Diving Helmet (New Item)

  • We need a working diving helmet! That way a pirate could stay underwater as long as someone in his crew is pumping air down back on the ship or as long as a solo pirate can wind it up. It would function as another tool to find and acquire valuable loot.

    What We Would Get
    A diving helmet with an extendable hose that comes out of a wooden box. The wooden box is the air box. It has an enternal air bladder and an external wheel.

    How it Would Work
    At first thought it would be very fun if someone had to continuously pump air down to the diver. However, that would prevent solo pirates from having fun with it. So, a solo pirate would wind the air box up using the wheel to start it running. As the pirate dives underwater the hose extends. The pumped air lasts about 2-3 times the time the pirate could hold their breath. If the pirate is not alone, a crew member could wind up the device again to extend the period. The pirate could tug on the hose to send signals if there is someone up on the ship.

    There would be specific locations under the sea that a dive could happen. There is already a sea bed around islands, some times extending far and deep away from the shore.

    New Gameplay
    ~ Voyages to search rumored sites of lost shipwrecks. The diver could have to walk into broken, crusted ships.

    ~ Voyages to dig up sunken treasure under the sea floor.

    ~ Solve underwater riddles in a new ship graveyard as part of Order of Soul missions.

    ~ Fight dead captains forever trapped at what remains of their sunken ship or a special chest they pledged to protect with their life.

    ~ A voyage could entail diving to find and locate a statue, totem, or shrine in each part of the sea to reveal a hidden underwater sea cave.

    ~ Dive to find giant clams to pry open to find giant pearls, including a rare golden pearl.

    Risks & Hazards
    ~ The air box could randomly malfunction, becoming stuck and not pumping air. The air box would need to wind up again to reset.

    ~ The air box could randomly break due to pressure of overuse. Planks could be used to repair it.

    ~ Skarks could spawn that randomly bite at the hose eventually breaking it.

    ~ A new hammerhead shark could be added at these locations. Instead of biting and drawing blood, they headbutt and disorient the diver.

    ~ A new electric eel could pop out and shock the diver. Electricity fills their vision as they are temporarily stunned.

    ~ Maybe the helmet is not a permanent item or just one part. Maybe it is loaned out from an old diver located at one of the sea posts. Maybe parts are found in barrels on shipwrecks. Being limited the item is sought and even fought after. Maybe crews with different parts form an alliance to put it together and help each other out to find the more valuable loot waiting under the sea.

    Extra Item
    Weighted Boots: The weighted boots help the pirate sink faster. They also cause the pirate to walk slower. him walk slow. The diver would of course swim slower back to the surface.

    Example of Real Life Diving Helmet Equipment

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    My Ideas
    Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, & Harpoon Monster Hunting
    Walking the Plank
    Outpost Under Siege
    Sea Folk Magic
    Usable Dagger: Weapon/Tool & Environmental Targets
    Fly More Flags
    Diving Helmet

    Community Ideas Master List
    You can find a lot more creative and fun ideas from the great minds of the community in Community Ideas Master List. Who knows maybe some of them will be coming our way soon in a future Bilge Rat adventure or update!

  • 13
  • So what describing here is a "diving bell" I always liked that idea. My only issue is it will be useless to a solo player, but otherwise a solid idea. Could explore the depths for more loot. Find hidden and enchanted objects and hunt mythic undersea beast. Maybe even socialize with the mer folk. Wish i can dig up the original post it was well detailed and liked.

  • @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    So what describing here is a "diving bell" I always liked that idea. My only issue is it will be useless to a solo player, but otherwise a solid idea. Could explore the depths for more loot. Find hidden and enchanted objects and hunt mythic undersea beast. Maybe even socialize with the mer folk. Wish i can dig up the original post it was well detailed and liked.

    No I am talking about a metal helmet attached to a hose which attaches to a pump and bladder. The pump could be wind up by a solo person for a limited dive or pumped by another person for longer dives.

    Adding pictures to the top.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    So what describing here is a "diving bell" I always liked that idea. My only issue is it will be useless to a solo player, but otherwise a solid idea. Could explore the depths for more loot. Find hidden and enchanted objects and hunt mythic undersea beast. Maybe even socialize with the mer folk. Wish i can dig up the original post it was well detailed and liked.

    No I am talking about a metal helmet attached to a hose which attaches to a pump. The pump could be wind up by a solo person for a limited dive or pumped by another person for longer dives.

    Oh so a solo version of "the diving bell" Then i have no problem with it. So will this item have a limited amount of uses?

    Would it be a Rare item?

    Would or Sould it be destructable?

    Could you sell it?

  • I thought u were joking, lol. Then I read the post and you were not. Sounds cool.

  • @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    So what describing here is a "diving bell" I always liked that idea. My only issue is it will be useless to a solo player, but otherwise a solid idea. Could explore the depths for more loot. Find hidden and enchanted objects and hunt mythic undersea beast. Maybe even socialize with the mer folk. Wish i can dig up the original post it was well detailed and liked.

    No I am talking about a metal helmet attached to a hose which attaches to a pump. The pump could be wind up by a solo person for a limited dive or pumped by another person for longer dives.

