Fly More Flags and Make Your Own Flag


    We need the ability to fly more flags. Right now we can only fly one. Historically ships flew many flags and still do. They were used for identification, communication, and reading the direction of the wind. Below are the possible placements for flying flags on our ships.

    It would allow the ability to fly the Jolly Roger, Reaper's Mark, set flags, Alliance flag, etc. in combination at the same time. If Rare could add a method to make a custom flag as described below, it would be able to be flown on your ship in addition to these other flags.

    How Would It Work:

    The flag box would have depictions of flag locations divided into tabs. Each tab would display all the flag choices as the flag box does now. Selecting the flag places that flag at the indicated location.

    Flag Hoisting


    Once we can fly more flags let’s make our own flag. Show your pride for your ship and crew by making your own flag! Even make coordinating flags to show off your fleet affiliation. The custom flag could be available in a choice of one or more styles. The custom flag would not copy or replace any current or future flags release as sets, gifts, etc.

    New Item
    An in game custom flag.

    How It Would Work:

    Commission Shipwright: It would work great as a dialogue menu option. We would speak with the shipwright to commission the construction of our custom crew or ship flag. Once the option is selected it would open the flag creator. In case the person gets interrupted by other players being hostile, the creator would save a draft version until it can be finalized.

    There would be a gold fee to have the custom flag. Only one custom flag would be possible. However, the shipwright could be commissioned for another fee to create a new flag to replace the previous one.

    Game Menu: An alternative would be an game menu option there would be a choice to create a flag before setting sail. It would have preloaded options such as icons, backgrounds, and borders with color choices. After the flag is saved it will appear in the flag box. It could also be required to purchase it from the shipwright to cover the cost of commissioning it.

    Advanced Option (Motto): An advanced option could allow mottos, however this option would probably require an approval process to prevent inappropriate and offensive language. However, even without a motto the other options would allow enough customization to allow pirates to fly an individualized flag to represent their ship, crew and fleet in a fun and appropriate way.


    Here is a link to get a general idea of how a flag generator would work: Game of Thrones House Creator. This is only presented as an example of how a custom flag could be created with preloaded options.

    This idea was inspired by @KattTruewalker posting this fun topic:

    My Ideas
    Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, & Harpoon Monster Hunting
    Walking the Plank
    Outpost Under Siege
    Sea Folk Magic
    Usable Dagger: Weapon/Tool & Environmental Targets
    Fly More Flags
    Diving Helmet

    Community Ideas Master List
    You can find a lot more creative and fun ideas from the great minds of the community in Community Ideas Master List. Who knows maybe some of them will be coming our way soon in a future Bilge Rat adventure or update!

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  • @x-crowheart-x said in Fly Custom Crew Flag/Banner on our ships:

    We need to be able to create our own flag or banner in game to represent our crew that we can fly on our ships!

    I posted earlier today in @Starship42 thread about how his suggestion would be nice if we could claim an abandoned ship with our crew flag:

    Then @KattTruewalker posted a fun topic with a challenge to make a house sigil:

    It would be very cool if we could actually make our own crew flag or banner in game that we could always fly along with all the other flags. This would be a nice addition to ship customization. It would be nice in the core game and I am sure those sailing in The Arena would really appreciate the opportunity to fly crew colors.

    It would mean saving some more player specific data. It could be done in the way similar to the sigil creator. It would have icons, backgrounds, borders, and colors. A motto would be very nice, but then there would be the potential for content that violates the code and rules that would have to be planned for.

    What do you think? Would you want to have a custom flag or banner you create in game to always fly along with the others on your ship to show crew pride?

    I like the idea. It would be even better if the flag was also tied to the looby system so that we could set spawn points. I'm always down for more cosmetic options. Also these creative flag should be an unlockable option and a limited one so that it would both discrouge and limit code violations.

  • They should make a companion app that allows the creation of pirate clans, and the creation of a flag, and possibly tattoo, that would be associated with that clan. These would be overseen by olayers but monitored and approved by rare on a semi regular basis.

    That way not everyone has a crew of 4 and just pretends they are a clan and makes their own flag, or makes inappropriate flags/tats.

