1 more commendation done, 8 more to go (until the next update is live)!

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    After many annoyances of other ships and general bad crew members or lacking any crew for the past few weeks I have finally completed the Athena Fauna grind, now all that is left for me to do is the following and I can get back to keeping the database post updated as I slowly complete them along the way as people join me that also need them done.

    Gold Hoarders Completion: 96/250
    Order of Souls Completion: 92/250
    Merchant Completion: 192/250
    Wood Crates: 17/50
    Cannonball Crates: 46/50
    Shadowmaw: 44/50
    Terror: 26/50

    Shrouded Ghost 0/50

    Its been a massive grind to get this close to completion of all the commendations released to date and I hope to get it all done with the satisfaction that I have those blue check marks on them in the post as new ones are added to the game over time.

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  • @th3xr34p3r Nice! Good luck. I wouldn't even count the shrouded ghost meg one lol.

    I still have a ton to go. 1 white meg from bilge rat and 2 skeleton captain skulls and I'll be done with all of the bilge rat commendations. Then it's on to the Gold Hoarders. I still have 4 or 5 from each trade company and a ton of them left from Athena's Fortune.

  • @xcalypt0x I just keep it as a tracking note since I have it in my notepad++ page that I update after each session xD. The voyages are going to take me a while since everyone is doing forts, fleets, pvp and whilst the event is live the current mercenary voyages.. so yea.

  • @th3xr34p3r Yeah it's hard to find people these days that want to do regular voyages in my experience. It feels like everyone is doing Athena or Mercenary voyages.

  • @xcalypt0x Yup.. everytime I post in the official, community or the fleet discord I feel like I am the ONLY person wanting to actually grind these out at the moment.

  • Congrats. 175 Skellie ships left and then I'm done also.

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