Community Idea's Master List 2019

  • *Updated 3/23: Attention to all this will be a short update as i have recently have been sailing thru some of life's rough waters. I was in the middle of some large updates with new post but due to both technical difficulties and unfortunate events IRL involving family and such i will not be active for a while. I have put many projects on hold for now. I still will be checking every so often for ideas posted to this list. So if you have any recommendations plz list them here.

    Recently Added: Here are the latest addition to the list this month.

    Weapon Ideas and Combat Mechanics by @Ardent-Hallern

    The Rotten Mail by @SailorKek

    Stinkpot bombs by @Kirininjin777

    Recently Updated: Here is the list of all recently updated post for the Month.

    I've been around this Forums and for a very long time before the game was even realeased and it was clear to me back then as it is still the case, We have a very creative an talented community. Yet in all that time i seen great idea's lost in the void. Many ideas resurface as new member join the the community only to waste time on bringing up repeated idea's and rethreading on old ground as well burying great idea's deep in the bowels in the forum. This was do to 2 things one was the necroing rule where treads older then 3 mounth could not be revived for discussion and would be locked, and second is a new addition which is known as Davy Jones Chest which is a new part of the forum where old treads are tuck away. It has become very clear that many member will never likly to see or share there thoughs of most of SOT's greatest community idea's.

    Therfore I am making a collection of all the great idea's and discussions from this community and placing them all here in one Master List of Community Idea's so that non will be lost agian.
    I ask all of you for your help as i will try to keep this post updated and organise all Idea's under 4 catagories.

    Catorgory 1: Community made Alternative Updates

    Rogue Wave by @Enf0rcer

    The Frozen Fangs by @KikiOfZeDead

    The Red Crusade by @Aperture011

    The Pirate Legend Update - 2019 Quest Overhaul Suggestion by @UrihamRayne

    The Wicked Expanse by @Wajuwanmekill

    Black isle by @Salems-Reject

    Circus of Blood by @AurarusX

    The Vailed Ruins by @LivelyErmine89

    Turned Tides by @Captain-Kyi

    Trial of Fools by @Captain-Kyi

    Scholars of Curses by @Captain-Kyi

    The Fractured Isles by @Captain-Kyi

    The Great Barrier by @Quill324

    Catorgory 2: Additions to the Gamplay Sandbox (Tools,Weapon,Enermies, Ships etc..)

    Abandon Ships by @Starship42

    Adornments and Ornaments by @Enf0rcer Original idea by @Starship42 and inspired by @ClosingHare208

    Barter and Exchange by @Starship42

    Buying Resource Crates by @testakleze

    Boarding Axe by @Axewgamer73

    Carrying Rope by @bl00d-thirty-99

    New Treasure Chest Designs by @Cows-n-Muffins

    New postures and photo mode by @QuietRobot

    Curse Gunpower Kegs by @Enf0rcer Original idea by @Archangel-Timmy and @CaptnTBear

    Captain's Log by @m1sterpunch

    Solo Ship Concept by @MysticDragon297

    Fly More Flags and Make Your Own Flag by @x-Crowheart-x

    Curse Cannonball Crates by @Sgt-Palooggoo

    Carts for moving cargo by @Sgt-Palooggoo

    Diving Helmet by @x-Crowheart-x

    Bring Dueling to SoT(Dueling idea's List) by @GonnaBleedYa

    Deadly Duel by @A-Smollett

    Rediscovered: Burning Cannonball by @Jojo-Apocalipto

    Pirate Bling by @Captain-Arcanic

    Usable Dagger and More Gun Targets by @x-Crowheart-x

    Ship Naming by @enzym3

    Evolving Ships by @Captain-Arcanic

    Rediscovered: Storage Chest by @Jojo-Apocalipto

    New Advanced Skeleton Types by @Captain-Arcanic

    Session Based Power Ups by @Captain-Arcanic

    The benefits of "knives" by @Bern-DimaII

    Mission Impossible by @Starship42

    Naming our Characters by @Ardent-Hallern

    New Consumable Items by @Archangel-Timmy

    New skeleton ship ideas by @UltmateRagnarok

    Sea Folk Magic (Voodoo Doll, Charms, Talismans) by @x-Crowheart-x

    Walking The Plank by @x-Crowheart-x

    Water drafting (aka Wake Riding) by @iDevilsdocry

    Wrath of the Megalodons by @MrScentless13

    Exchangeable ingame player creations by @Nayfe-Pacewell

    Expansion to Game items by @Yelmurc

    Merchant Ships by @Ghostfyghter

    Thieving Monkeys by @MaximillianZeus

    Huge suggestion List by @Gamingboy177

    Catorgory 3: Addition to the UI, Map and Environment

    Goonies Island by @MaximillianZeus

    Emergent Lore and Enviroment Island Events by @SHIBBY-544

    Custom Color Varitions by @OceanMann7

    Rediscovered: Social Island - Social Hub by @kinggZANGA

    The Forshaken Stronghold by @PRORapidKiller

    Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, and Harpoon Monster Hunting by @x-Crowheart-x

