• It would be better if its random!

  • 30
  • Although if it was truly random, you'd never be hit. It would be just as easy as every other part of the world. It's not too hard to get out of there as soon as you hear an earthquake, better to be safe than sorry.

  • Who says it’s aimbot? I’ve heard or seen no proof that it isn’t random.

  • @zollin2400 There is an aimbot for the volcanoes. Unless you are being sarcastic and if you are good going sir. But in all seriousness there really is a targeting system on those volcanoes. They will target you and anyone in the area.

    The reason why Rare did it was to instill a sense of danger which again the whole making things hard just so they are hard is r******d. If they made it random their would still be a sense of fear because usually what happens is people get complacent and everyone will leave the boat only to realize that the boat got hit and is about to sink.

    If it was random we would still get hit just not nearly as often. At this point its just a nuisance and nothing more. Which makes it a bad game mechanic. Either sail out of range WHICH IS TOO FAR TO BEGIN WITH, or sit there constantly repairing. Again hard for the sake of being hard. Nothing more than a nuisance.

  • No it would not be better. The chance to be hit by the volcano would be to low, it would never happen for month. It's really good like it is currently and add a constant danger in the area. That's what make it so cool !

  • @personalc0ffee ?? I don't see how that is correct. I think the server load would be the same even if the rocks were completely random. Having to calculate the trajectory against a movable target seems a lot harder than say are fired randomly.

    Also there is no sense of "danger" its instead a sense of "god here we go again" You either have someone stay on the ship and just repair constantly or you sail out of its range. There is no sense of danger just annoyance. They are already too frequent and the range is already too far. They need to tone it down. It aimbots the ship and the player even when you are swimming to the boat it aimbots you. That is just annoying. They could have done something a lot better than that.

  • @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @personalc0ffee ?? I don't see how that is correct. I think the server load would be the same even if the rocks were completely random. Having to calculate the trajectory against a movable target seems a lot harder than say are fired randomly.

    You'd think that, wouldn't you? Thing is, computers aren't good at random. You can't even have a RNG with them. You have what's known as a Pseudo Random Number Generator or PRNG. These have to make very complex calculations to get their results because they have to be high enough to not have a pattern detectible by the player. There's ALWAYS a pattern because again, PSUEDO random.

    Because you can not have true RNG.

    Aimbotting towards a target is much faster, more efficient, and delivers better results, like the rocks ACTUALLY hitting you.

    Because even if they COULD get it to run stable and smooth, having a PRNG on it; would mean several wouldn't even get close to the player and it would be boring and not a threat.

    So your whole argument isn't about the pseudo RNG, its really that you believe the ship itself would never be hit. Also do you know exactly how much work a player would have to put in to map where every potential rock would fly? Even most basic pseudo RNG for projectiles can't be mapped by players or calculated. If that were true than everyone would be a god at Counter-strike. But back to never being hit. Again different things they could do to fix that instead of making a heat seeking volcano. Also its better for "dang it, we got hit by the volcano. is anyone on the boat?" This is where the argument happens because people like you who believe it will never happen never protect the boat and the boat get sunk. Something that is random instills the "what if" fear which is a lot better than "g******n it, its erupting, do you guys want to leave or just repair a lot?" because ill let you know its not fear I have from the volcanoes, its annoyance.

    Also there is no sense of "danger" its instead a sense of "god here we go again" You either have someone stay on the ship and just repair constantly or you sail out of its range. There is no sense of danger just annoyance. They are already too frequent and the range is already too far. They need to tone it down. It aimbots the ship and the player even when you are swimming to the boat it aimbots you. That is just annoying. They could have done something a lot better than that.

    Yes, that's the INTENDED experience. You shouldn't be around the volcano when it is going off or on the island. It's DANGEROUS.

    Not danger, annoyance. Again you can just sit there and have someone repair. You don't even have to repair the sloops. You can just bucket until it stops. The galleon you can just park right up on it, the only ship it actually effects is the brig but again you can just sit there and repair while 1 person does whatever you need to do on the island. AGAIN ANNOYANCE.

