Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!

  • Morning!

    Today we've rolled out a new ranking system for the Forums that we're calling Days at Sea. This new system awards Forum Members with titles/ranks based on how many days they've spent logged into the Forums. The ranks are as follows:

    Castaway / 0-7 days
    Sailor / 8-14 days
    Rogue / 15-30 days
    Seafearer / 31-90 days
    Ship Mate / 91-219 days
    Marauder / 220-485 days
    Master / 486-728 days
    Captain / 729-1019 days
    Commander / 1020-1325 days
    Lord / 1326-1657 days
    Legend / 1658-1988 days

    Rather than making everybody start at 0, we've retroactively awarded ranks based on how many days current members have logged in to the Forums since joining, so many of you are already well on your way to hitting Legend!

    Days towards your next rank will also never be reduced unless you are temporarily banned from the Forums for misconduct. This means that even if you take a break, you can go right back to banking those days when you return.

    If you want to check exactly how many days you've spent at sea so far, simply head over to your Forum user profile and you'll find it next to other stats such as your reputation and post count.

    That covers everything for the most part, but let us know if you have any questions and most importantly, enjoy your new titles!

  • 187
  • @takuboto

    Pretty cool! Thanks for doing this!

  • Neat!

    I like that this goes based on days, someone thought of the lurkers! 😁👌

  • awesome!

  • Obligatory post to to check because I'm too lazy to go to a different page

  • @tre-oni said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    Obligatory post to to check because I'm too lazy to go to a different page

    Obligatory reply to check mine

  • This is pretty neate. I can't wait for the argument "I've been here longer so I'm right" to surface

  • Haven't seen anyone higher than Captain yet.

    EDIT: [See's 1st post from @Takuboto] NVM.

    As of this post, I have 982 days at sea. I won't be Captain for long! 😁

  • Woooo I'll be a Master until I have a promotion then ✨

  • @skulliah

    Me too!!!

    Think you have to wait to the 25th November until you get your Captaincy :)
    Don't miss a day

  • Captain Regis Stella. I like the sound of that a lot.

  • I like the idea but I do hope this doesn't turn into a status thing that divides the community and we continue to respect everyone's opinions.

  • @piratecraggy Well, I still have time haha but it's just because they don't know I'm a Kingpin!

  • This post is to see my rank.

  • This is pretty neat.

  • Surely the ultimate title to work towards should be Troll and not Legend?

  • A couple of days away from Master, woohoo :o

  • @luciansanchez82 DUDE! What does mine say? SWEET!

  • Hey this is pretty awesome! But I would also like a ranking to represent how many reputation you have.

  • @takuboto

    I only wish I signed up for the forums the day I started playing the game so that my forums time would be in line with my play time...

  • Wow this is pretty cool. I can't believe I've spent that many days at sea!

  • Interesting

  • Nice addition to the forum.

  • I love this addition!

  • Very cool addition!

  • New ranking system! .... Yay!

  • Actually love this!! Thanks Rare!

  • Love it!!! Suits my gamer tag very well 😊

  • Awesome.

  • Love This!

  • this is amazing, i love it.
    this is a good way to compensate the old lost status of the original pioneers status ^_^

  • thats fine

  • Would it be possible for us to "unlock" the ranks as we spend time on the forums and be able to select one from the list? My fleet and I would like to equip the "Rogue" rank instead of our current one.

  • Definitely sounds interesting

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