    Armoury UI Improvement Suggestion by @Sgt-Palooggoo

    Dynamic Player Loobies: Changing Ship type Mid session by @Sgt-Palooggoo

    The Sea Currents by @UrihamRayne

    Birds of Prey by @Starship42

    Giant Clams by @Captain-Arcanic

    The Pearls of Power by @Captain-Arcanic

    Star Constellations by @Straw-Hat-Blake

    Docking: Pit Stops by @Vyx

    Sign Post by @Captain-Arcanic

    WheelBarrows by @Captain-Arcanic

    Please add Militia Forts by @Bern-DimaII

    Reconnection System by @UrihamRayne

    Npc Deckhands by @Captain-Arcanic

    Flotillas by @UltmateRagnarok

    Ship Value Tracking by @gaseousxihro

    Island Temples by @LiveVyrus

    Wave of Terror by @iDevilsdocry

    Rediscovered: Pirate Tombs by @xCALYPT0x

    Catorgory 4: Quest, Modes and Events

    Bad Stars by @p0tatovodka

    Colossus by @Salems-Reject

    Rediscovered: Dynamic Skelliton Forts by @Grievous32

    The Arena Matchmaking by @GoryReceptacle

    Outpost under siege by @x-Crowheart-x

    Hunt for Gold by @Angela-Nox

    The Labyrinth by @Stryker-Osiris

    The Krakens "nest, escape, cave...whatever" by @ll-Predator-Il

    Revised Kraken by @Dayneatolla

    Loot Lottery by @A-Cranky-Eskimo

    Quest Vaults by @Captain-Arcanic

    Passengers by @Captain-Arcanic

    The Mark of the Sea Queen by @Captain-Arcanic

    The Castaway King by @Captain-Arcanic

    Long Voyages by @Captain-Arcanic

    Privateering! by @CPT-BRUMBL3Z

    Player Factions by @WhoopAssMcGue

    Sea of Grog by @Da1993nG

    Teaching Crew and Player Rep System by @Dormant-God

    You can add to this list by ethier commenting down below with a link or PM me with the Link.

    Here is the list of things a Topic needs to meet to make it on the List

    1. A Topic must contain a substancitive Idea that promotes disscusion.

    2. The Topic has an idea thats not already on the List.

    3. For Topics of similar or identical content, the Topic which is newer a will placed as long as it further the disscussion. If not the Topic with the most developed Idea get Placed on the list

    4. Topics that are recent will be put on the list with permission of, or request by the OP so long as the Topic meets the above criteria.

    5. Older Topics will be added periodically added assuming the OP is no longer with us. Request for these topics can be made by anyone so long as they provide the link.

    Topic Updates

    All owners of topics on this list may reply to this tread on any updates to there listed topic.
    Note: All request must include the link that can be found on the address bar.



    Loot Idea's Master List

  • 109
  • @enf0rcer thanks?

  • @enf0rcer Is it possible for me to suggest a DLC here?

  • Not to toot my own horn, but these ideas I thought were worth putting here. Not sure what your criterion is for inclusion, but you're welcome not to if you deem them not up to par or you think they wouldn't fit:

    I chose these based on their having a fair number of upvotes.

  • I have two threads you can add if you'd like.
    The benefits of "knives"
    "Please add Militia forts"
    My ideas that are already in Davey Jones locker under Bern DimaLL:

    • cliff diving

    • naval alliances
      Ps: Great idea btw! Hi

  • @aperture011 said in Community Master Idea's List:

    @enf0rcer Is it possible for me to suggest a DLC here?

    If you have an idea for a DLC please make a tread and reply to this post with the link.

  • @starship42 said in Community Master Idea's List:

    Not to toot my own horn, but these ideas I thought were worth putting here. Not sure what your criterion is for inclusion, but you're welcome not to if you deem them not up to par or you think they wouldn't fit:

    I chose these based on their having a fair number of upvotes.


    Btw the only 2 critiera i have is

    1. The idea's post is of any idea thats not on this list.

    2. The OP grants permission for the link to be posted.

    This is simply a way for all community member to look up specific ideas to discuss and vote on. That is all.

    I thankyou for your contributions.

  • @bern-dimaii said in Community Master Idea's List:

    I have two threads you can add if you'd like.
    The benefits of "knives"
    "Please add Militia forts"
    My ideas that are already in Davey Jones locker under Bern DimaLL:

    • cliff diving

    • naval alliances
      Ps: Great idea btw! Hi

    I will try to find them but if possible can you post the links. Please.

  • @enf0rcer I will try. I'm an old man with a Microsoft phone that never does what I want it to.😀 Blind leading the blind!

  • @bern-dimaii said in Community Idea's Master List:

    I have two threads you can add if you'd like.
    The benefits of "knives"
    "Please add Militia forts"

    These two have been added

    My ideas that are already in Davey Jones locker under Bern DimaLL:

    • cliff diving

    • naval alliances

    These two i have not yet found a may be unable to link them.

