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    I hope the image speaks for itself, but the goal of my proposal is to add New Areas to Explore without drastically increasing the size of the existing map. Enjoy! And let me know your comments below...

    **-A main idea of the proposal is to split The Wilds into two halfs, with all the Islands north of DaggerTooth/Galleons Grave becoming engulfed in Ice from the North

    -The New Area to the south is utilizing an unused segment of the map that was created when Devil's Roar was added.**

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  • i would also like an area that is one big continent on the edge of the map with large rivers, jungles, and exotic life. with the continent being located on the edge of the map, going deeper into the jungle near the edge would cause a scene much like the shrouded sea.

  • Solid proposal. I might actually be onboard with an ice area for once. I'd also suggest, a second outpost for the new zones and DR, plus allow spawning at Morrow's. This would make 12 outposts total so, 12 ships possible on a server. (assuming ship population is tied to the number of outposts you can spawn in at).
    Not sure how that would affect the servers but, they need to step that up anyways I feel.

  • Lovely map layout.

  • Nothing here includes the lore that Rare has crafted.

    SoT has a physical place in our world, somewhere along the equator.

  • @barnabas-seadog And no islands visible in-game are present in the actual world. If there's something else you dislike about the idea, do bring it up so we can discuss!

  • @geoffman72 I hope they can step up the number of ships in a server, but I think it’s a technical issue not tied to the outposts. This is one of the reasons I think any expansion needs to reuse existing ground creatively as opposed to always adding onto the sides, unless they can up the ships in a server count the map will feel more empty the more space they add.

    I wasn’t too keen on a cold area either, but I hate The Wilds with a passion, and I think having half of it engulfed in snow and ice would make it much more interesting and make me want to visit it more for once, without also increasing the size of the map. Snowy wilds is better than existing wilds, at least to me, and they wouldn’t have to completely remove islands like old faithful or marauders arch, just creatively engulf them in snow and add new threats and moving icebergs around them. New islands can be added above them. Besides... I do think cutting through ice with my ship would be fun, and saying “captain, iceberg ahead!” Instead of those static uncharted rock formations we would have moving ones

  • @barnabas-seadog

    -2 of the 3 lands I’m proposing come straight from the SoT official art-book

    -I understand this is someplace fictionally along the equator and near the Bahamas, but we have already in the game areas like The Wilds and Devils Roar which look nothing like the Caribbean

    • This is a game where we can shoot ourselves out of cannons, I think we can take some creative license for the sake of fun, I don’t see how introducing any of these places seriously breaks the lore
  • Pro Map Expansion, but keep it Carribean!
    As good as the Artworks are i'm completely against ice or asian stuff!
    I want Carribean flair and Setting only!!!

  • @bugaboo-bill That's like saying the Devils Roar should not be in the game.

  • @regis-stella sagte in (!Map Included!) MAP EXPANSION PROPOSAL:

    @bugaboo-bill That's like saying the Devils Roar should not be in the game.

    That's wrong because the devils roar fits the Carribean Pirate Setting very well.

    Here is a pic of active vulcanos in the Caribic.

    Bild Text

    I have yet to see a dschunk there or any icebergs or know about any impact of Asian Piracy to the Age of Sail Pirates in the Carribean.

    Sorry, i know there are amazing Artworks already, but i dislike them all, because they dont fit well into the setting of Sea of Thieves.

  • @shoothere4exp
    I'm for it if Rare can solve the technical issues with ships, otherwise this would make the game more empty.

  • I kinda hate the wilds anyway, making it smaller already got me on board with the idea.

  • @shoothere4exp This is good. This is VERY good.

  • @bugaboo-bill Dont you think a world of nothing but bright green trees, and pure white sand would get a little boring to look at?

  • Will there be a great big wall between the Wilds and the Frozen Wilds? Winter is coming. :P

  • I like it. While others might not like the idea of a frozen space, I don't see a reason why they can't tie the weather/cold environment into the lore of the game. Charge it up to the Shroud, maybe it's a side effect in that space for whatever reason. I think it would be cool to see a land that has palm trees and a Caribbean look but covered in snow for whatever reason.

