Birds of Prey

  • Would be nice to see more wildlife generally...

    But having an aggressive bird of prey I think would be kind of cool. Maybe it's an oversized nasty looking parrot, eagle, or hawk.

    They could have nests high up on rocks and mountains, some may live on the isolated rocks out in the ocean. As ships sail too close, they may attack the pirates on board.

    Often they will land on a ship's crowsnest or masts, causing you to be unable to raise or lower your sails... They may be attracted to shiny objects, and have been known to carry away chests, oos skulls, and other loot that attracts them.

    Perhaps they might even carry a crew member away and drop him somewhere; if not out in the ocean, maybe in their nest, or on an island hilltop... or on another ship's deck.

    Perhaps, if you approach slowly and offer a banana, or some other food available (in a future update), they could be coaxed to be your mascot for a time and even attack your enemies...

    Perhaps treasures can be found in their nests, if you can reach them without being attacked and eaten.

    They should be able to be shot out of the sky as well if they become too aggressive.

    Just some thoughts on bringing more interesting life and challenges, from the skies of SoT.

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  • Perhaps the nests could contain golden eggs which are sort of the same price as captain chests, but to get them you have to fight off the birds - which wouldn't be easy as they fly around and swoop down upon you.

  • @chewywarden said in Birds of Prey:

    Perhaps the nests could contain golden eggs which are sort of the same price as captain chests, but to get them you have to fight off the birds - which wouldn't be easy as they fly around and swoop down upon you.

    I imagine their nests have lots of loot stolen from other ships. They would often swoop down and if anything is on the upper deck, they grab it and fly off. So their nests might have a great haul to plunder - again, if you can survive raiding the nest, or even reach it. You might have to cannon yourself to their nest, but then risk being eaten, or grabbed in mid-air and taken somewhere you would rather not go.

  • Remember that line from Merrick about how a Parrot poked out his eye? This could be a part of the introduction for them. Merrick comes back to the Sea of Thieves and these giant birds came with him "Must've followed me back the winged devils!" I am unsure as to what kind of content besides this would be added as only a giant bird type monster wouldn't warrant a full update. Parade of Parrots would be a great name for it XD

  • @starship42 I feel its great, but the server merge problem may cause some issues where all the loot may be deleted from the nest.

  • @starship42
    Maybe if you made them attracted to animals, it could add a new challenge to the Merchant Alliance fetch quest. On top of feeding the pig, you also have to stop birds from pecking at it

  • I think this is a genuinely good, and original, idea - there are bird clues in the game already too! And who wouldn't want a golden egg!? Upvoted +1.

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