make it into the game.

  • @they-sank said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    How about this...

    Dungeon portals occasionally spawn inside the caves of islands that have caves. Upon entering, you must complete the challenge without dying, otherwise the portal is deleted and no loot/commendation is rewarded. Keep it short and sweet, especially considering your boat is vulnerably waiting outside while you complete the dungeon.

    That's certainly one possibility! How would you feel if your ship was indestructible at least only once you're in the Labyrinth? Then the quest could go on much longer and you would know your ship would be where you left it when you entered! Then once you complete the quest your ship can take damage and be moved by other teams while you're hauling loot back to your ship.

  • @enf0rcer I couldn't agree more with some of these ideas! Especially the one about the keys all having distinct looks to them. This way you are able to know which key goes where without any additional UI clutter.

    "Question: Should the Dungeon be joinable if a crewmate leaves or dc's and a spot open up or is the looby locked?"
    I think the dungeons should all be completable with 1 player (Granted it would be really tough) just in case a crew member or two leaves. Then if you have your crew set to "Open" then people could join you through matchmaking like they would any other time. The waves of enemies could scale depending on how many people are in the crew. But the puzzles themselves should be doable with just one person.

    "Lastly the other big hurdel i see is at the end. You mentioned that the ship would be left outside but made immobile and indestructible. This however does not stop other crew from camping the entrance or stealing loot and resources from the ship. This part was not thought throu enough."
    Yeah my answer to this problem was one I thought up rather quickly. Honestly, I just thought that if a Labyrinth mission took lets say 30 minutes on average to complete, then a team wouldn't want to wait around for that time for you to return. That would be a LONG wait just to troll someone. So that's why I thought that if your ship was immobile and indestructible then the trolling players would lose interest. Then, if the Labyrinth had 3 potential exits that could be chosen to be the one you leave from then they wouldn't know exactly where you would be coming out from. This would remove a lot of opportunities to get blind sided.

    BUT lets just say a group of sweaty trolls wanted to stick it out for 30 minutes and wait for you to return to your ship, this is also why I had the idea to give players instant rewards for their hard work in completing the Labyrinth. That way if you get ambushed after the Labyrinth you at least got SOMETHING for all your hard work.

    So I think the options are

    • Keep the ships in the world but immobile and indestructible until the team kills the boss
    • De-spawn the ship and make it reappear when the boss is defeated

    What ever would make it easier on the game in terms of loading, as well as keep players immersed in the world.

  • @stryker-osiris said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):
    Very good as to for this next point i came up with an idea when disscusing on the Arena MegaThread. Make sure to go check that out if you haven't.

    "Lastly the other big hurdel i see is at the end. You mentioned that the ship would be left outside but made immobile and indestructible. This however does not stop other crew from camping the entrance or stealing loot and resources from the ship. This part was not thought throu enough."
    Yeah my answer to this problem was one I thought up rather quickly. Honestly, I just thought that if a Labyrinth mission took lets say 30 minutes on average to complete, then a team wouldn't want to wait around for that time for you to return. That would be a LONG wait just to troll someone. So that's why I thought that if your ship was immobile and indestructible then the trolling players would lose interest. Then, if the Labyrinth had 3 potential exits that could be chosen to be the one you leave from then they wouldn't know exactly where you would be coming out from. This would remove a lot of opportunities to get blind sided.

    BUT lets just say a group of sweaty trolls wanted to stick it out for 30 minutes and wait for you to return to your ship, this is also why I had the idea to give players instant rewards for their hard work in completing the Labyrinth. That way if you get ambushed after the Labyrinth you at least got SOMETHING for all your hard work.

    So I think the options are

    • Keep the ships in the world but immobile and indestructible until the team kills the boss
    • De-spawn the ship and make it reappear when the boss is defeated

    What ever would make it easier on the game in terms of loading, as well as keep players immersed in the world.

    My though what if we made it so when you open door your ship gets sucked into a whrilpool and is suck into the end of the dungeon forcing your crew to commit to doing the dungeon and after you beat the boss or whatever the end room of the dungeon lies a dock with your ship where you could load up the goods and sails thru a waterfall portal back into the sea as your ship raise from the ocean like a skelly ship. They were goning to do that for the legends AF hideout anyways. It would make the most sense to me.
    What you Think?

  • I think the ship should stay there.
    It will be moveable and destructible!

    That would add to decision making. Will i leave 1 crew mate to take care of the ship? or we all go in and dont care for the ship.

    It kinda is like going to the legendary hide out. But now u just be gone for a longer period.

