Turned Tides - Content Drop Idea - New Encounter/Area/Voyage Type

  • Here is my fourth fan content update. It takes the idea of whirlpools and how they can be introduced into the game with a boss battle. Also this it introduces a new area The Groaning Expanse and new cartography voyages.

    As always feel free to skip the lore part if you're more interested in the content.


    Once again the Shroud has dispersed revealing a new area of the sea to be explored, but along with it deadly ancient creatures never seen before have rolled across the land. It is believed to be a distant relative of the dreaded Kraken that over time had evolved and become even more intelligent.

    Instead of flesh though these beasts appear to feast on minerals and have developed a scent for the metal that makes up the framework of most ships. Have extra caution when travelling with a large haul of gold or they may just sniff that out as well.

    Shortly after the Shroud first revealed the Groaning Expanse it appeared all the creatures vanished. Pirates on Thieves Haven witnessed as the islands in the new region one by one sank into the sea. Then a deafening groan came that shook the entire island and with it new islands rose from the depths as fast as they vanished.

    New Encounter - Unnamed Whirlpool Monster (suggestions?)

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    Art Credit: Polina Hristova

    These are heavily based on the creature from Greek mythology Charybdis (see above). Both in appearance and how they attack ships. These versions of the creatures don’t actually eat everything, instead they absorb what they need and spit out the remains.

    In the new region under sea an enormous immobile one slumbers. Occasionally it will feast on all the islands that have formed on it, as well as food that had been brought by its offspring. Then like its offspring but on a massive scale will spit out what it doesn’t want, forming new islands.

    Finding the Creature

    As mentioned they are intelligent creatures, so rather hunt constantly they set up traps for unexpected sailors. Barrels of Plenty and shipwrecks can now sometimes be one of these traps. They can occasionally randomly attack a ship however, this is only when a large amount of chests and minerals are on board.

    Fighting the Creature

    As soon as the encounter starts the ship will pulled into a whirlpool forced to circle the creatures mouth in the center. It is possible but very difficult to break out of the whirlpool. The creature can either be attacked the traditional way with cannon and bullet fire. Or alternatively loot can be dropped into the water that will slowly feed it. Or gunpowder can be dropped to cause a large internal explosion, however you do run a risk of catching the gunpowder on your next rotation.

    Certain cursed cannonballs will affect the creature. For example sleep ball will slow the whirlpool making it easier to escape, Grogball will make it spit out chunks of loot, Jigball will calm some its attacks, and so on.

    The creature does not attack rowboats, so another possibility is load the loot into a rowboat and sacrifice your ship to end the encounter.

    Creature’s Attacks

    The creature only has three attacks however the ship is constantly affected by something similar to a storm. With water slowly filling part of the ship.


    • There’ll be several large flipper like tentacles on the edge of the whirlpool. These will sometimes collapse down. Causing your ship to crash into them taking slight damage and falling deeper into the pool.
    • They can be defeated with 3-4 cannon shots, but as you are constantly moving it makes it more difficult to do so.
    • They don’t directly attack the ship as the creature can’t see where you are.


    • These will spike out in the whirlpool and will cause damage to the ship on impact.
    • Each tooth can actually be destroyed with a single pistol shot. But they spawn often and in plenty.


    • The mouth will occasionally spit rocks out at random, similar to a volcano in the Devil’s Roar.
    • Multiple cannon balls to the mouth will calm it down.

    New Area - The Groaning Expanse

    All the islands in this area are murky and swamp like. With sinking pools where the player will have to jump multiple times to avoid getting stuck. Occasionally new islands will be generated. These will be made up of existing elements on current islands as well as part of the new islands. Giving familiarity but also new areas to explore constantly.

    Loot found on the islands will always be sunken variants of treasure.

    A new animal type has appeared as well for the merchant alliance. The turtles, although slow they pack a nasty nip. They have to be attacked to make them hide in their shell before being captured. Similar to snakes they’ll attack from their cages.

    Barnacled Skeletons from The Fractured Isles will appear on these islands.

    The outpost in the area isn’t an island itself but instead a large floating jetty. When the islands reset the outposts location will be moved.

    New Voyages - Island Cartographer

    These new voyages can be purchased from the Scholars in the tavern. When islands reset you will no longer have them on your ships map. Instead you have to discover the new islands. Once you purchase the voyage you’ll receive a blank piece of parchment.

    You’ll need to go to one of the new islands and you’ll see the parchment will begin to form a map. Some islands will have points of interest. Once the map is filled areas will glow on it that will need to be explored in order to complete it. These will be similar to locations where riddles are completed.