    Range is fine. You need to watch more volcanos. Those can launch rocks miles out when the top blows. There was a video here somewhat recently on Twitter of a volcano errupting near some stupid tourists who thought they were away from the danger zone. Their boat was nearly taken out by a rock and they weren't actually close to the island.

    Yes but that was completely random and guess what? They got nearly taken out but according to you it should have never happened if its completely random.

    Range is 1-1.5 squares off. There are also blind spots and areas where you can be hit easier than others.

    ?? There are no blind spots. Unless you are parked behind something which not all of them have there are no blind spots. You are either blocking the path of the projectile or you are out of range. 1.5 squares is too far and some of them are actually farther.

    They could have done something a lot better than that.

    Easy to say, not so easy to actually do.

    Yes very easy to say and very easy to do. Instead they went for the hard for the sake of being hard. This whole game is based on that logic.

  • @personalc0ffee just want to say, how would you know about what rare is having issues with, and have you ever used or designed anything with this PRNG you talk about? Or is it all just negative hearsay to defend the poor quality mechanic that aimbotting volcanoes are, with semantics and opinions about danger and how it feels to play, which is completely subjective.

    Im pretty sure it would be possible to divide the area around the islands into like 150 sections, path like 150 different trajectories for each volcano, have like 5-10 different sized rocks that spin differently, and then randomize those from a predetermined list of trajectories, the rock types mean that even if its the same trajectory it looks different, and unless you memorize every last spot of the 150 perfectly the appearance is that ships are being hit randomly, and there is still no real safe place to find, unless they let them exist.

    Still even if technical issues are the problem, people give this feedback to find solutions, not hear from you that it cant be done.

    If you are joe neate or something then just post on that account if you are going to say stuff like this, otherwise idk how you would even know any of this without assuming, and you know what they say about that....

  • @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @personalc0ffee ?? I don't see how that is correct. I think the server load would be the same even if the rocks were completely random. Having to calculate the trajectory against a movable target seems a lot harder than say are fired randomly.

    You'd think that, wouldn't you? Thing is, computers aren't good at random. You can't even have a RNG with them. You have what's known as a Pseudo Random Number Generator or PRNG. These have to make very complex calculations to get their results because they have to be high enough to not have a pattern detectible by the player. There's ALWAYS a pattern because again, PSUEDO random.

    Because you can not have true RNG.

    Aimbotting towards a target is much faster, more efficient, and delivers better results, like the rocks ACTUALLY hitting you.

    Because even if they COULD get it to run stable and smooth, having a PRNG on it; would mean several wouldn't even get close to the player and it would be boring and not a threat.

    So your whole argument isn't about the pseudo RNG, its really that you believe the ship itself would never be hit. Also do you know exactly how much work a player would have to put in to map where every potential rock would fly? Even most basic pseudo RNG for projectiles can't be mapped by players or calculated. If that were true than everyone would be a god at Counter-strike. But back to never being hit. Again different things they could do to fix that instead of making a heat seeking volcano. Also its better for "dang it, we got hit by the volcano. is anyone on the boat?" This is where the argument happens because people like you who believe it will never happen never protect the boat and the boat get sunk. Something that is random instills the "what if" fear which is a lot better than "g******n it, its erupting, do you guys want to leave or just repair a lot?" because ill let you know its not fear I have from the volcanoes, its annoyance.

    You paid absolutely no attention to the fact I said this is very PERFORMANCE HEAVY AND RESOURCE HEAVY.

    It is less resource heavy than the auto heat seeking volcano by far. Lets count the calculations. Travel, distance, speed, direction. If there is a ship then its calculating against the player/players movements, and the ships. It will have to calculate speed of item vs travel time,speed, and direction of boulder in relation to target being aimed at. Thats multiple calculations vs, Hey in this area just fire off a bunch of shots dont care.

