Help new players to the game and discourage leaving the game (Also Player Reputation) Detailed

  • An idea to make a system where new players stick to the game more would be great, I have a system that I think might work fine, it also works in hand with helping to report against AFK'ers as well as help enforce the Pirate code.
    1st Idea
    Name: Player Score Reputation
    Summary: The system is based on player interactions within your crew so if you have a bad apple or you think someone that was outstanding you can pick from 2 choices A: Postive B: Negative. A would come up with the following options 1: Teacher 2: Kind 3:Sportsman Like 4: Skillful this would allow you to pick multiple of them to fit the bill, B would show 1: Disrespectful 2:Greifing 3: Cheating 4: Exploiting Negative reports would be sent over to a review team (Volunteer or existing Game Moderators) where as positive ones would be a 1 Then it would ask for a short description of the reasoning behind them, this system would go into the crew tab and look something like this.
    Benefit: This will benefit the game by allowing players to decide reputation (Instead of Xbox App's "Needs Work" ) this will force players to be more positive to each other in there crew allowing for a more positive LFG and open crew experience.
    2nd Idea
    Name: Teacher Crew
    Summary: This system is suppose to be for new players to interact with the community in a good way as the only 2 crew options as of Right now are Closed crew (Play with friends) Open Crew (Join/Host a session with a random player) there would be a third option this would be for people that have a high enough positive rep and/or Pirate Legend or a set rep for all 3 in game reputations (GH, OoS, MA) (Unavailable to negative reputation players to prevent new players from negative experience) This new player would be given an hour (or at anytime they wish) to change to a new teacher (with valid reason) it will also give them the notification after said hour to stay and upvote the player as well as give them the option to change to a new teacher, neither are at fault for leaving if they both agree to disband crew, sudden disconnects from Crashes,Internet Disconnects ETC. will go unpunished if the teacher joins back into the game within 15-20 minutes the trainer will be then connected to the same player (If the player chooses) or be sent to a new player for brigantines+ the (Vote to lock player in Brig) option will be removed to prevent new players from griefing and also the teacher from using that as an option of punishment instead players are encouraged to talk to each other about what their mistake and see if the problem keeps occurring. (This is also why I would rather have this option be set to only a Sloop as it's easier to solo train one person)
    Benefit: A lot of Newer players leave the game because they can't defend there own loot but if they have a skilled player with them they will feel more at ease and the skilled player can also help them, this will also open up more positive player experiences as negative rep players will not be able to affect the experience of new players (if the new player selects this option)

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  • perhaps a new small tutorial map with a couple of islands and no players just AI just to teach newbies how to play then after they finish a couple of missions they are given the warning they are about to leave the tutorial and embark on the real game full of threats and unrelenting pirates, I think this at least gives them fair warning.

  • @eva1977 If you gave them solely AI to experiment on they aren't prepared they've only gone up against the skeletons of the game, it's best for say a Pirate legend to teach them the ropes of the game. They would learn from someone with at least 80+ hours into the game with experience in all the different PvE event's and hopefully how PvP works as well.

  • @dormant-god Frist of all i completely agree that we should spend more time explian to new player about the game a how Pvp is not griefing and what to do.

    I also do belive that as a social game there should be more systrm and mechincs built in to crate for a better social experience like a social hub.

    While your idea's are anything but new i find them well written and detailed. May i add your post to the Community Idea's Master List.

  • @enf0rcer Sure I don't mind at all.

  • @dormant-god said in Help new players to the game and discourage leaving the game (Also Player Reputation) Detailed:

    A lot of Newer players leave the game because they can't defend there own loot but if they have a skilled player with them they will feel more at ease

    I don't know about the whole player reputation system because this is a game about thieves and pirates. If you're trying to steer players to being more nice and not advantage other players then I'm sure My Little Pony Online is out there somewhere.

    And that's not necessarily true - Not all new players have difficulty getting used to SoT - it's not that hard to learn the controls etc.

    I started playing less than 2 weeks ago. On my first day I was already taking on full crews and owing. After I loved the game because how easy it was to get into it, I got the rest of my gang to buy the game and we've had endless laughs. They too, learned quickly. And the best part is when there's a crew with a ton of chests, and they thought we were new players (which, technically we still are), and they offered us guidance, showed us how to Alliance etc, and after they begun cheering we pew pew'd them, sunk them, and took their loot :) Now, that's what I call content and great entertainment.

    You can learn how the game works in 5 minutes not that hard...

    I do have a competitive gaming background; this is more about player skill than how easy it is to learn the game.

    [mod edit]

  • @rodlimitless I don't think you read my post, I did the reputation system as a way for players to Judge THEIR own crew not others, because your experience is obviously going to be negative if people are just spawn camping you to sink your ship, I get you have your own opinion on how the game works but you have to realize that Rare doesn't just want this game to be for people 18+ they want everyone to play and enjoy their game so that's why I'm saying a system where people can train these people that may not have an extensive background in gaming like you or myself and many others, they want this game to be enjoyed and played by everyone and that's what the feedback is for, you should also know this if you had taken a look at the Pirate's Code.

  • @rodlimitless

    Ahoy there, I've edited your post as forum rules ask that we refrain from advertising.

    Making topics or posts in order to drive traffic or boost sales is strictly forbidden. Doing so will result in a permanent ban from the Forums.

  • @dormant-god said in Help new players to the game and discourage leaving the game (Also Player Reputation) Detailed:

    @enf0rcer Sure I don't mind at all.

    Your post has been added under "Teachin crew and Player Reputation". I thank you for your contribution.

  • a way to prevent older players from leaving is to allow them to create more than one pirate, that way when they are done with one pirate they can go on another adventure with a new different pirate

  • @Dormant-God

    I really like what your trying to achieve here, I am with you in feelings that the game needs to be more supportive towards new players. I'm worried about #1 being abused by certain people but hopefully it would even out over time. Love #2 I would sign up for this daily to help out.

    Not everyone is a competitive gamer, not everyone has the mental ability to learn as quickly, not everyone has the physical ability to ever be deemed "highly skilled". And they have no less right than anyone to be playing the game.

    This is not about diminishing the game for the average gamer, but instead supporting people into the role of pirate.

    I can be as ruthless as they come in terms of sinking ships, but I take no joy in taking advantage of new players who have no means to defend themselves because they have not had the opportunity to foster the skills or relationships on the seas to help them deal with the situation.

    It is important for the future health of the game that the game is inclusive to new players, and encourages them to keep playing.

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