Bringing Dueling Into Sea of Thieves - Post Your Ideas!

  • Players need more activities while sailing to their next destination. Fishing is a start, but dueling with your own crew members would also be super cool! Post your ideas for how this might work! I will add the most popular ones to the original post.

    IDEA 1: Duelist Hat / Cursed Hat

    This is a hat available to all players from the clothing chest that would have the following text:

    "BEWARE: As long as this hat is equipped, your own crew members will be able to attack you!"


    • If you want to duel, you NEED to opt in by wearing the hat. This ensures griefers can't ruin another player's experience who does not want to duel.
    • The hat would be very visually obvious, so you can easily tell if one of your crew members wants to fight.

    IDEA 2: Dueling Emote (Thanks to @QTRmaster-Zeta for the idea!)

    Add an emote, similar to the "make friends" emote, that requires both players using it at the same time to initiate a duel.


    • Once agreed upon, players receive an on-screen notification "The duel is about to begin..." Once 5 seconds is up, a horn sounds for the 2 players, letting them know they can attack one another.
    • A dueling flag is dropped at the area the duel was agreed upon. If one player wanders off too far from the flag, he will receive a notification "You have forfeited the duel..."
    • Once lethal damage is dealt, players could drop to their knees and perform some type of "Beg for Mercy" emote instead of going to the Ferry.
    • The duel has a short time limit (say, 3 minutes) to prevent players from always being in "duel mode" and to encourage combat. If time runs out, players receive a notification "The duel was a draw..."
    • If you win the duel, a victorious trumpet sounds. If you lose the duel, a losing trumpet sounds.
    • Names ideas for emote: Beckon, Challenge, Fight, Duel
    • Animation ideas: Pirate runs finger across his throat, Pirate makes a "come get some" gesture with his hand

    IDEA 3: Unarmed Combat

    Unarmed combat needs to come to Sea of Thieves! Not only would this be awesome for dueling or a way to initiate a duel, but I think it would just add a lot to the game in general! Here's how I think it should work:


    • It's possible to put your weapons away by pressing the B button. Instead of right/left trigger doing nothing at this time, they should bring up your fists. When your fists are up, hitting Y at anytime will switch back to your normal weapons.
    • Fists do very little damage, and are more of a last resort type of attack.
    • Right trigger throws your right fist, left trigger throws your left fist.
    • You can't block, and you have no charge attack like the sword lunge.
    • Fists give players that use two guns a (weak) attack option when they run out of ammo.
    • Fists would be a hilarious way to win a PvP fight and create some great player stories!
    • An alternate control scheme could be that right trigger alternates between left and right punches, and left trigger performs a weak kick that bypasses blocking and knocks the opponent back.
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  • This is an interesting idea. Though I would prefer it to be an emote and not an item.

    My thought process is more like ESO dueling. I emote you and a text appears (gtag wants to challenge you). If you emote back a flag appears between the 2 players that want to duel with a visible light circle (~3 meters) out from the flag. Any pirate caught out of bounds during duel, looses. Death=lose. The winner can get a small amount of coin at the end (~100).

    That's what I was thinking when someone first spoke of dueling in their weekly stream. Thoughts?

  • I would like the emote too, but the hat would work. The emote will, of course work better because a duel is usually a 1 on 1.

  • @gonnableedya

    Weee you reminded me of somethihng, there's a hat in Runescape which keeps track of your victories in the Duel Arena in game and other stats and changes when certain milestones are reached :)

    I do like the idea of being able to duel in Sea of Thieves amongst your crew and this is a fairly elegant and easy way of doing so, nice idea!

  • I like the emote idea to initiate a duel.
    Slit throat gesture

  • @jonaldinho LOL actually this use to be an emote called bekon back in the alpha. Not sure why they removed it but who knows... maybe that is really what it will be for.

  • @QTRmaster-Zeta Great idea! Added it to the top of the thread :)

  • @gonnableedya why not I would love to see dueling and in the patch we could get dual pistols

  • Wooden swords that enable friendly fire would be awesome but yes, an emote would be ideal. And would be awesome to train crew on the deck with fencing duels on long voyages. It's a great quality of life improvement.

  • @m1sterpunch With all the tricks and combos that the game has to offer, training others would seriously be a lot of fun. Totally agree on that, mate. ;)

    Best regards, Peter

  • @gonnableedya I have been nagging Rare for this for years! First in posts, then at Rare Studios during the Insider Event in 2017, and then at EGX I brought it up again this year haha.. The Emote idea is a great one as we already have an interactive emote (Make Friends). I've suggested that either it ends with an auto yield at low health, or has a "Dueling Health Bar" of non replenish-able health that once gone, ends the duel. A few melee punching threads have come about... It'd be amazing to be able to have drunken bar fights as duels with your crew!

  • Friendly Fire.

  • @gonnableedya I have been wanting a dueling mechanic since the beginning of the game. Would like three choices of pistols, daggers, and fists.

    You laid out great ideas for it all. We would need a challenge and accept emote system. Dueling needs to be between other crews and your crew.

    Would it be to a wounded defeat or death? There should be a choice of which one. That way it can support crew mates dueling each other and keep it open to dueling others outside your crew depending on the way the challenge or dispute is agreed upon to be settled.

    @KattTruewalker the hat idea is perfect! If we get dueling we definitely must have hats! Can see adding feathers, pins, braids, and the like. Super awesome idea! Now I really want dueling more than ever!

  • @stundorn Friendly fire would be a great addition to the game. I remember the "bug" when you were able to hit your crewmates with the cannon and actually damage them. Friendly fire is difficult in combat because you have to be careful with where you shoot your cannonballs at and how you slash the skeletons but it would definitely be more realistic.

    Best regards, Peter

  • @zwergbamof dude he knows your name now mate

  • @closinghare208 In Germany we say: Schwierig.

  • They need to add this RIGHT NOW.

    I'm in favor of the emote. It should simply allow you to be stunned by your own crew (Drop to the floor with birdies around your head). Getting stunned drops you out of dueling mode, but you can just use the emote again.

    If they wanted to get away without the new stun animation, it could instead just kill you, and drop out of dueling mode on the ferry. But personally I like the non-lethal, stunning idea better.

    All the dueling rules are something better left to the participants. As well as keeping score. some might want it as a training exercise, others might see it as a contest of honor. Leave that to the players.

  • @DuMy2008 @x-Crowheart-x Love the fists idea! Added it to the top with some ideas for how it could be implemented. Thanks!

  • These are great idea's i like the 2nd option the best. Could you have so the Friendly Fire status reverts back to default upon death.

    Also can i add a link to your post to a master list i created?

  • @ENF0RCER Glad you like the ideas, feel free to add it to your list :)

  • @gonnableedya said in Bringing Dueling Into Sea of Thieves - Post Your Ideas!:

    @ENF0RCER Glad you like the ideas, feel free to add it to your list :)

    Your post has been, if you could just do me a favor and add Deadly Duel by @A-Smollett idea and link to your Topic so we can consolidate all these ideas.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Is this ever coming into play it’s been two years

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