  • @iceyhot-doom I'm not @Bugaboo-Bill of course but, as someone who lives in upstate NY, it absolutely does not.

  • I love any well thought out creative idea wether on board or not. For the sake of lore and Ice, the witches and skulls and magic could easily tie in to something more magic based than icy winds to keep it in the same atmosphere of pirates.

  • @barnabas-seadog "This place, this Sea of Thieves is bigger, and stranger than any of us know!" This statement is enough for the lore to expand far beyond what we already are aware of. I suspect there are regions of the Seas not even the Ancients knew of. With that in mind the sea of thieves is meant to magical, a place where almost anything can happen. Why couldn't some weird magic have afflicted a region with a cold blight.

  • @iceyhot-doom Yes, my thoughts exactly! Diversity of themes is a must for this game!

  • I’m pretty sympathetic to the idea that Cold seems out of place aesthetically, but I like it in this scenario for a few reasons:

    • It’s better than the Wilds, it can only improve from status quo. It also utilizes the existing island assets, and doesn’t have to explain why some island disappeared
    • Ice suggests lots of new gameplay opportunities, from sliding, breaking through and falling through thin ice, to using your ship like an icebreaker, and of course moving icebergs.
    • As people have already stated, visual contrast is a big plus, I’m partial to the white sand beaches myself but I think aesthetic diversity makes the game more interesting, and to me “a cold wind out of the north” sounds perfectly reasonable in the wild lore of Sea of Thieves
    • Did I mention it’s better than the Wilds? ;)
  • @shoothere4exp The way I see it, if the devils shroud can make a place of fire and death, why not an icy wasteland?

  • Volcanoes can be realistically imagined as able to exist close to a Caribbean type area. Not so much ice and snow. However, this isn't a sim of course.

    One gripe - if they did an ice area, I hope it's not executed like the DR. DR is fine-ish, except I was picturing more Caribbean style with lots of variety in volcanic elements, not all volcanic. One island closer to ancient isles might be more tropical. Another farther in might be more barren/volcanic.
    I'd hope something like that would happen for new zones. If this idea happened, picture Old Faithful half encased in ice and snow, but the other half still wilds. Something like that. Then the new islands pure ice/snow/small glaciers.

  • This game is marketed as living a fantasy pirate life.

    So when did you ever see pirates in snow?
    Fantasy or historical?

    So, one can come up with whatever reason to implement a tundra zone, but why should Rare bother?
    What does this bring to the game?

    Ice Station Zebra meets Pirates of the Carribean.
    Someone's going to want a viking dragon boat.

    Because I'm not getting a very piratey feel from seeing an icy envoronment.
    I'd rather see Asian or Polynesian themed locations, at least my clothes wont look as out of place.

  • @barnabas-seadog or Mediterranean

  • this sounds awesome, but these islands should not be charted, and no maps to lead you. you will have to use a sextant to navigate yourself in these dangerous waters, you will be able to find books in different places of The Sea of Thieves which will tell you to look at different constellations in certain places to find out where you must sail. this adventures shall be separated into expeditions, which shall be very long, but unlike other voyages you will be able to quit the game if you are not in combat. this will give the feeling of pirate adventure into the game. the idea of these regions is awesome.

  • Here's my own personal spin on the "Frozen Wastes/Wilds." We've had now two versions of skeleton strongholds. The legacy ones we known long since launch, and the ships. We have to a new opportunity if both ice-sheets and icebergs are introduced.

    Fortified Bergs! The idea is simple, but can be expanded upon. Like skeleton ships the bergs can move freely about the ocean, but perhaps only within the "Wastes." the bergs drift about slowly, perhaps by the wind, or currents that simply aren't a mechanic(perhaps that semantic doesn't matter). Either way the bergs can come in at least a few varieties with all different manner of loot aboard.

    Instead of fighting waves of skeletons everything you need fight has already spawned, and you need to simply make your way up towards a pinnacle, or a descent to it's abyss. Maybe some have gated areas, or 'tiers' each with it's own vanguard/sentinel/captain that you must clear in order to pass onward.