    So with your understanding of server load and calculations please let me know how. Coordinates in relation to moving target, speed, distance, direction is less of a drain then the simply removing coordinates in relation to moving target.

    Stop snuffing it like it isn't a problem or the major driving factor for the code, because it ABSOLUTELY is.

    Volcanoes are erupting ALL the time with or without players anywhere near the islands which means they are already set to randomization, ITS ALREADY DOING IT WITHOUT THE SERVER TAKING A HIT. The only difference is when the player is present the volcano aims at you directly.

    Trust me YOU DO NOT WANT PRNG PATH CALCULATIONS. You think you do and you don't. I'm telling you right now, anyone saying they want those things; has no concept of how this stuff works under the hood and what it means in relation to you, the game, the service, and the resources it takes to actually do what you are asking to do.

    I'm pretty sure I do, I want it to be changed. If they want to change it to something else, I'm all for it as long as its better, but if that is all I have then Yes I do, because the game is already doing it.

    Range is fine. You need to watch more volcanos. Those can launch rocks miles out when the top blows. There was a video here somewhat recently on Twitter of a volcano errupting near some stupid tourists who thought they were away from the danger zone. Their boat was nearly taken out by a rock and they weren't actually close to the island.

    Yes but that was completely random and guess what? They got nearly taken out but according to you it should have never happened if its completely random.

    Did you not understand that was a real life event, as in not on a video game?

    No I did realize it was real life. However how is that any different than the scenario we are talking about? You are saying if its completely random we would never be hit? However than you tell me of a guy who nearly got hit by something completely random. Doesn't matter if its a video game or real life. It shares the same factor we are arguing over, randomness and likelihood. The parameters are exactly the same. So if there is fear that in real life random situations should be feared, what makes video games any different?

    Range is 1-1.5 squares off. There are also blind spots and areas where you can be hit easier than others.

    ?? There are no blind spots. Unless you are parked behind something which not all of them have there are no blind spots. You are either blocking the path of the projectile or you are out of range. 1.5 squares is too far and some of them are actually farther.

    You are not correct. You are very wrong. We'll leave it at that.

    I disagree and believe you are incorrect. I'll leave it at that.

    They could have done something a lot better than that.

    Easy to say, not so easy to actually do.

    Yes very easy to say and very easy to do. Instead they went for the hard for the sake of being hard. This whole game is based on that logic.

    No, they went for what won't make the server and the clients lag and fall apart struggling to calculate complex equations.

    But people don't seem to understand that.

    Again when people aren't around the islands they are erupting anyways. The game is already doing it with or without a person present. When a player gets into render distance the boulders are completely random already. The only time the calculations change is when a player gets within range. So again tell me again how the game is not doing what its already doing?

  • You could have the same performance impact with better functionality by reducing the volcano targeting range and decreasing the accuracy so that even though the shots are aimed at players and ships, the reduced accuracy would make them appear semi randomized.

  • The odds of getting hit would be ludicrously low without an aim bot, so you can't really remove it. I think a better solution would be to remove or make the odds of the very high arc fireballs low. you should be able to anchor with a huge rock between you and the volcano and never, or at most very rarely get hit.

    it is nearly impossible to accomplish anything on a solo sloop in devils roar. Even with a crew my friends and I hate doing anything out there since it's so frustrating.

  • @Xultanis-Dragon @PersonalC0ffee

    There comes a time where 'Agreeing to Disagree' is the best option. Remember to keep things civil when interacting with other community members
    Please make sure you read the Pirate Code and Forum Rules before posting on the Forums!

  • @skeazy-j said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    The odds of getting hit would be ludicrously low without an aim bot, so you can't really remove it. I think a better solution would be to remove or make the odds of the very high arc fireballs low. you should be able to anchor with a huge rock between you and the volcano and never, or at most very rarely get hit.

    it is nearly impossible to accomplish anything on a solo sloop in devils roar. Even with a crew my friends and I hate doing anything out there since it's so frustrating.