    Other question about indesctrucion?
    U tailing me to hunt me and sink me, i sail toward dungeon, dock run in and now my ship is unsinkable? Bit unfair for the hunting party. If they want something out of it they now have to wait 30 min (if they are lucky because u might take twice as long)

  • First of all love the ideas

    Imagine a room where you have to finish a puzzle while the room fills up with water, so you have to complete the puzzle or else you'll drown. Or a room where there are stone platforms you have to jump to and if you miss you'll fall to your death in a dark pit. Or a room you'll need to fire yourself out from a cannon to land on a swinging platform. There are so many fun ideas to think of for rooms that don't require killing enemies to proceed. The cool thing is, the dev's could craft new rooms and add them to the Labyrinth room pool later.

    However if there was the chance of dying within the labyrinth then you need to be able to respawn within the labyrinth, rather than a few islands away... Otherwise it would get too frustrating and tedious to actually get the loot if you keep dying

  • @enf0rcer I think the private instance would be best because it has huge pros to the one small con of breaking immersion with the loading.
    However the loading would not be long at all compared to the loading of the game because it is a much smaller world that is being generated.

  • @weakdexx said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I think the ship should stay there.
    It will be moveable and destructible!

    That would add to decision making. Will i leave 1 crew mate to take care of the ship? or we all go in and dont care for the ship.

    It kinda is like going to the legendary hide out. But now u just be gone for a longer period.

    Other question about indesctrucion?
    U tailing me to hunt me and sink me, i sail toward dungeon, dock run in and now my ship is unsinkable? Bit unfair for the hunting party. If they want something out of it they now have to wait 30 min (if they are lucky because u might take twice as long)

    I would like this, but my only issue is what would be the reason to send a group a not just 1 player?

    Also how would this be fair for a solo player? I mean i guess we could give them a rowboat at the end.

  • @enf0rcer

    u can send in 1 guy instead of the group. I reckon its just harder or takes longer. As example take Skull Fort. Some crews all go together sometimes they keep 1 or even 2 at ship.

    For a solo player its part of the risk. Just come up with a way that u can collect the loot even if your ship is sunk. So example Solo player goes in. Ship is sunk by enemy. Player finishes dungeon. Comes out, sees ship is sunk. Hides key/loot. Needs to get a new ship. Than opens the dungeon door.

    Whats diffrent from skull fort? or skelly ships if u solo. U need to get back to collect the loot. All part of the risk being solo.

    Just make sure even after sunk its possible to collect the loot or at least an option to still collect.

  • I'm thinking a design like Thieves' Haven where there is a cavern or similar shelter for your ship. When a dungeon is active (don't make it instanced) Just have the cannons protecting it relentlessly attack any crew that doesn't have the key. Or better yet, skelly ships patrol the island to tie up would be enemy crews. If a crew or alliance is persistent enough they can break through the defense to get to your ship and the opened caverns as well, ala Indiana Jones bad guy.

    I think the risk reward aspect is important and that all dungeons need to be in the same instance.

  • I like it.

    • All of this needs to happen in the same instance.
    • Each island could have three or four possible locations for hidden caves.
    • RARE can randomly produce the room sequences of said caves, changing them on a semi-regular basis.
    • On average, the rooms should be three or four rooms, trap, puzzle, skill challenge, then the boss.
    • The cave entrance collapses/closes after a short period of time. If you die inside, you respawn on your ship. No second chances.
    • Beating the boss and taking the loot, the cave re-opens, either at the same entrance point, or a second exit point.
    • Your ship isn't safe. Leave someone with it, or take your chances.

    There might be a longer, labyrinth-style cave system as a server-wide event every once in awhile, but it should all be in the same instance.

  • @weakdexx said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):


    u can send in 1 guy instead of the group. I reckon its just harder or takes longer. As example take Skull Fort. Some crews all go together sometimes they keep 1 or even 2 at ship.

    For a solo player its part of the risk. Just come up with a way that u can collect the loot even if your ship is sunk. So example Solo player goes in. Ship is sunk by enemy. Player finishes dungeon. Comes out, sees ship is sunk. Hides key/loot. Needs to get a new ship. Than opens the dungeon door.

    Whats diffrent from skull fort? or skelly ships if u solo. U need to get back to collect the loot. All part of the risk being solo.

    Just make sure even after sunk its possible to collect the loot or at least an option to still collect.

    I must admit you make a good argument there. I guess these are just risk you have to accept and thats a positive thing. That the Priates Way.

  • I second this idea. I posted in the suggestions about caving and dungeoning. It should take ideas like tomb raider with traps and riddles that require thinking to solve rather than find such and such and dig.

    Though I'd prefer it to be a new faction rather than an existing one (OoS), but that's sort of my own preference.

  • I like the idea, but I can imagine it being like a more complicated skull fort. You clear some waves, you kill the captain, and you get a key. Also I feel like fleet discords / alliances would not make this fair. I can imagine 8+ players heading into a single labyrinth to quickly clear it out and head to the next one. If something like this drops I feel like it would most likely be a bilge rat adventure, and still alliances would blaze through all the commendations.

