Naming our characters

  • This topic probably was alredy discussed couple of times alredy but hey; why not rise the dead again? :V

    I think the option to name our characters would be a good addition to the game, from the roleplay point of view at least. While our gamer tags are making it easier to find ourselvs in Xbox app and eventually make a permament crews, it also damages the ingame immersion a lil' bit. It is quite distracting after all if fellow roleplaying player introduces themself as, for example: Captain Cutlassbeard while words D1KK1ExPr0SStAtExlol hovers above his head. So for the sake of roleplay and immersion we should have additional option to name our pirates during creation or, in case for alredy existing characters, via some Notary/Scribe Npc who could sit beside Duke in the Tavern or somewhere else in the outposts.

    Sooo what's Yours opinion about naming characters? Would love to hear it :D

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  • Absolutely agree on gamertags ruining the immersion. A big reason why I don't read the Pirate Times.

    Thing is SoT runs through Xbox Live, as a pc gamer this is the first Win10 game I had to try. So I created my account just for SoT.
    Only occasionally do I run into a player that has a name crafted to a pirate toon.

    You can change your name, but it cost ten bucks to Xbox Live, first change for free.

  • Yea man its a nice addition to what rare could add. But also, haven't you heard of the legend of the notorious pirate xX_NoScoperLegend420_Xx, he had the best pirate name of their time

  • I've been a PlayStation and Steam gamer since the 90's so when Sea of Thieves launched and I had to come up with a GamerTag I just made it what I was planning on calling my pirate. However, I know that I fall in like .001% of the community that did this so I totally support the ability to name our pirates. A few members of my crew have expressed the possability of spending money to rename their GamerTag so that it fit better with the game.

    I don't see why we can't set it up like MMO's have in the past. In most of those scenarios I would log into my account with an email or a separate account name and then choose a character name for a specific character. Perhaps Rare will add this feature down the road.

  • @ardent-hallern would help with stream sniping too. Streamers could turn off gamer tags to avoid unwanted players joining off gamertags they see in stream.

  • nicknames would he a cool option

  • I love the idea and agree with the immersion problem, but if players could hide their gamertags it would open the door to abuse. How would we report problem players? How could they be identified even if we had video as proof? I'm afraid we're stuck with the often absurd, sometimes jarring gamertags.

  • @ardent-hallern I heard this proposed before and i agree as i also like to roleplay. Can i add this to the Master list?

  • I very much hope that they add some way to name your character into the game. I agree that it is immersion breaking to see silly gamertags while playing, and I don't think paying a fee to change one's gamertag is reasonable. I hear your concerns though @Genuine-Heather, and they are not unfounded, but I would even be happy if they allowed us to have our pirate's name above (alongside our selected title), then our gamertag below. Maybe that would be too much text.....but I would be ok with that just so that others know my true name on the seas - Barnaby "Blackpowder" Billings! I love me some gunpowder kegs!

  • The only catch 22 to this is eventually all the permutations of names will be taken and you'll still end up with 'immersion' breaking names and l33t-speak.

  • This could be a solution to the stream sniping problem. And while they’re working on names maybe we could get different colors for allianced crews

  • Who gives free naming space, will also have to deal with foul, boastful, narcissistic, chauvunistic names. I am not interested in seeing that and I do not wish to create the administrative maintenance effort.

    Players can choose from a variety of titles, that's quite enough. While the actual player name provides real functionality, a proper name is a superfluous embellishment.

    I don't care if "xXx_BigMoMgiB_xXx" or " Calicko Jack" sets the sails.

  • @goedecke-michel

    Not necessarily, this could be managed in a range of ways with inappropriate choices being restricted, much the same as most mmorpg's work.

    Like wise you could offer a selection of possible first/middle/surnames and choose from those, it's how Kat Truewalker came about oringally, in PotCO.

  • Yeah I think it would be nice. I see a lot of names that don't really fit the game.

    Except when I have a player called Slayer2000 who is obviously malfunctioning and not doing anything (I regret not ordering the newer model).
    Then it fits perfectly :p

  • I'm thinking of rename myself for Month now.
    Stundorn is the Name i use for many years in many games, but sometimes i pick a more roleplayish name that fits better into the world or to the character i play.
    I still cannot decide.

  • @enf0rcer Sure thing mate, go ahead :)

  • @genuine-heather Truth to be told, didn't thought about that. But perhaps ability to turn viewing the gamer tags in game, right under the character's name, would do the trick. Players could set in Options menu whatever they want to see only the character's name, gamer's tag, or perhaps both like in other mmo's. This way even if You'd see only the names of ingame avatars, someone in your crew would see gamer tags so, if needed, you could report them :)

  • @goedecke-michel Ain't this the same with gamer tags? If some player is so infantile and things that vulgar words are some funny they'll use them anyway, no mater if it's thier character's name or tag.

  • @ardent-hallern said in Naming our characters:

    @enf0rcer Sure thing mate, go ahead :)

    Your post has been added.

  • It would be so much better to have character names instead of gamertags. A character name use to be a staple of most games. The surge of PvP pushed the trend to gamertags due to players wanting to use them.

    Sadly game companies now just usually leave a character name option out. It has to be managed very well and a strict naming policy enforced. It use to matter in MMOs, but eventually most of them have caved to the use of gamertags. I think it would be very fitting to do so in SoT if Rare could make the use of character names meaningful and stand behind a naming policy.

    Hiding names would pose a problem reporting player issues. Character names could be used instead of gamertags, but they would have to be unique for tracking purposes.

    The issue with stream sniping is how names are used. In a lot of cases names like the streamer’s persona and gamertag are the same or similar making them too searchable. Important to protect information and oneself online just as in real life.

  • @ardent-hallern me and my friend name our characters, but it would be cool if we could actually name them in-game.

    My character is called Crooked Betty. But when she's digging or rowing for hours, I call her Bulky Betty haha! And then there's Blunderbuss Betty. Ah.. the possibilities.

  • @genuine-heather

    That is a big problem, with a simple fix. Rare could implement a menu where you can type in the gamertag you see, and their actual gamertag would come up. This would not only help with abuse and reporting, but also with making and listing friends.

  • I also play Elder Scrolls Online by the way, and they let you choose whether you want to see gamertags or character names above other players' characters. So it's definitely possible.

  • A Pirate should have a Pirate name! Or they just should create the Option which Name should shown to the other players (yea my English isn't good, but I hope everyone knows what I try to say..) So you can decide if there appear a Pirate name like: "Funky Gold " or the Gamer-tag like: "Gamer_278_xboxacount"

  • This could also help stop abusive messaging via Xbox - something we could all do with. ^^^

  • @x-crowheart-x there could be an accessible in game list of people on your server when you need to report someone with their aliases or gamertags (whichever they show) visible.

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