    I know people suggest that being hit would be low but thats the point. Its not so low that you might never be hit. The eruptions go for a long time and spew rocks all over the place. The point is to create a sense of danger without creating a sense of constant annoyance.

    But now it might be too low to cause any worry. So lets fix that then. How about since now we don't get freaking aimbotted we can increase the size of all the boulders. If it hits a ship its like 4 GPB's going off on the boat. That way you better be ready if the likelihood it does hit your boat.

    Fear is caused by a sense of possibility that something will happen. Annoyance is caused by something you have to take care of over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

    If you still don't like the idea then fine, think of something else that doesn't involve aimbotting.

  • @zollin2400 no way it’s random. The proof is in the number of times you are hit. No one is that (un)lucky.

  • @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    It is less resource heavy than the auto heat seeking volcano by far. Lets count the calculations. Travel, distance, speed, direction. If there is a ship then its calculating against the player/players movements, and the ships. It will have to calculate speed of item vs travel time,speed, and direction of boulder in relation to target being aimed at. Thats multiple calculations vs, Hey in this area just fire off a bunch of shots dont care.

    Everything you just mentioned takes a ton of math and processing power to calculate. It's not like in real life where you can just do it. Everything in computers is numbers, algorithms, and complex equations. Everything; from the light rays to the sound of your foot steps. It's all numbers.

    But I'll just post this dev excerpt about how much it took just to calculate a hit with a single cannon on a moving ship so you understand where I'm coming from.

    Read that and then think about scaling it up for multiple people, multiple ships, and many projectiles all at once. That's on top of all the code that just let's the game be a MP game and every thing else we have. Rare is really pushing the limitations of their engine here. That's why it's having performance problems and when you get like 5 people in an area, the animations lag. There are very real, under lying technical issues that have to be resolved for certain things to happen.

    As I said earlier aim botting; saves performance and guarantees the player will have a good experience and a thrilling one. If they just calculated them random, you wouldn't hardly get hit. Do you think the lightening is random?

    The problem isn't the damage, the range, or the aim bot. It is the frequency of eruptions so close together. Change that and all the other perceived problems are mitigated. I have stood on an island for over 5 minutes dodging rocks. It's not fully aim botting the player or the ship.

    How is it possible to ignore almost half of the things I point out that prove I'm right, just to Link a page that also proves I'm right? I'm not a genius when it comes to Math, but I did love math and it was one of the subjects I enjoyed. You do realize all of those equations she put up are basically an advanced version of what I was describing, yes?

    What that whole article described was how they implemented equations to calculate projectile travel time to target, distance, direction target is traveling, speed target is traveling, gravity affecting projectile, and after they get ALL of that done then they add an algorithm before each shot to decide if it misses.

    You do realize that algorithm doesn't just say "This projectile will follow and hit its target."?? right? Once the shot is fire, it doesn't turn or navigate to hit its target. No, all those calculations were made with ALL those parameters before the shot was fire.

    Volcanoes don't only target the ship, they also target players. Sometimes when you are on the ship its targeting the ship and sometimes when you are on the ship its targeting the player. So how is a constantly changing algorithm of at minimum 2 targets solo sloop better than a preset randomizer, that can also go upto as high as 5 constantly changing parameters?

    Dude how in the hell is that better than this

    Within these set parameters select pre-determined numbers at random

    Direction - 360degrees from north
    Power/speed propelling objects - 1 to 100
    Size of object - 1 to 3

    Once those are chosen Gravity takes over, Gravity is constant for the game. The way you control the range is capping the amount of power/speed of set parameter.

    Also I don't know what kind of game you play where it lags after when 5 players are around but mine never did. I've been in 4 galleon ship, 16 player battles and I never lagged. Yes I am on PC, but my crewmates who play on Xbox never had an issue either. So if its on your end, get your connection check or maybe your xbox or processor isn't up to snuff.

    Just to point out AGAIN since you ignored it last time. The game is already using a RNG for the volcanoes. They erupt even if a player isn't near the island and it fires its boulders even without a target present for it to aimbot to.