  • I think the open world game would benefit from a simpler version of your idea, though as an alternate mode that could also be accessed from the arena tavern, where crews would all be forced into the same labyrinth at a different start point, and there could be different win conditions, etc, i could see it being added.

    Having the open world be the place that these labyrinths actually exist just causes too many unnecessary issues. There shouldnt be ships sitting around with people in dungeons for extended periods, with an otherwise barren overworld, and even if only one crew has an empty ship taking up a space that is an issue that skews encounter rates and there is no immersive way to have peoples ships sitting there waiting for them. They will be sunk 99% of the time if these dungeons last more than 15 minutes.

    Overall i love the idea, and would like to see dungeons in some form that is procedural and new each time added to this game. This is why im concerned with the implementation you suggest, as i dont see it belonging in an open world game with such a low population per server the way you suggest.

    Well thought out otherwise though and i think a lot of the ideas in the OP have merit.

  • @captain-arcanic said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I like it.

    • All of this needs to happen in the same instance.
    • Each island could have three or four possible locations for hidden caves.
    • RARE can randomly produce the room sequences of said caves, changing them on a semi-regular basis.
    • On average, the rooms should be three or four rooms, trap, puzzle, skill challenge, then the boss.
    • The cave entrance collapses/closes after a short period of time. If you die inside, you respawn on your ship. No second chances.
    • Beating the boss and taking the loot, the cave re-opens, either at the same entrance point, or a second exit point.
    • Your ship isn't safe. Leave someone with it, or take your chances.

    There might be a longer, labyrinth-style cave system as a server-wide event every once in awhile, but it should all be in the same instance.

    If they are basically 5-10 minute side missions like this, just procedurally generated each time then i take back my previous post.

    Add them to the open world all day long.

    To me labyrinth implies a larger scale and time to complete though, and the way the idea has been put forth in the OP suggests more complexity than simply rooms that appear with traps in them.

  • @stryker-osiris

    There are actually two islands that have underground labyrinthine caves to them. One is underwater and one is deep underground. Neither are being used for anything, so they could start by using that for your idea and build from there.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I second this idea. I posted in the suggestions about caving and dungeoning. It should take ideas like tomb raider with traps and riddles that require thinking to solve rather than find such and such and dig.

    Though I'd prefer it to be a new faction rather than an existing one (OoS), but that's sort of my own preference.

    Well think of it this way. The Merchants have two quest options now, deliveries and cargo runs. So should the Order of Souls and the Gold Hoarders.

  • @weakdexx Yeah thats a good point. I know it seems like a cop-out and a way to escape sinking, but I just feel like for loading purposes it might be hard to de-spawn your ship and respawn it when youre done. I think another idea someone mentioned is what if your ship entered a cave and cave door shut behind you and your ship. Then the ship doesn't have to despawn or stay in the outside world thus reducing the work load on the servers.

    Whats kinda fun about that idea is that once you complete the Labyrinth and you have all the loot on board, the doors will open and who knows who could be waiting outside for you! It would be like going to war right when you leave.

  • @chewywarden said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    First of all love the ideas

    Imagine a room where you have to finish a puzzle while the room fills up with water, so you have to complete the puzzle or else you'll drown. Or a room where there are stone platforms you have to jump to and if you miss you'll fall to your death in a dark pit. Or a room you'll need to fire yourself out from a cannon to land on a swinging platform. There are so many fun ideas to think of for rooms that don't require killing enemies to proceed. The cool thing is, the dev's could craft new rooms and add them to the Labyrinth room pool later.

    However if there was the chance of dying within the labyrinth then you need to be able to respawn within the labyrinth, rather than a few islands away... Otherwise it would get too frustrating and tedious to actually get the loot if you keep dying

    You know what could be possible? Lets say when you enter the Labyrinth and the door shuts behind you, the first room could be like a restock and respawn room. Maybe this first room could have a bunch of barrels to stock up and it could also have like a respawn portal for when you die. Then when you die you go back to the first room but still safe. Then you would have to just run back through the completed rooms to catch back up to your teammates.

  • @m1sterpunch said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I'm thinking a design like Thieves' Haven where there is a cavern or similar shelter for your ship. When a dungeon is active (don't make it instanced) Just have the cannons protecting it relentlessly attack any crew that doesn't have the key. Or better yet, skelly ships patrol the island to tie up would be enemy crews. If a crew or alliance is persistent enough they can break through the defense to get to your ship and the opened caverns as well, ala Indiana Jones bad guy.

    I think the risk reward aspect is important and that all dungeons need to be in the same instance.

    I think thats a great idea! One thought I had was similar to your. If the Labyrinth island allows you to sail your ship in (Like Thieves Haven) then a massive stone wall would close behind you while you are doing the challenge. This dock would allow your ship temporary protection and could allow you to respawn at your ship if you died during the Labyrinth. Then you could just run through the rooms you have already completed to catch up to your team. Then when you are done the wall retracts and you are vulnerable to attacks.