    When the map is finally completed it can be sold your chosen trading company for a large XP reward as well as some lovely gold.

    And that is everything for this update. Any suggestions please let me know, especially for the creatures name as I'm a bit stumped on this one.

    Previous Posts:
    Scholar’s of Curses - New Trading Company / 16 New Loot Types
    The Fractured Isles - New Tool / Encounter / World Event
    Trial of Fools - New Gameplay / Enemies / Vanity Items

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  • @ENF0RCER look at this!

  • @targasbr said in Turned Tides - Content Drop - New Encounter/Area/Voyage Type:

    @ENF0RCER look at this!

    Thanks agian for the tag.

    @Captain-Kyi And yet another fantastic post. Man your on a roll. After reading this idea of a whirlpool monster it made me think of a Sarlack pit but in water. Anyway i have to ask you want me to put this one up on the master list?

  • @TargasBR thanks for sharing :)
    @ENF0RCER yeah, I was thinking of just whirlpools at first but then thought, that doesn't really add much threat if you can break out of it. Surely a monster exists that you could fight, I game across the Sarlack and was like, yes that now chuck it in the sea. Then saw the greek myth of it and worked from there.

    As always more than happy for it to be added to the list, would you like me to link over there?

  • I like the idea but I feel another kraken-ish creature isn't the way to go. Most people want the whirlpools for sure (i do very much) but imo having to fight a creature in it that looks familiar to the kraken...eh.
    Now if you don't mind extend into the lore a bit. Snake island. My buddy and I still talk about this. Snake island actually breaking off the land and hiding under it is the serpent. One could implement the idea of whirlpools created by the snake swimming around in circles as a trap similar to the ink with Karen.
    I could ramble on with the fight but it's still under thought process with my buds.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta thanks for the feedback! The reason I went with this creature was for the variety in the fight. I wanted to have something that didn’t necessarily attack you but you felt the doom if you didn’t fight it. The teeth and tentacles aren’t there to fight they’re just there, and it isn’t after you just what you hold. (Also the idea of it being what creates whirlpools already exists so I just fleshed that out)

    I have also got some ideas for serpent like creature not exactly a giant snake though. But am still working on it.

    Would be great to hear your ideas though once they’re ready, look forward to your post :)

  • @captain-kyi said in Turned Tides - Content Drop - New Encounter/Area/Voyage Type:

    @ENF0RCER yeah, I was thinking of just whirlpools at first but then thought, that doesn't really add much threat if you can break out of it. Surely a monster exists that you could fight, I game across the Sarlack and was like, yes that now chuck it in the sea. Then saw the greek myth of it and worked from there.

    Very nice. It also works themematically as tales of many sea creatures as well as what we know of atlantis and the merfolk also are dervied from greek mythology.

    As always more than happy for it to be added to the list, would you like me to link over there?

    Plz do as it a lot of work for me to keep track of all the links. Plus it helps to advertizes the list for new community members to checkout. If you would like i also suggest you add a link to the list to your OP so that more new member can view all the post.

  • @captain-kyi no problem dude. I'm just thinking on the terms of hungering deep where people were required to be friendly to summon and fight a common cause. I thought about snake island being a sea serpent for a long time. Of course we'd lose the island on the map but I think no one would be upset about that lol.

  • @captain-kyi I like it! But honestly would like to see something non kraken-esk Rare can't even put a full body on the one they have now without the servers coming to a screeching halt..lol Another issue with them putting in a large creatures lets say crab if it's too large scale i'm afraid it won't have a body. Would really like to see them stick with the lore and introduce something like the red maw or sea serpent.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta I don't mind the idea of losing an island for a boss and lore purposes to be honest. And it's true I did enjoy bringing people together to summon bosses. Possibly I could work that into future changes to this post/other boss battles.

    It's kind of what I had in mind for The Husk event in The Fractured Isles update. The fight is too difficult alone and requires two ships minimum.

    @IceMan-0007 with the majority of the creature being in the whirlpool at all times, it could be similar to the Kraken, where what isn't needed simply isn't there. I know that the actually practicality would be difficult to implement, but it's always fun to imagine these with no limits. (as for crab boss I've actually got a concept for that, which appears in The Fractured Isles)

  • @captain-kyi Your post has been added to the MasterList thankyou for your ongoing support. Keep up the great ideas.

  • @captain-kyi yup things change and feedback always helps. I've been pushing for dungeons for months and every time my buds and I talk about it I get more and more ideas. Can't wait to see what the next monster is. I'm guessing something with Merrick.

  • Whirlpools?! yes please Rare

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