TIL Sea of thieves only has 1 Star

  • As an astrophile the night sky in sea of thieves can be very bland.. beautiful but bland none the less. Equivalent to throwing glitter in the sky. I was so happy to see the north star in the betas so we could sail an night by the starlight. But tbh I thought they would have more stars at the full release of the game.

    Honestly red dead 2 has checked off my bucket list for having real constellations in game. My dream for sea of thieves sky has changed a bit.

    What if we had constellations specifically just for SoT. Just as simple shapes but to represent the world we all love. Such as a Big meg and a little meg, mermaids, krakens, crabs, pigs.. I could go on and on. And as more updates arrive more constellations will arise as a memorial to the update. We will be filling the night sky with memories!!

    I also think that shooting stars should be in game. Very rare. Just another way to recreate the magic that are the memorable moments we share.

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  • @straw-hat-blake Great idea! I would love to see comets also!!

  • Even better would be a system of reoccuring constelations that cause special stuff.
    When x align to y and z is up all chest are Captain or higher.
    On every full Moon you get a bonus versus X.
    When y align to z and x is not showing up all OoS Quest rewards are villainous.

  • A shooting star would be nice as long as it cannot randomly target your ship like the flying lava rocks lol!

    Seriously constellations, comets, shooting stats would be nice. We can tell time and the sun rises and sets in the game, so would be nice if we could also watch the passage of time in the night heaven above.

    If the sun, moon phases, and stars could tie into occurrences and events in game, it would give a lot of meaning and added fun to some of the things we do. Could add a telescope to track the night sky and events. Even omens the Order of Souls watches for.

  • @straw-hat-blake I like your idea for adding SoT specific constilations. Can i add your post to the master list?

  • Wouldn't it be amazing to be sat with a crew on the deck, becalmed and watching the stars pass us by?!
    What an amazing idea! Good job, have my upvote!

  • In all honesty I've never looked up or even gave a second thought at the sky, I wouldn't want the developers to take time out of making meaningful content to do this or to waste more in game memory for this either but that's my opinion

  • @enf0rcer yea of course!

  • @ufc-wolverin3 this is a valid argument. But the way that the dev teams are split up I don’t think something like this would get in the way of future content. The game being beautiful is one of its best qualities. So I would hope they plan on continuing to work on making it beautiful. But hey, some people don’t really care about what the game looks like. Others get goosebumps when they see the night sky

  • @straw-hat-blake said in TIL Sea of thieves only has 1 Star:

    @enf0rcer yea of course!

    Your post has been added.

  • @straw-hat-blake Ahh shooting stars. Now that would be something special. I fully support the idea of having more stars and more beautiful things to look at in the sky. Perhaps they can make a Bilge Rat adventure out of it some how? Using our spyglass and different constellations to discover hidden treasures.

  • @straw-hat-blake - How about doing more for Pirate Legends first? I was Pirate Legend in April and they have really not added anything specific since then other than Athena quests which are meh (just an aggregation of existing quests). How about allowing us Legends to sail out of the hideout with our ships as mentioned a year ago, how about a Private Island for Legends as rumored, How about a unique ship for Legends? How about allowing a permanent ship name for Legends? Unfortunately I don't see it happening. They first need to satisfy those who have completed the long hard grind to PL, otherwise alot of us will be leaving the game, and I think this is already happening.

  • Great idea. However... (I'm gonna get blowback for this, but...)

    In Earth astronomy, the North Star doesn't move, the entire night sky appears to "orbit" around it. This is due to Earth's rotation. The Earth's north polar axis points directly at Polaris and turns on it's axis creating a solar day, making it appear like the night sky revolves around the North Star from an observer on Earth in the Northern Hemisphere.

    It would very challenging to create an accurate astronomical sky in SoT (I'm assuming that SoT's world is supposed to be Earth, or Earth-like at least. I know it's a fantasy, but as someone mentioned in my thread to do with wanting improved ship physics, SoT wasn't meant to be an astronomy software program (nor a sailing simulator)).

    Now, having said that, imv there's no reason why the sky in SoT couldn't have constellations - even moving ones that appear to rotate around the North Star, or just fly past it in one direction (but that would be really strange. Doesn't that happen now?).

    SoT needn't be astronomically sound to give a much better impression of a realistic night sky that can be enjoyed by the players. I can see it working nicely - just don't expect to be able to use a sextant for accurate celestial navigation.

  • @xxcorvetteguyxx said in TIL Sea of thieves only has 1 Star:

    @straw-hat-blake - How about doing more for Pirate Legends first? I was Pirate Legend in April and they have really not added anything specific since then other than Athena quests which are meh (just an aggregation of existing quests). How about allowing us Legends to sail out of the hideout with our ships as mentioned a year ago, how about a Private Island for Legends as rumored, How about a unique ship for Legends? How about allowing a permanent ship name for Legends? Unfortunately I don't see it happening. They first need to satisfy those who have completed the long hard grind to PL, otherwise alot of us will be leaving the game, and I think this is already happening.

    Legendary captain status will be amazing if it’s anything like they talked about before release. When you talk about “as rumored” you’re talking about the concept art from the Books. There is so much yet to be brought to sea of thieves. “You don’t see it happening?” Who else is pushing out free updates like this? They plan on giving the community anything it asks for. All in due time. Pirate legends were a minority for a long time so I don’t think pleasing them would be the first priority

  • @starship42 I wonder if the “glitter” stars that we have now revolve around the North Star like that. It would be awesome if they did have revolving constellations. Like how the Scorpio chases Orion over the horizon in the night sky. And with the clocks and days being the way that they are in sea of thieves you would be able to tell the season just by what stars are present and where.

  • @straw-hat-blake Very nice thought, I have seen the constellations and thought" what? That doesn't look like a lion and so forth. So a real SOT constellation set would be so much better than the One's of past.

  • @straw-hat-blake
    A very long time ago I made a similar suggestion, and even asked the devs the question if they would ever expand upon it. The answer was "maybe". So I will happily support anyone who brings this up again, in the hopes of it becoming a definitive "yes".

    The night sky of sea of thieves could be so much more awesome ! You have my updoot and support good sir !

    *edit. I thought it had been long lost, my post that is. But I'm happy to see it still exists!

  • I couldn’t help but think back to this after playing “Stars of a thief.” It was everything I dreamed it could be. I love this game!! Thank you Rare

  • @straw-hat-blake dude if I'm right about a jungle area for the release of pets I'll laugh what a call though with the constellation

  • @straw-hat-blake Sea of Thieves could learn A LOT about weighty and interesting world design from Red Dead 2...

    This game feels like a demo zone to test gameplay...not a real world worth exploring.

  • @straw-hat-blake When I saw this quest for the first time, it was this thread I was reminded of.

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