Suggestions for the reaper's mark

  • Here's my ideas for the reaper flag that will promote more pvp action for those who want it.

    Only one reaper per server.
    If nobody has the reaper, it can be found in the skull fort loot room.
    It must be carried to the ship like a treasure.
    It can be placed anywhere on the ship.
    It can be stolen and carried away.
    It always shows on the map even when nobody posseses it.
    The crew with the reaper gets double gold and rep for voyages.
    The reaper crew can not be in an alliance.
    When the reaper ship is sunk, the reaper floats like a treasure until it sinks.
    If the reaper sinks and despawns, it's gone until the next skull fort where it respawns in the loot room.
    When the reaper is placed on the boat, the reaper flag is automatically displayed on the mast.

  • 16
  • The idea of the reaper'S mark as to bring pvp addicted players / crews together. How should this work if there is only one.

  • @goedecke-michel

    They are fighting FOR the reapers mark because now it has value (double gold and rep).

    It gives people a reason to fight, but only if they choose to fight.

  • Cool idea. Would definitely encourage those who want to fight, or those who want a major boost in their booty value when on a quest.

    Also, and this is really cool... the idea that it is a separate thing that can be stolen and carried away, or left somewhere... makes it a beacon that could attract PvP, but also trap setting and ambushes.

    So you could hide it somewhere on the map, even on an island, and it might attract players to find it, only to find themselves in a nasty situation.

    In a sense it is kind of a different take on the bounty idea too. once you have the reaper's flag in your possession, there's a automatic bounty on your head.

    Also, if you don't want PvP where you are sailing, you could plant it on someone elses boat, or leave it somewhere far away from where you want to be...

  • super cool idea. And gives both a PVE and a PVP reason to want the reaper flag and it's presence carries meaning.

    I like it.

    Maybe not it spawning in a fort room though. Just maybe at the top of one of the unused forts.

  • i like it

  • I foresee all sorts of problems with this, ranging from boosting to outright harassment.

  • I think the use of then Reaper’s Mark should stay mostly as it is. We just need to give pirates more reason to fly it.

    I like the idea of treasure aboard ship flying the Reaper’s Mark being worth more. It should work both ways. If you do your voyages with it flying you get an increase in gold and rep. What other pirates can steal from you is worth more as well.

    Instead of having to find one Reaper’s Mark, have it forced to be flown once it is placed from the flag box for a time limit or maybe the entire session you are on the server.

    If it was limited to one ship per server, it would be better to have to hunt the ship down that put it up and take it down by going to their crow’s nest.

  • I like the idea, but it could be a completely separate thing from the Reaper's mark. Call it the Flag of the Pirate King or something. Give the chance of it spawning as Skeleton Ship loot, or skeleton fort loot.

  • Love that idea, but i think it could be a new item.

  • If this is to enable pvp, I don't think its a good idea. I enjoy using the reapers mark to find enemy ships, and to limit it to 1 person means that there will only be one ship to find easily. I can also just easily access my reapers mark for the chance that someone wants to sail over to my boat and challenge me.

  • @magicjack69

    I like it. Another way to distract PvP players!

    But I would keep the current Red Reaper's mark flag and make this marking more distinct, like it is a Gold Reaper's mark flag that shows up on the map.

  • It needs checks and balances for it to work.

    Example, in order for your boost idea to work, then the crew that has the reaper flag must successfully sink 2 ships or more. Because I can see already people using it just to get more loot for nothing. Not everyone goes after someone with a reaper mark on the map.

    The alliance system was used for people to get to Athena 10, as an example of how these ideas could change the difficulty level if done a certain way. People get other people's ships and basically run the server until it can't handle being online anymore.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Suggestions for the reaper's mark:

    It needs checks and balances for it to work.

    Example, in order for your boost idea to work, then the crew that has the reaper flag must successfully sink 2 ships or more. Because I can see already people using it just to get more loot for nothing. Not everyone goes after someone with a reaper mark on the map.

    The alliance system was used for people to get to Athena 10, as an example of how these ideas could change the difficulty level if done a certain way. People get other people's ships and basically run the server until it can't handle being online anymore.

    The idea is that you can't be in an alliance with it active so your crew is the sole benefactor of the boost in rep. That means if other players want to just let you do that then you are "king of the hill" And you're probably not going to go around and harass other players if you are wanted to use the boost. So it really regulates itself.

  • @magicjack69

    Allright i got the reaper from skull fort vault.
    We dont sink for 3 hours.
    There be a reaper in the vault? Or do i lose the reaper to regain a new one?

    Im wondering.

8 out of 16