Becalmed banjo tabs

  • Hello there everyone! I've been playing this game since day one. I finally got to the pirate legend Hideout. I heard the Becalmed song on the banjo, I searched the web all over and youtube, to try and find the banjo tabs for the song, but had no results come up for it. Would anyone know where I can find the banjo music tabs for this song. I really would like to learn this song on the banjo. Your help would be very apprecvery.

  • 16
  • That for guitar I'm looking for the banjo tab version.

  • @jezalgo if you have a guitar and know the notes it shouldnt be that hard thats what ill do when i get the time, or just use a tuner and get the notes

  • @fireboy41271 I don’t have one. I only know how to read tabs with numbers. I’m very new.

  • @jezalgo I will go show the song to my banjo teacher he is really good with the banjo and he can read song by listening to them I will show him tomorrow and what I get

  • @ethenak bolded text
    That would be awesome if your teacher can write up the tabs and share it here with us. As of now there is still nothing on the web. You would be the hero of the song translation 😂

  • You could use this one (ukulele), but it does not have the "flourishes" from the banjo in the game;

    Hope @EthenAK gets something more accurate :-)

  • For real. I feel like this is like waiting for a good movie to come out. Just waiting for someone to write it up and share it.

  • Update I found a banjo tab but it is hard to read as the picture is blurry. Will post it here after I get permission from the writer.

  • im looking for the same thing

  • i have a banjo and im trying to tab out the pirate legend/hideout theme. anyone care to collaborate or help?

  • @jezalgo hey I know I’m 2 months late but I just got a banjo and im in the same position you were in. Anyway you can share with me??

  • I know I'm 2 years late but here is the tab.

  • @jimmyis-4wesome
    Dude amazing, by chance you wouldn't have it for a 5-string banjo, I'm new and I'm looking for this specific song and I can't find it

  • The Tab above covers the tenor(4 string banjo) This one covers the 5-string.
    First off, its 4 in the morning but I had the need for banjo stuff, so I did the tab for a 5 string banjo. From what I've seen, for the tab to work well on a 5 string we need to do a D.G.D#.B.D tuning. This way we can use the D# and B for the Bass notes while playing. The closest key I can get from the song is a Lydian D scale. (image of the banjo with what notes are in the scale). From here you could listen and decipher yourself (because I did it fast and the tab I made doesn't include some bass flourishes). there are 2 notes that really don't fit in this scale (mabie small key change) but other than that you should be good. Here is me being TIRED AF and doing a quick vid . I'd actually get more in depth with the tab if the people wish it of me.

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