Here it is.
Writeup summary of the video.
Firstly to talk about the previous weekend and twitch london.
It was an amazing event and kudos for the team that put the event on with over 4000 people. It was such a cool event to talk about the games they loved.
For Joe Personally to be able to meet new and older members of the community and to hear the stories about family members play and some stories have been told love the unique stories that were told.
Spirit of the Community in Spain where there will be a games festival there, so if you can make it there it will be amazing.
At the event they will be talking about the vision Rare had for Sea of Thieves and how they brought that through and the community they have build and is looking forward towards the event.
Rare got nominated for an award for Family/social game. /claps
Another topic;
Stream Sniping
For those that don't know if someone is streaming the game, some people are going once they see players gamertags to see if they can join their session, Joe doesn't think it seems right. Then once people join they then abuse once in the session.
Just like recent streams there has been familiar faces on the stream which Joe doesn't feel it's right. They will be giving streamers to combat those issues but nothing more will be said.
Shrouded Spoils
- Couple of little bugs that Rare are on top of. Making sure they are completely squished.
- 1 more build release for pioneers to test.
- Plan to release Shrouded spoils will be released next week!
And from next week you will start to see all the surrounding materials around it there will be a content update video released so you can see all the content in Shrouded Spoils.