    These could vary in difficulty, and provide a fun challenge to those willing to take them on. Enemy health, type, amount of cannons mounted to it, and so on. Lil'floating fortresses of chaos, sitting there for us to blitzkrieg our way into.

    Tl;dr big bag floaty forts.

  • @shoothere4exp alright my one problem with the frozen winds. At first I wasn't attentive enough to notice that you proposed they should transform the wilds. This probably is not as good of an idea as you think. It would be far more cost effect to just design a new region than to go back over an old region, repaint it, and so on. It creates more problems than you might think it solves.

    A new region would serve the management of a frozen design well.

  • What if they just kept expanding the map like this and then the map gets so big that we would merge into another server entering the other side of the world map and completely make the red sea obsolete and not exist except for the edge of the "Sea of the Damned" so people can then sail around the entire map... no... world... yeah the world like a globe, a ball like earth with nothing but islands of all sizes around it.

    Idk, idc but your idea sounds and looks cool to me bro. :)

  • Sea of the Damned would be a great idea. Just think about it.
    Falling through a huge cascade like in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
    You will have to set sail towards an area, cursed by the Devil itself, covered by an eternal mist, and fall through a cascade to land at another sea, basically under the world we know, with no sky, and always with the mist, the water being ver calm, and a slight eco from the voices of the ones who were damned, their souls trapped in a curse that will last forever.

    Also there would be no restriction to enter, basically another area with new outposts that will be set inside the sea of the damned with ghosts instead of skeletons, with ghost ships like the Silent Mary in Pirates of the Caribbean 5. Also including new voyages with new islands and everything. And maybe adding Moby Dickk as the sea anomaly in here.

  • @lsargento10 instead of making ghost right away they could just put shadow skellys as the vast majority population of enemy skeletons in the sea of the damned. Same goes for all the other regions too cuz the main regions so far have regular skellys mostly.

    They could make valuables change into like region specific to sell to the outposts that dont see the different regional stuff often to sell for more than what they are worth in those regions you found them in. This would also make to where you'd be carrying the risk of losing it by travelling across to different regions intercepting other pirate crews skellys or players, megs or kraken (possibly new and different world AI enemies). Maybe make new cosmetics that fits the loot for them being region specific loot items?

    Give them an all new rare type of skellys to fight in the sea of the damned tho like a damned skelly that has tattered clothing and boots with hauntingly glowing green flames coming from their heads wrists and ankles. Idk that's just my picture of 'em in brain only.

    This whole idea tho sounds like it would take a lot of work on even just what the OP's post is showing, not sure how long it would take but that would be cool if it happens at some point in the future.

  • @iceyhot-doom sagte in (!Map Included!) MAP EXPANSION PROPOSAL:

    @bugaboo-bill Dont you think a world of nothing but bright green trees, and pure white sand would get a little boring to look at?

    I dont know what you want to say, but to answer it: no it wouldn't.
    If all Islands would look like the islands we have today i am very happy and satisfied.
    I dont want other style of sails in the horizon, i dont want to put a Jacket on and freeze my butt while running around in flip flops, because i am in the Carribean and i dont want to mix up the Carribean Pirate flair with stuff that doesnt fit in.
    People already suggested Dragons, Dungeon Crawling, ice regions with professional Designs, Dschunks and whatnot.
    It all would turn SoT into a Fantasy Mashup for me and destroy immersion and atmosphere.
    I'm sorry, people ask for it, a lot of players like it, but my honest answer is, i don't.

  • amazing idea about the sea of the damned, I love it! I have an idea of how you can travel there, you can travel there like in pirates of the world's end where you have to rock the ship and turn it upside down at sundown. I got some idea from a youtube video made captain Falcore, you should watch that video. I think the skeletons come from the sea of the damned because they rise from the bottom of the sea. I think when you go to the sea of the damned your map should be blank the more you explore the more of the map appears. and when you want to go back to the mortal world a specific spot in the sea of the damned lead to a specific spot in the mortal world.

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