Voyage of Unfortunate Events! (you see what I did there :p)

  • Hello,

    I dont know if this has been mentioned before please forgive me if it has.

    When I first found out about sea of thieves I thought great, pirate treasures hard to find and epic journeys. I would like to suggest a new epic voyage or with an other name if you like.

    So what I had in mind before I play the alpha was actually taking a long hard journey with different quests, riddles, pieces of a map until you reach the final destination to a big junk of gold.
    So maybe you could start a voyage from a guy in the tavern for example he would give you a riddle (but difficult riddles leading to multiple islands) leading to a part of a map or an other riddle, leading to a boss fight or a skelly fort anyway doing a combination of stuff that you could also do alone but it would be kind of a long journey until you reach a tomb or an x marks the spot location and dig up a lot of treasure. Make it so it actually feels like an adventure or a small story. Perhaps other people could see you when you are on that journey and could intercept you or race to the end. Maybe one per server?

    I would love to hear your thoughts below.

    Thanks for reading :)

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  • I do like this idea!

    It's like the "Chapters" thing, we already have but finding the next step as a result of finding the completing the previous one.

    At its simplest, this could be done with the existing quest types, just yielding new rewards:

    • for a GH step, a "Clue Chest", which contains the next scroll.
    • for a OOS step, a "Clue Skull", with the next scroll stuffed in the eye hole
    • for a MA step, the cargo recipient gives the player the next scroll

    These could even stay on your person, for you to table at once, give away, or save until another play session if you choose.

  • @angela-nox Yes the this was proposed before and is a very popular idea with many different variations disscussed. You can my Community ideas Master List for a few examples of suggested idea's. It's not a complete list but i add to it all the time.

    So what your proposing is somthing akin to a Raid. There was a post like your before having to go from place to place to continue to find pieces of a map that will lead to a dungeon where at the end would be a large stash of loot. If you do give a name to your idea and place it in the title i could add yours to the list. If you wish to further fleshout your own version of this concept.

    I fully support these idea's and discuss them in my post Giving Loot Gamplay Value.

  • Yeah, a couple of us initially thought that Legendary Voyages would be like that, a set of tasks/riddles that truly test your knowledge of the Sea and the Islands.

  • @enf0rcer thanks for the info I added a name!

  • @angela-nox said in Hunt for Gold:

    @enf0rcer thanks for the info I added a name!

    Your post has been added. Althou you want to consider a new name that better reflects the content. This name is a bit generic. Maybe instead of gold it could be Loot Hoard or Gold Hoard, even the Lost Treaure Trove ect... anyone else got an idea for a name?

  • Love the idea.

  • @enf0rcer said in Voyage of Unfortunate Events! (you see what I did there :p):

    @angela-nox said in Hunt for Gold:

    @enf0rcer thanks for the info I added a name!

    Your post has been added. Althou you want to consider a new name that better reflects the content. This name is a bit generic. Maybe instead of gold it could be Loot Hoard or Gold Hoard, even the Lost Treaure Trove ect... anyone else got an idea for a name?

    About one of these?

    Secret of the Lost Hoard
    Legend of the Golden Trove

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