    So please inform me how the game is not capable of doing something its already doing.

  • Let me weigh in here for a bit.

    Frist off it is confirmed that the Volcano are considered an A.I. Treat. That means they act like skelliton on huge Motor canon with a scatter shot round. This is fair obvious to those who know what to look for. If you do not take my word on this their are a few test you can try in game to prove this for yourself.

    Target Acquisitions Test: Since they follow the same basic rules as skellition you can test to see how volcano lock on to and track a target.

    1. Get two ships of any kind. Have one ship up front an lead into the range of an active volcano. Then have the second ship tail behind about 1 to 2 ship length. Now watch the spread of volcano rocks and where the center of damage is. If the Volcano have A.I. the center point of damage will always follow the lead ship till it's out of range or sunk only then will it move to the second ship.

    2. Have a single ship start near the island while it's erupting then sail the ship in a striaght line. Watch agian for the center of damage and notice how the rock fly futher and futher from the island landing closer to your ship untill your ship goes out of range. Then notice how the rock cluster goes in different directions.

    3. Pick a spot on a erupting island. Any spot and stand there and time it till you die. Respawn then go to that exact spot and time it agian all while watching the cluster of rocks. You can see where i'm going with this.

    Now for the Main Point, While the A.I. does target you the rocks themselves are not homing projectiles. So it's not like its a missile however they still pose a problem. I'll say thay @PersonalC0ffee is correct in one aspect as it is true there is no such thing as truly Random in code. However @xultanis-dragon is even more correct as A.I. System require way more demand on the CPU as Calculation have to be dohe periodically rather then just have the CPU pick from a large list of predetermined outcomes and make appear as though it were random. He is also correct that system does this already when no viable targets are in targeting range. Althou it's unclear if those rocks are actually counted as solid objects cause we don't have a veiw of the source code. It could easily just be rendering the rocks as mere effects with no real collision zones. The mere fact this game is fouded on an RNG system already as it uses it to generate loot should make it's plusablity a non-issue.

    Dispite this while making the Volcano RNG based would somewhat help it won't go into solving thr problem. Nethier will lowering the eruption frequences as all that does is mitigate the compliants. The issue here is that the Volcano sequence in it's entirety act as a time lockout more then anything else making it more of an experiance of annoyance and frustration then a danger and a challange as Some of you described.

    For me personally i feel time lockouts should be avoid at all cost and should only be used as a last resort to balance certian gamplay elements. This is not that they literally made it take longer by forcing player to wait to get loot instead of giving them a challange to fight for the loot. This is simply bad gameplay. There have been many great idea's to solve this. The easiest is to reduce the rocks damage, AoE and frequency. Or my favorite is to add different modes to activity where the Hot water is perminate around the island and different thing can happen. Like just having eathquake or an eruption without the rocks so to keep you guessing and forcing you to make a choice do you stay and risk it all, or cut you losses and playit safe.

    That all i have to say on the matter.
    For @Grievous32, @Zollin2400, @Diinoozz and the rest.

  • @diinoozz

    Alright, be honest. How much loot did you lose and how long before you made this post?

  • @diinoozz

    The Forsaken Shores mega thread and the rest of the forum is in overwhelming agreement that the volcanoes are a big miss even though they seldom miss.

    Never let anyone tell you it is challenging as it is not. It is a boring waste of time. However, if you do keep sailing there you will enjoy the benefits of being over compensated for collecting the same chests and skulls doing the same voyages over and over as we have for months. If you do not like the risk of encounters with other players trying to sink your ship, you will be a very happy pirate as that part of the sea is usually barren.

    Maybe some adjustments are coming in the Shrouded Spoils. Maybe.

  • @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon My fleets run events and if you get 5 people in say, a tavern; their dancing or clapping animations start to lag. I'm not talking about fps lag. I'm talking about engine lag. You can see the animations start to break and slow down. I've seen it happen. I know what I'm talking about. It's why it is so hard to host events.

