Great Barrier: New land content

  • ** The Great Barrier has been opened! This new area in the Sea of Thieves is heavily inspired by The South Pacific and the Great Barrier Reef. This expansion brings a new trade company, items and weapons**


    The new area
    This area will be around the same size as the Devils Roar and include 2 Outposts and 13 Islands. The largest island will be 2x the size of Plunder Valley and the smallest one the size of Snake Island. Most islands will be covered in green and have coves and lagoons. Many trees have coconuts you can hit down for a health buff or to fire out of cannons.

    Crabs have started mirgrating to this area of the Sea of Thieves. The pirates have gotten curious and tracked it to the source.
    When you first arrive in the Great Barrier and go to Turquoise Cove Outpost you can talk to Sam. The Shorehunter representive. He tells the player about a massive migration of crabs and tells them it might have to do with the Great Pincher. He then gives you a Harpoon, the new weapon type. A giant crab that terrorized the Great Barrier in the days of the ancient tribals. The player must go to 4 islands and activate beacons summoning Pincher, while fighting off hordes of crabs controlled by Pincher (they do 15 damage per hit). Once all 4 beacons are activated the player can sail to Hole Reef and battle Pincher. He will jump out of the water and the fight will began. It has 3 phases. The first phase is fighting him and weakening him to 2/3 of his health. Then he will start slamming down on the ground, this attack will do 75 damage will the regular claw swipes will do 25 damage. Once his health is at 1/3 he will do both. After you defeat him he will drop 2 giant claws you can sell to the Shorehunters. Players will then get a unique title (Clawhunter), a tattoo set of 2 claws and a unique skin for the Harpoon.

    New Trade Company
    The Shorehunters have arrived after the Shroud left the Great Barrier. This company is focused around the spoils of the beachs and oceans. The rewards are Spear and Bucket skins. This company introduces the fishing mechanic in the form of spears, crab traps and "shorehunting". Shorehunting is a new mechanic when you can pick up certain spoils of the sea and beach. From conchs to giant clams. The design of they're "base" is located on the beach and has a fancy lean-to with spears hanging up and leaned on the sides with ocean catch crates scattered about. The voyages can go like this

    *5 Orange Crabs
    *1 Giant Clam
    *2 Conchs

    The Crab trap introduces crabbing into the world as you can throw down a trap and leave it for 10 minutes and then come back and get the crabs out of them. The spot you dropped the pot is marked on the map. Other players can steal these so drop them carefully. Once a player steals a crab trap, the marker will be placed on the boat. If the marker is moving, it's been stolen. The thief can then sell the trap to the shorehunters for a reduced price. The variations are as follows
    Red Crab (lowest)
    Blue Crab (second lowest)
    Yellow Crab (second Highest)
    Orange Crab (highest)

    Fishing is added with harpoons finally. All fish currently in Sea of Thieves have become catchable by stabbing at them with the spear. Once you do the fish will go into your hand and you have to dump it Into an Ocean Spoils crate or it will start losing value. You can dump any spoils in the crate besides crab traps and giant clams.

    Giant Clams
    These behemoths are located underwater. Carrying one will make a stumbling affect and squirt water at you sometimes. Sometimes will have a pearl in them, you can get the pearl by hitting the clam a few times. The pearl is worth 2,500 and a black pearl is worth 5,000.

    These snails are attached to rocks. Hit them and they will float up. Then collect and put into box

    Like a conch, hit and collect. If you turn in 50 you get a sail with a Starfish on it.

    Crab Trap: Drop, wait, retrieve, sell
    Ocean Spoil Crate: Anytime you get a Shorehunter quest you get a crate to fill with your spoils.

    Spear/Harpoon: Finally it's here. You can use this to kill fish or other players. You can throw it and get it. You get 5 and can get more from an ammo box. Damage from these will be 35 no pull strength (poking, and also throwing but no charge) and 65 full charge.

    Shorehunter: Inspired by the two brothers who run it, Sam and Sal. Includes the headband they both wear.
    Oceaneer: A brown leather and green leave outfit. Perfect for any hunter
    (Both include weapon sets and ship sets)
    The Shorehunter sails has 2 harpoons crossing each other with a Starfish behind it while the Oceaneer has 3 Leaves and a Sword going through them.

