@d3adst1ck said in The Arena Matchmaking:
The fact of the matter is they aren't going to introduce a bunch of UIs to facilitate matchmaking from within the game. They don't even do this to allow you to requeue into a different server! In order to get a crew moved over, you'd have to add a voting mechanism (because being moved to a different mode because 1 guy in your crew decided to switch isn't great), have the ships quit the server and import the entire crew into the matchmaking queue for the other mode. It gets even more complicated when you try to include alliance ships because now you have to have some kind of cross-crew voting system in place.
The easiest solution is the one they are going with - exit the game, queue for the other mode and reform your crew via invites.
So what you're saying is it would be too difficult for them to make a "Vote to go to The Arena" just like "Vote to Scuttle" as soon as all votes would hit "YES" they would back out of the game into the matchmaking process. If there is an alliance there would be up to 8 votes needed. Simply by pulling a ship from the server they would allow it to sink. Pulling players from that ship into a new matchmaking should be simple. Taking ship 345612345135 and ship 345123457547 into new matchmaking. Very easy on the back end since they're scattering matchmaking now. Of course AFTER The Arena fight you'd get put back into Adventure Mode with said Alliances into a new server. Easy.