    Sounds like you and your crew really know how to party! Talk about bringing down the house. Just five of your guys emoting can slow down what someone has explained here on the forums is a AAA game sprung from software wizardry running on the latest cutting edge technology.

    Guess it is probably a good thing we do not have the option to invite other crews and their ships to the same server to the party yet. Looks like it would turn into an end of the world type event.

  • The aim bot could be turned down.. but I don’t think it’s going anywhere. It’s the frequency of eruptions that gets me

  • @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon My fleets run events and if you get 5 people in say, a tavern; their dancing or clapping animations start to lag. I'm not talking about fps lag. I'm talking about engine lag. You can see the animations start to break and slow down. I've seen it happen. I know what I'm talking about. It's why it is so hard to host events.

    That blog post only covers cannon firing at one moving ship. It isn't taking into account scale. When you scale it up for multiple places, multiple projectiles, and multiple targets at once; it gets complicated and performance heavy. That's just how things work. There's no way around it.

    I am not entirely convinced the volcanoes at distance are actually doing anything. It only looks like they are. Outside of the player's maximum draw distance, there is no reason to run those calculations. Yes, I've seen rocks at a distance but beyond the maximum spy glass distance, I think they do nothing unless there is another player or ship nearby its zone. It would save on performance.

    No, the game is using PRNG but not for Volcanoes.

    So what you are saying is that even if someone is just out of range of the volcano that the projectiles are turned off and are instead just simply rendered effects? I wasn't only talking about us being at the end of the map, when I meant out of range I also meant literally just barely out of range. They cause splashes in the water.

    Not to mention you AGAIN proved that a perfectly random volcano would lighten the server load.

    You talk about the "scale" only that there is no scale to speak of. The algorithm's aren't in play unless a skeleton is firing a cannon. A skeleton isn't loaded until a ship is close enough to spawn the banner. The skeletons stay spawned for a short while after but then despawn shortly after. You talk about scaling and server load and everything but do you really understand what you are talking about or are you just assuming?

    You should probably look into whatever you are using for your video lag issues. If you are on PC than it could be a driver issue or overheating issue or maybe your rig isn't up to the render qualities. If you are on Xbox then maybe your xbox is old and needs replacing because I have been in massive fleet battles with no video issues, and like you have had multiple crews in a tavern drinking again with no video problems. My crewmates also have had no problems.

    edit scratch that one told me they did when we first started playing but upgraded their xbox and since then no problems.

    So the issue you are probably having that you are basing this whole server load problem on is completely on your side. If your friends are having it too then maybe look at the settings or what not because I don't know what to tell you. Even while playing on a Aussy server or a European server with 150 to 250 ping I still don't get video problems only registry problems.

    Turn on your FPS counter and if it dips below 30 then you might have a problem, but mine is always at 100 to 120 and even on laggy servers only dips to 70 or 80.

  • @straw-hat-blake I don't think they should turn it down. One pirate is enough to keep the ship afloat (not sure about brig), although it wastes a lot of planks. If they turn the aim bot down, they'll have to increase the number of projectiles to keep it still a threat. Switching to a real area bombardment isn't an improvement in my opinion.

    But I'm on your side about eruption frequency. Sometimes it gets really annoying when the same volcano erupts 6-7 times in a row und you actually have some business there.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    There is a good series on the Rare Ltd website which covers Software Optimisation and the very real challenges the Rare team have encountered particularly as the ships themselves create such a significant load, there are 3 parts and each are an interesting read on the problems and how these might be addressed - while not specifically covering volcanoes, it might give some insight into the issues when new dynamic objects are added to the world.

    The example in part 2 where they have a specific test scenario, illustrates the difficulties and the cost of multiple ships and their individual components very well - something which those fleets running server wide events have noticed.

    This is obviously an improving situation as they find ways to address the issues with each patch.

