Country Flags

  • I currently play in a steady group of pirate friends, we are mostly from the uk. While I’m from Northern Ireland, my buddies are from wales, Scotland and England. We always joke about putting our own countries flag on our mast. I think it would be really cool to be able to have country flag available to fly. Maybe only starting with your own countries flag, then as you defeat pirates from other countries, their flags become available to you!? What are people’s thoughts about this?!

  • 30
  • No. No. No.

  • @raycooke2007 While I would love to have more flags, in particular country flags, the community is divided.

    You have been a member of the forum for a long time. You may remember the great flag debate around the 4th of July. It didn't go well for those of us who wanted it.

    With new forum members, maybe we will have more support.

  • Personally I wouldn't mind. I think it would be cool seeing a ship and knowing what country they are from. Also I get to say "the british are coming!"

    However, judging from what happend when the pride flag was introduced, I doubt it will happen. Some people have a problem with real world things coming into the game.

  • The community is divided into lots countries... who says there isn’t going to be an American and an English patriot arguing over who’s gets to be put up? It just might be a pain

    EDIT: Not saying I don’t like the idea, just that it might be bound for conflict eventually.

  • @raycooke2007 why not it's a good idea

  • This idea's been tossed and turned quite a bit. I think the idea in itself is fine, but in the worlds current political climate, stuff like national flags could be used as fuel for trolls, or the likes. Not a tool we'd want to give them.

    It might also break immersion a bit. We're meant to live in the game as free pirates, in a world without nations.

  • Ahoy there @raycooke2007 !

    There's a very good reason for not having national flags, pirates didn't have any loyalty towards man or country. A pirate crew often consisted of mixed nationalities all united under the banner of crime. The same goes with most crews in game, while you might always play with the same group of real friends, a lot of us sail with people from different countries and as such it would be weird to fly a flag that doesn't match the crew.

    When you look at how the flags are stored in game, you immediately see the other reason why it wouldn't be logical to add country flags. Envision the flag box and the way it's filled, now in your mind add 195 flags for each country. Everytime you start your game, you get to hop on your boat and scroll through the list of 200+ flag, enjoy! :)

    For those reasons I don't see the need for having nationality added to the game.


    Captain FishSt1ck

  • @theunionjames We don't always get what we want. That is something that I am thankful about, this Thanksgiving day. :)

    This is a Pirate-Fantasy game, set in a fictional realm devoid of any nation-state(s). Adding national flags is a terrible idea, for a multitude of reasons. The only benefit is to appease people who are obsessed with their own magical sky rag.

  • No border, no Nation

    Politricks = Hippocrits

    chant down babylon

    Greetings from Cologne, Germany.

  • I'm always in support of more customization in any form for Sea of Thieves. Anything we can do to make our pirates and more importantly our ships more unique is always a plus in my book.

    However, I'm not really in support of national flags. In fact I don't want to see any sort of "real world" references implemented into the game including a Spanish or British armada that hunts down players. Everything implemented should take inspiration from real world examples but feel completely unique once implemented.

    I think we should be able to fly more faction flags like Gold Horders, Order of Souls, etc... But what I'd really like to see is the completion of current sets already in the game. For instance we have several ship sets based off of current faction progression yet we have no flags to fly with those sets. We can buy at least three different kinds of Admiral sets but zero flags to fly with any of them. Going forward in 2019 I would like to see Rare focus on finishing those preexisting sets AND THEN start adding new sets to collect.

  • It's one of those Won't have (this time) things in the MoSCoW scale.

    As said above, you could include all flags but some are going to feel left out.
    Are you going to include just the union jack for the UK or are you going to add seperate Scottish W***h English flags etc?

    The Country I live in (the Kingdom of the Netherlands) has over 20 official flags on it's own seeing as it's made up of several smaller countries provinces and there being lots of variations of the National flag.

    Are you going to Add the newer German flag or the Historical double eagled flag or one of the dozens of variations on it.

    I understand that a lot of the folks overseas think of this as an easy matter. "Just add the US flag" but even there you have several versions of one (relatively new) flag.

    Ergo, either we're going to get a seperate container for a nation flag with 300+ flags to go trough before you find your flag. OR you don't implement flags at all save the hassle of the whole political debate and hassle of getting it in there with a system dedicated to making it easy to manage.

  • Hm. Would be nice to have flags of conquered ships all together on your mast. On sailing ships there were ropes from mast to mast for such trophies, weren't there? A rope with 5 different flags would indicate five successes. By the way, flag signals would also be possible...

  • @goedecke-michel said in Country Flags:

    Hm. Would be nice to have flags of conquered ships all together on your mast. On sailing ships there were ropes from mast to mast for such trophies, weren't there? A rope with 5 different flags would indicate five successes. By the way, flag signals would also be possible...

    Possibly a good suggestion for Arena?

