Rogue Wave (Prelude)

  • There have been many great idea's given for game and they all come from different interpretation of Rare Vision. Rare is a studio that allowed it's community to help shape the game. From that rose many great fan creations from some of the most talented pirates amonst us. But sadly not all idea's work together and can be placed in the game and even more never get fully fleshed out or heard. So I wanted to collect all these great idea's into 1 place, So i created a Master List of Community Idea'swhere community members could go and see all the great idea's that SoT might or could of been. I wanted to go and take it a step further by also wraping all mutally benificial and compatable idea's together in the form and outline of a complete Community Inspired Update which focus on solving certian aspects of the game while highligting some of the game flaws and inspire productive conversation around them. As well has having a glimps into Alternate version of the game.

    Rogue Wave: Is a pet project of mine that is focused on solving the inherent imbalance of the PvEvP sandbox enviroment. It is a complete and detailed list of ideas I've collected from the forums as well as my own presented in the form of a Possible update. Unfortunatly it's been difficult to track down the links to many of the post as they been buried deep within the forum and some being deleted altogether. Which is why it has taking me so long to put this project together. I hoping with this upcoming post i will inspire future Community projects that will address everything the Community expects and hopes to see.

    This is not to be takin as a demand on the devs, but simply as a clearer view on the perception of the player base and inspiration for future content endevours all neatly packaged and easily obtianable to find on the forums.

    If any you like this format please let me know here and discuss if this is a format you would like to see moving forward. As well as any suggestion you may have moving forward I will be posting the frist draft of Rogue Wave tommorrow. Till then you can Check out some of the related post

    Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave)

    "Counter Play" Solving the problems with CCB's (Rogue Wave) disscusion

    "The Hunt" An opt-in PvP event (Rogue Wave Event)

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