    Tech Blog: Software Optimisation (Part 1)
    Tech Blog: Software Optimisation (Part 2)
    Tech Blog: Software Optimisation (Part 3)

  • @crimsontifical I agree. Volcanoes need to be toned down AND the frequency of them. Ill wait until a volcano stops erupting then sail up and it'll start again lol. Can you imagine being a new player going over there? haha I would love to hear what they were thinking. I rarely see ship in this region anymore other than Athena grinders. Everyone else stays in the easy area and I don't blame them sometimes.

  • @personalc0ffee That's more an issue with Rare's animation/network implementation. The engine (Unreal 4) is able to handle way more than that no problem.

    Also, @Xultanis-Dragon is right when he says that random volcano blasts would be more performant than the current implementation because picking a random spot requires less calculation than targeting a moving ship and calculating the correct angle, etc...

    I don't think it would make the gameplay any better though, because the targeting area for the volcanoes is way too big and unless they increase the frequency of rocks no one will get hit. What would work better is to decrease the area that the volcanoes are able to target, and increase the firing cone so that there is a larger margin of error when targeting ships and players. This makes it less likely that you will be bombarded immediately, but still risky enough that you won't want to stay long. With a smaller target area, it may be possible to increase the frequency as the rock objects would not need to travel as far and could be disposed of on the server end sooner.

    You could park out of range and use a rowboat (which would be closer and no longer require 5 minutes of rowing) and with the larger firing cone its less likely that your parked rowboat will get destroyed on the beach right away, so they would be actually useful in DR.

  • @personalc0ffee Whatever method they use to sync the animation over the network is terrible. About the only good thing that could come from the Arena mode is that they sit down and take the time to work out the issues with the network code as a PVP focused mode is going to be terrible if they don't fix them - along with other things like the client side hit markers and high pings caused by matchmaking out of region or just poor fps on the server side.

    The servers have trouble handling 24 players and 6 ships spread out over the entire map - imagine how bad it will be when they are all confined to a single region.

  • @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    You have what's known as a Pseudo Random Number Generator or PRNG. These have to make very complex calculations to get their results because they have to be high enough to not have a pattern detectible by the player. There's ALWAYS a pattern because again, PSUEDO random.

    I'm having flashbacks to my Pokemon days...

  • @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @x-crowheart-x said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @personalc0ffee said in NO AIMBOT FOR VOLCANOES!!!:

    @xultanis-dragon My fleets run events and if you get 5 people in say, a tavern; their dancing or clapping animations start to lag. I'm not talking about fps lag. I'm talking about engine lag. You can see the animations start to break and slow down. I've seen it happen. I know what I'm talking about. It's why it is so hard to host events.

    Sounds like you and your crew really know how to party! Talk about bringing down the house. Just five of your guys emoting can slow down what someone has explained here on the forums is a AAA game sprung from software wizardry running on the latest cutting edge technology.

    Guess it is probably a good thing we do not have the option to invite other crews and their ships to the same server to the party yet. Looks like it would turn into an end of the world type event.

    What they have accomplished with this game and this engine are amazing but it is definitely not without fault or problems.

    One of my fleet mates, hosted the En Guarde tournament and during the final round they wanted the sails to move while people were fighting on them and ended up having to stop doing it because it was breaking the game session and people were lagging all over.

    Go look it up.

    Might want to rethink amazing. Do not think players emoting causing game lag exactly equals amazing. Yes, the game does some very well done things like the implementation of ships and water.

    However, it all is with a lot of sacrifice of gameplay being turned off and impedes growth in gameplay opportunities. Which includes impacting player grown events like your En Guarde tournament. That hurts the heart and soul of the game at its sandbox roots.

    I did watch the video as you suggested. Liked it and what you all were trying to do.

  • Lets all just agree to disagree that volcanoes need removed... for at least a period that they can get nerfed... I want to farm in devil's roar because that is where the money is for non-pirate legends, but fek. Every island there is a volcano and the volcano erupts practically every 5 minutes(at least it feels like it) so for the love of god, nerf them, lower accuracy. Just do something please

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