    Oh so a solo version of "the diving bell" Then i have no problem with it. So will this item have a limited amount of uses?

    Would it be a Rare item?

    Would or Sould it be destructable?

    Could you sell it?

    I will work on fleshing it all out. Just think the fun with others if it the diver gave signals like on the pump in the second picture. One tug more air, two tug less air, three tugs help. Would have a small version for sloops and a bigger one for brigs and galleons.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    So what describing here is a "diving bell" I always liked that idea. My only issue is it will be useless to a solo player, but otherwise a solid idea. Could explore the depths for more loot. Find hidden and enchanted objects and hunt mythic undersea beast. Maybe even socialize with the mer folk. Wish i can dig up the original post it was well detailed and liked.

    No I am talking about a metal helmet attached to a hose which attaches to a pump. The pump could be wind up by a solo person for a limited dive or pumped by another person for longer dives.

    Oh so a solo version of "the diving bell" Then i have no problem with it. So will this item have a limited amount of uses?

    Would it be a Rare item?

    Would or Sould it be destructable?

    Could you sell it?

    I will work on fleshing it all out.

    May i suggest that you make it a Fairly Rare item as in no more then 3 to a server.

    Have it tied to specific locations on the map

    Have limited uses when you have it and attached with ethier a cooldown timer or replenshable by an item after the uses are up.

    So not completly destructable but requires a bit of maintenance.

    And have it sell for a decent price maybe 3K gold.

  • @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet (New Item):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    So what describing here is a "diving bell" I always liked that idea. My only issue is it will be useless to a solo player, but otherwise a solid idea. Could explore the depths for more loot. Find hidden and enchanted objects and hunt mythic undersea beast. Maybe even socialize with the mer folk. Wish i can dig up the original post it was well detailed and liked.

    No I am talking about a metal helmet attached to a hose which attaches to a pump. The pump could be wind up by a solo person for a limited dive or pumped by another person for longer dives.

    Oh so a solo version of "the diving bell" Then i have no problem with it. So will this item have a limited amount of uses?

    Would it be a Rare item?

    Would or Sould it be destructable?

    Could you sell it?

    I will work on fleshing it all out.

    May i suggest that you make it a Fairly Rare item as in no more then 3 to a server.

    Have it tied to specific locations on the map

    Have limited uses when you have it and attached with ethier a cooldown timer or replenshable by an item after the uses are up.

    So not completly destructable but requires a bit of maintenance.

    And have it sell for a decent price maybe 3K gold.

    Yeah this is what I was thinking. Have reasons to find it, use it, and even to take it away or share with others. All about making loot have value, even the ways to get it.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet (New Item):

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet (New Item):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    So what describing here is a "diving bell" I always liked that idea. My only issue is it will be useless to a solo player, but otherwise a solid idea. Could explore the depths for more loot. Find hidden and enchanted objects and hunt mythic undersea beast. Maybe even socialize with the mer folk. Wish i can dig up the original post it was well detailed and liked.

    No I am talking about a metal helmet attached to a hose which attaches to a pump. The pump could be wind up by a solo person for a limited dive or pumped by another person for longer dives.

    Oh so a solo version of "the diving bell" Then i have no problem with it. So will this item have a limited amount of uses?

    Would it be a Rare item?

    Would or Sould it be destructable?

    Could you sell it?

    I will work on fleshing it all out.

    May i suggest that you make it a Fairly Rare item as in no more then 3 to a server.

    Have it tied to specific locations on the map

    Have limited uses when you have it and attached with ethier a cooldown timer or replenshable by an item after the uses are up.

    So not completly destructable but requires a bit of maintenance.

    And have it sell for a decent price maybe 3K gold.

    Yeah this is what I was thinking. Have reasons to find it, use it, and even to take it away or share with others. All about making loot have value, even the ways to get it.

    Great BTW can i add this to the list later?

  • @enf0rcer


  • @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet (New Item):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Diving Helmet:

    @enf0rcer said in Diving Helmet:

    So what describing here is a "diving bell" I always liked that idea. My only issue is it will be useless to a solo player, but otherwise a solid idea. Could explore the depths for more loot. Find hidden and enchanted objects and hunt mythic undersea beast. Maybe even socialize with the mer folk. Wish i can dig up the original post it was well detailed and liked.

    No I am talking about a metal helmet attached to a hose which attaches to a pump. The pump could be wind up by a solo person for a limited dive or pumped by another person for longer dives.

    Oh so a solo version of "the diving bell" Then i have no problem with it. So will this item have a limited amount of uses?

    Would it be a Rare item?

    Would or Sould it be destructable?

    Could you sell it?

    I worked on the diving helmet item concept and fleshed out the details to provide a better glimpse of what it is and the fun it could bring to the Sea of Thieves.

  • Seen and mentioned similar ideas. This is a great concept. Needs to be added.

  • Interesting idea.. if you want we could collaborate a little bit on this and get input- I’ll be on SoT tonight so we can talk about it then- good sailing!

1 out of 13