    If we will be allowed to do this it should have meaning, im not saying you couldnt go through the trouble to make a flag for a small clan, but that it would be better to join/create larger ones and have the flags be approved by rare.

  • Having logos and banner designs as other unlockable items would be great as long as they are not simply turned into microtrasactions. If there are predefined icons and borders that are combined to create a sigil that would be the best way to get around innappropriate flags/sails.

    Also completely custom sails for a Captaincy update would be AMAZING.

  • @x-crowheart-x it's a nice idea but it would remove any reasons to buy sails or flags, also there will always be people who make inappropriate images like always. And by doing this rare sails and flags like the Founder's sails would become pretty valueless because anybody could copy or make something better.

    Nice idea but I don't think it could be implemented without annoying people or messing up the already existing sails and etc. Like I said nice idea but I don't think it could work at all sadly.

  • @manta1805 said in Fly Custom Crew Flag/Banner on our ships:

    @x-crowheart-x it's a nice idea but it would remove any reasons to buy sails or flags, also there will always be people who make inappropriate images like always. And by doing this rare sails and flags like the Founder's sails would become pretty valueless because anybody could copy or make something better.

    Nice idea but I don't think it could be implemented without annoying people or messing up the already existing sails and etc. Like I said nice idea but I don't think it could work at all sadly.

    The idea is Rare controls what content can go on a flag by having preset choices. It would have set icons, backgrounds, borders, colors, etc. to choose from. Players have to choose from set combinations. Players could not create anything inappropriate that way. It would also not allow duplication of other flags or banners. I am not talking about sails at all so there is no impact there.

    The motto would be a potential problem to manage if allowed. Unless it went through a very good filter system or more than likely an approval process, mottos would not be an option.

    It probably would work best as a banner, pennant flag to fly under all the flags we already have and will come later if Rare cannot add additional placement options. The other flags could still be flown. The intention is the crew one replaces nothing. It is an extra one that could be flown at all times. Just need to make adjustment so the alliance pennant could be flown at the same time if flags cannot be placed at other locations on our ships.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in Fly Custom Crew Flag/Banner on our ships:

    They should make a companion app that allows the creation of pirate clans, and the creation of a flag, and possibly tattoo, that would be associated with that clan. These would be overseen by olayers but monitored and approved by rare on a semi regular basis.

    That way not everyone has a crew of 4 and just pretends they are a clan and makes their own flag, or makes inappropriate flags/tats.

    If we will be allowed to do this it should have meaning, im not saying you couldnt go through the trouble to make a flag for a small clan, but that it would be better to join/create larger ones and have the flags be approved by rare.

    A crew tattoo would be cool. Have a tattooist located on an island. You and your crew could go up to that NPC to select, purchase, and acquire your ink link together.

  • Even with preset customization options, some pretty gross stuff can still be made, and with Rare being family-friendly and not even allowing the ability to crouch down due to the possibility of teabagging, I just don't see this happening.

  • @galactic-geek said in Fly Custom Crew Flag/Banner on our ships:

    Even with preset customization options, some pretty gross stuff can still be made, and with Rare being family-friendly and not even allowing the ability to crouch down due to the possibility of teabagging, I just don't see this happening.

    It is a real shame to worry about things so much like that. Why play video games at all if everyone fears what other players are going to do. Maybe we should get bubble wrap coats and hats as a choice in the shops, and the shipwright can wrap our hulls in it to be extra safe.

    Seriously, that is why we have the ability to report inappropriate actions and behavior and players can be banned. For eight months an endless stream of players are constantly saying, screaming, and suggesting far worse than a stupid bag of tea reference introduced by immature PvP players.

    The game at many times is very far from being a family game because of what is said out loud. Should voice chat be removed? Should text chat be removed on the PC? No is the right answer.

    We must never allow others to have power over us through fear and intimidation. Such an option could be done right. It would also be totally ridiculous if Rare never introduces the ability to crouch so thieving pirates can sneak around. Player bodies do not even stay where their pirate dies to allow such moronic behavior.

  • @x-crowheart-x mate I would love to have this in game because in the past pirates had there own flags that where symbolic to them

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