    I think your idea is awesome too! Just like forts youre never really safe. This is why you should leave a look out for tasks like those. This could be kept in the same kind vein if the Labyrinth went with your idea. An island that once your ship is in its easy to defend but hard to escape!

  • @captain-arcanic said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I like it.

    • All of this needs to happen in the same instance.
    • Each island could have three or four possible locations for hidden caves.
    • RARE can randomly produce the room sequences of said caves, changing them on a semi-regular basis.
    • On average, the rooms should be three or four rooms, trap, puzzle, skill challenge, then the boss.
    • The cave entrance collapses/closes after a short period of time. If you die inside, you respawn on your ship. No second chances.
    • Beating the boss and taking the loot, the cave re-opens, either at the same entrance point, or a second exit point.
    • Your ship isn't safe. Leave someone with it, or take your chances.

    There might be a longer, labyrinth-style cave system as a server-wide event every once in awhile, but it should all be in the same instance.

    That all sounds great to me! I think the idea of permadeath is interesting though. I couldnt imagine getting to the boss then dying and having to restart. That would certainly make it tough. Maybe have the first room serve as a respawn room where if you die you just have to run and get back to where you started? Either way, I like your ideas!

  • @xshaduh said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I like the idea, but I can imagine it being like a more complicated skull fort. You clear some waves, you kill the captain, and you get a key. Also I feel like fleet discords / alliances would not make this fair. I can imagine 8+ players heading into a single labyrinth to quickly clear it out and head to the next one. If something like this drops I feel like it would most likely be a bilge rat adventure, and still alliances would blaze through all the commendations.

    Maybe you make it so the Labyrinth wont begin until only the crew who started the mission is present in the first room? I know thats a bit of a complicated script for the developers but Im sure they could figure it out!

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I think the open world game would benefit from a simpler version of your idea, though as an alternate mode that could also be accessed from the arena tavern, where crews would all be forced into the same labyrinth at a different start point, and there could be different win conditions, etc, i could see it being added.

    Having the open world be the place that these labyrinths actually exist just causes too many unnecessary issues. There shouldnt be ships sitting around with people in dungeons for extended periods, with an otherwise barren overworld, and even if only one crew has an empty ship taking up a space that is an issue that skews encounter rates and there is no immersive way to have peoples ships sitting there waiting for them. They will be sunk 99% of the time if these dungeons last more than 15 minutes.

    Overall i love the idea, and would like to see dungeons in some form that is procedural and new each time added to this game. This is why im concerned with the implementation you suggest, as i dont see it belonging in an open world game with such a low population per server the way you suggest.

    Well thought out otherwise though and i think a lot of the ideas in the OP have merit.

    I see your concerns for sure. I myself am trying my best to work out the flaws and issues as they pop into my head. One idea someone had that was great was to make the Labyrinth start on islands like Thieves Haven where you can sail your ship into it and are able to defend it while the rest of the crew takes on the challenge. This would make it so there would be no spawning/despawning of your ship and no "indestructible" version of your ship while your away. One idea would be to make it so when you entered this island you have to sail under a waterfall to get into it and this waterfall would serve as a mask to put you in a private instance and remove you from the current server. You would be replaced by another crew to keep the worlds populated. Then when you are done you sail back out and it loads you into the world with your loot where you'll have to turn it in under the threat of players like normal. This waterfall of course wouldn't be able to sail through unless you have the key/mission to activate the Labyrinth. This would make it so people couldnt just sail into one of these islands to hide and escape that server. OR you could sail through the waterfall without the key but it wouldn't put you in your own server. You would basically be sailing into a death trap for yourself.

    Maybe if/when they add something like this, that would be a good time to up the player limits to keep the world alive while people take on more localized encounters like this.

  • @lucky-13-x said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):


    There are actually two islands that have underground labyrinthine caves to them. One is underwater and one is deep underground. Neither are being used for anything, so they could start by using that for your idea and build from there.

    I KNOW! The other day I was on Sailors Bounty just walking through the cave system and this is where this idea came from. Those caves are so awesome but they aren't be used for anything ATM. Which they totally should be. They're too darn cool.

  • @lucky-13-x said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @qtrmaster-zeta said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I second this idea. I posted in the suggestions about caving and dungeoning. It should take ideas like tomb raider with traps and riddles that require thinking to solve rather than find such and such and dig.

    Though I'd prefer it to be a new faction rather than an existing one (OoS), but that's sort of my own preference.

    Well think of it this way. The Merchants have two quest options now, deliveries and cargo runs. So should the Order of Souls and the Gold Hoarders.

    Thats exactly what I was thinking too! It could serve as a second mission type for OOS like Cargo Runs are for MA. But a Dungeon Faction could be sick too :p

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