    Shore Apprentice: 5
    Shore Seaman: 10
    Shore Leader: 15
    Shore Traveler: 20
    Shorehunter: 25
    Shore Boss: 30
    Shore Captain: 35
    Shore Mentor: 40
    Shorehuntsman: 45
    Shore Master: 50
    Shorehunter of the Star (50 Starfish)
    Shorehunter of the Shell (50 Conchs)
    Pearlhunter (50 pearls, 45 white 15 black)
    Shorehunter of the Spear (50 fish turned in by the spear)

    That's my idea for an expansion and I'd like to tag @ENF0RCER for inspiring me to make this. If you want more things to be added or criticism, tell me in the comments

  • 9
  • Dig all of these ideas! I really want fishing and whaling/sharking!
    But I like everything you suggested!

  • @quill324

    Very well made! This is also a great compromise between those who want a mainland section and those who do not. Large islands, but not too large (although an island twice the size of Plunder Valley will take some time to fill with paintings, tunnels, and other things).

  • Frist off thankyou for your kind mention. I'm so happy that i can inspire such great idea's. I see that my work here has not gone in vain and as such you have inspired me to work even harder.

    Ofcouse this should go without saying, but I will request your permission to add this to the Community Ideas Master List. As this is a perfect example of a post the list is for.

    My Review/Anaysis:

    Your idea for coconuts is genious. They would have to be made an inventory item to work but this should not be an issue. I love this idea it fits perfectly with the tone of this game.

    The outline for the new map is well detailed my only concern is the addition of 2 outpost instead of one. Not that I'm agianst having 2 but thus far i would expect only 1 new outpost per map addition as that seems to be the direction the devs are going. But i can understand why as it keeps inline with the rest of the regions outside the Devils Roar.

    The trading company and quest seen sound great.
    Not sure how the devs would feel about spear fishing as they already addressed the fact they were agianst thing like whaling with harpoons. As
    far as the crabing and clams go one of our forum members @x-Crowheart-x made a very detailed post on this subject called Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, and Harpoon Monster Hunting which i encourage you to add the link as a reference along with Giant Clams by @Captain-Arcanic

    Now a couple of questions i like you to address are.

    1. What happens to these items like the crabs and fish when they are stolen?

    Are the sold by the theif at full price?

    1. How much damage points should the spear/harpoon do if it hits a player out of 100?

    I assume these would be much slower projectiles and thus easily dodged. So it would have to do a considerable amount of damage for the skill it would take to hit a player.

    A few suggestion. My Thoughts:

    This could use a story with and event and boss.

    How bout the story be that we found an injured mermaid that leads us to a underwater temple that has opened the what to the reef. We have to go there to cause this distubance is whats causing the mermaid statues to appear. Or we could have a mass migration/ infestation of crabs come to the to the island and we track the source back to the reef. This we also be a good introduction of the great Lord Pinch a Giant Crab boss that has reek havic on the reef and now treathens the rest of the Sea Of Theives. So defeating him will unlock new treasures to plunder.

    Anyway hope this helps.

  • @enf0rcer Of course you can use it, I'll edit the post and then you can attach it

  • @quill324 said in Great Barrier: New land content:

    @enf0rcer Of course you can use it, I'll edit the post and then you can attach it

    Your post has been added to the Master List. Thankyou so much for your find contribution.

  • @enf0rcer

    I think the quests seem similar to merchant ones. You get the quest, have a list of crates given, and collect the things to bring them back. Finding them on islands and ships means you can sell them for a reduced price. Stealing them means the original obtainer needs to find more or get a new voyage.

  • @quill324

    You have some nice ideas. I think most of us want fishing. We want to cast a line over the sides of our ships and at spots on our favorite islands.

    That is why I took time to write up ideas like you did here. Would be happy if you wanted to take a peek at the ideas and let me know what you think. Think we have lot of the same ideas to satisfy our desire to go fishing.

  • sounds great

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