Session Based Power Ups

  • First, let me say I'm in full agreement with the concept of an even playing field when it comes to pirates and skill level. I don't want that to change.

    What I think would be cool, and interesting, and engaging, is small and medium items you can find in a single session that increase your abilities, much like cursed cannonballs, but with a wider net of improvements.

    Just for example:

    • Expert Shovel: Digs at double the rate.
    • Improved Spyglass: Zooms to 1.5x the standard power.
    • Extra Powder: One extra shot in your ammo pouch.
    • Bullseye Lantern: Shines brighter.
    • Wonder Grog: Doubles your move rate for 20 seconds, then your exhausted for 5 seconds.
    • Fly Wheel: Increases raising the anchor by 50%.
    • Master Sails: Increases raising sails by 50%.
    • Iron Prow: Does additional damage when you ram another ship.

    Finding these things would be random and take time, but a crew that spent hours in a session would find some physical reward for their efforts. This would also make legacy ships handed down from player to player a valuable thing. This ship may look a little worn and patched, but she's worth keeping around. Trust me.

    As stated, when you log out the improvements go away.
    Ship improvements might go away when sunk, or only when scuttled without remaining crew.


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  • I am so on board with these kinds of modifications.

    At another forum I put forward the idea of slightly adjusted tools in ones inventory - tools we already use, but with slight modifications in quality and function that have trade offs:

    So, for instance, Low and High quality shovels.
    Low quality shovels would dig deeper (fewer faster digs) but break in a shorter period of time, making them disposable. High quality would be more durable and take longer, but last a long time (like we have now).

    Scopes & Eyeglasses could be graded as short sighted and far sighted - some see clearly at a distance but with narrow field of vision, others at close range with wider field range. Some could have night vision filters, or fog and bright light mitigation.

    Same idea with all inventory tools and weapons.

    Also like the idea that when you log out, or get sunk, it all disappears. Temporary for that session or when sunk. Then players actually lose something of strategic value making loss more meaningful. Then they have to start over at default when respawning.

    I'm big on more meaningful loss and death in this game too (but not a popular idea). Many players seem to feel these changes would imbalance the game and make it unfair. I think that can be mitigated with tradeoffs though.

    Great ideas though.

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