  • @raycooke2007

    My fellow country man. ( Northern Irish, myself, born & bred )
    You and I should know (more than most), the decisive nature of flags in the real world.
    Whilst I agree we should all have a sense of national pride no matter what lump of land we occupy, lets leave that in real life.
    National flags are too decisive and exclusive.
    Whilst we all live under a flag of one colour or another.
    To other people the 'statement & the symbol' of "Whatever" flag, can have, & often has a different meaning to different people.

    History and national rivalry runs deep, a flag that unites one identity, often divides another.

    I quote 3 articles from the "Pirate Code"
    They aren't directly related to this issue,
    But none the less the introduction of "National Flags" breaks their spirit.

    • Article 1 : The Sea Calls To Us All
      Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality or creed.

    • Article 2 : The Sea Unites Us as One Community
      Outside the heat of battle or piracy on the high seas, all crews shall bond together as a community of like-minded souls.

    • Article 4 : All Crewmates Are Equal
      Let each crewmate be respected as equal and free to follow their own bearing, speak openly and vote in affairs of the voyage.


    Far too political: which is against the games ethos.

    Timeline: SoT is based in the golden age of piracy, ( current or old style flags?, oh wait a second... my country doesn't exist back then )

    Practicality: There are at least 250+ current national flags.
    Then why stop at national flags?
    Special interest flags? ( White/Black nationalist organisations... etc )
    I know you aren't asking for the aforementioned, no sane individual would.
    But they are symbols in their own right that people identify with.
    Rightly or Wrongly... not a discussion for here.

    I believe at times.... real life issues should be separated from what is an experience for all.
    A place where we can leave all that c*** behind in real life.
    Where it belongs.
    We are here to play the game, & enjoy our journeys.

    I wish you.... Fair Winds & a Safe Journey

    alt text

  • What was national pride good for??? some historic examples, i just cannot remember.

  • @fishst1ck plus... once you have allowed national flags I am going to kick and scream and shout loudly for regional flags.
    I don't want to sail with a St George's Cross or a Union Flag, I want to sail under the might White Rose!

  • @hynieth black red gold is the german flag..why should they add flags from 1900 :D..even the netherlands has just one nationalflagg;)

  • @piratecraggy all good points, I am merely raising the discussion as many people I have sailed with have spoken to me about this. I understand the decisive nature of flags, although I am intrigued at the possibility of stealing your foes flag, perhaps for some sort of cash reward when traded in at sea post/outpost. Perhaps a flag creator or generator, and when you defeat a pirate you “capture” their flag?! All good for the discussion

  • @raycooke2007

    That's fair & thank you.
    Believe me I like your idea re. Stealing/Winning flags as a 'Trophy of War'.

    If they have no tie to the modern age flags.... I have absolutely no objection.
    I would therefore support the general premise, but not to national flags/symbols etc.

    A flag creator or generator, yip, using ingame lore & symbolic devices.
    With the addition of traditional historic heraldic emblems.... ideal....
    .... so we can have our lions, unicorns, roses, horses, cross keys etc.

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Country Flags:

    @hynieth black red gold is the german flag..why should they add flags from 1900 :D..even the netherlands has just one nationalflagg;)

    this one?:

    Or this one?
    Or did you think of this one?
    Because those are just some of the state flags of the 12 provinces. Our national flag is actually:

    Even Germany has an official country flag that includes the twin headed eagle.

  • ye black red gold with the eagle on it ,n specific flags for the marine n army,but that on u mean is a banned flag;)

  • I must admit that I was for the national flags initially but after reading some viewpoints from the other side, I would now agree that the national flag thing is better left out.

    However, I do want to see more flag options like others have mentioned. It seems kind-of random that we got a flag for Forsaken Shores, but we didn't get one for the Festival of the Damned. I guess it would have been too much like the Ghost and Jolly Roger flags, so they skipped it? Like most things, I imagine that it came down to time and only so much can get done.

  • @hidden-token Yup, I'm all for more flags for sure. Give me a Bilgerat flag (no not the one we have but the green/ white one)

    They have it so I want it ^_^

  • @hynieth
    Now you are just being silly :) (reacting to the post with the flags not the post one above this one). The red-white-and blue is the national flag; the coat of arms is no part of it. Other flags are that of the Dutch royal navy (which would make more sense to fly on our ships than the national one... ).

    Back on topic, would love to have more flags / flag designs to choose from, but I don't think adding loads of national flags would be a good / practical idea.

  • @raycooke2007 Maybe not country flags but I love the idea of being able to claim the flags of other players ships!

    Maybe they could add a custom flag editor instead :)

  • @tundra-793 what does a flag have to do with politics

  • @fishst1ck The game is not realistic. A pirate wouldn't fly a gay flag neither so your first argument is out of the window. The 2nd argument is the dumbest thing i ever read

  • @ferroushornet01 sagte in Country Flags:

    @fishst1ck The 2nd argument is the dumbest thing i ever read

    ... he said, while resurrecting a one-year old thread. GG.

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