    Ps: Great idea btw! Hi

    Thankyou for your contributions and a appreciate your support.

  • You can add this one @ENF0RCER.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Community Idea's Master List:

    You can add this one @ENF0RCER.


  • @closinghare208 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @enf0rcer thanks?

    Do you have any you wish to add?

  • My greatest idea to date next to cliff diving in the legends hideout was a shark fin vest! The article is deep sixed but I'd really love to bring it back into the current forum. Imagine your boarding pirates going to the clothing chest and throwing on their shark fin vest! They're swimming around with a fin out of the water trying to board. It'd be hilarious.

  • What about custom ship names? For example, my ship has always been named “The Hateful Princess” but it seems like a great idea for other people to be able to see the ship name somewhere

  • @bern-dimaii said in Community Idea's Master List:

    My greatest idea to date next to cliff diving in the legends hideout was a shark fin vest! The article is deep sixed but I'd really love to bring it back into the current forum. Imagine your boarding pirates going to the clothing chest and throwing on their shark fin vest! They're swimming around with a fin out of the water trying to board. It'd be hilarious.

    Please make a new post so we can discuss some of your old idea's

  • @alexspk13 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    What about custom ship names? For example, my ship has always been named “The Hateful Princess” but it seems like a great idea for other people to be able to see the ship name somewhere

    Ship naming is a common on but i need a link to one of the post.

  • Great overall post @ENF0RCER, I will add this to my pins in the community discord for future use.

  • @enf0rcer

    Thanks for taking on this mammoth task, I know it is very much easier if there is a master list of highly rated threads with ideas that is easy to find.

  • @katttruewalker said in Community Idea's Master List:


    Thanks for taking on this mammoth task, I know it is very much easier if there is a master list of highly rated threads with ideas that is easy to find.

    Thankyou for your support. As a deckhand i was wondering if you know if there any rules agianst linking Locked post or those that are put in Davy Jones Chest?

  • @enf0rcer

    Linking to posts in the archive is fine because they're available there to be read, likewise locked topics, it's just that they can't be added to with further comments, I know that if some community members wish to repost their ideas/threads then that's an acceptable way around the necro rule.

    I know the necro rule is sometimes perceived as unfair especially in the case where the original content or idea isn't outdated but the feeling is that if it isn't applied across the board, we'd be likely to see threads resurrected which are no longer relevant but this perhaps isn't realised by the new poster.

  • @enf0rcer said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @alexspk13 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    What about custom ship names? For example, my ship has always been named “The Hateful Princess” but it seems like a great idea for other people to be able to see the ship name somewhere

    Ship naming is a common on but i need a link to one of the post.

  • @alexspk13 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @enf0rcer said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @alexspk13 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    What about custom ship names? For example, my ship has always been named “The Hateful Princess” but it seems like a great idea for other people to be able to see the ship name somewhere

    Ship naming is a common on but i need a link to one of the post.

    Thanks i been looking for this tread. It has now been added.

  • @katttruewalker Is there a way the original poster can be the only poster so that the links don't get muddled in everyone elses posts? In other words use this link to feed the idea but create a perfect master list in another link with no replies?

  • @bern-dimaii said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @katttruewalker Is there a way the original poster can be the only poster so that the links don't get muddled in everyone elses posts? In other words use this link to feed the idea but create a perfect master list in another link with no replies?

    @KattTruewalker mentioned to me in a post that she was going to see about setting something up. She said it would take some time. It was a format done in the past to collect ideas from the community.

  • @x-crowheart-x That would be awesome! That way the list would be a permanent fixture that was inclusive of every great idea shared. I have so many! Most of the big ones are on Militia, Naval and Bounty. I'll have to dig a little.

  • @enf0rcer kings crowns mate

  • @closinghare208 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @enf0rcer kings crowns mate

    Do you have the Link?. Ill see if i can find it.

  • @enf0rcer I do it's in a topic I made

  • @closinghare208 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @enf0rcer I do it's in a topic I made

    I found it, but it was a single ling of text in a form of a question. I'm not understanding what it is your proposing. Could you flesh it out a bit more? Also for the future your supposed to put the link to the thread here as a reply not topic name.

  • @enf0rcer what I want is kings crowns to wear and sell to the gold holders because if one owns the art book there is a pirate wearing one and in game the golden skeleton captains wear one

  • @closinghare208 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @enf0rcer what I want is kings crowns to wear and sell to the gold holders because if one owns the art book there is a pirate wearing one and in game the golden skeleton captains wear one

    Oh ok then could you add that to your post so we can start a discussion on that.

  • @enf0rcer i don't know how mate I'm sorry

  • @enf0rcer Here's my entry: THE RED CRUSADE.

    It's a massive wordfest, that I plan to add images that I drew.

  • @aperture011 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @enf0rcer Here's my entry: THE RED CRUSADE.

    It's a massive wordfest, that I plan to add images that I drew.

    Your post has been added.

1 out of 109