Toxic Players issue

  • So, I was playing with a friend today, we were doing the event of the gold shores or something like that, we got into a Aventure server thinking that we could finally have some peace meanwhile we play, after a while when we were about to finish our quest a galleon comes to chase us, we didn't had anything except a mermaid gem, I told them "I'll give what I have, but please let us alone" we are female players so, the kid about 13 or 14 years old screamed [Mod edited] I told them "then just go to the arena server if you want to fight against other players and let us alone" then the other player of his crew just called me [Mod edited] I was like "seriously?" then the boy said [Mod edited] and it kept calling me bad word and spawn killing me, my friend got away, till they sunk out ship and I spawned elsewhere, very far, we left the server to another one. Is not the first time I encounter this kind of mess up kids, but what it bugs me that they just come in and offend anyone calling them words, that's not cool.

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  • @xxkokoronaixx there are not pve servers in this game, i dont know how you think there are or that you where in one but yeah thats the gist of it

  • @callmebackdraft Well, it says adventure, I give by fact that is PvE, and the other one arena, yet, it doesn't give them the right to call me and my friend slu*ts

  • @xxkokoronaixx it's adventure mode, yes, but still it is since launch of the game...nothing changed there

    The Arena is just a new fast competitive-based mode

  • @xxkokoronaixx and yeah, they are not allowed to call you that...just report those guys...there's nothing more you can do about that

  • @schwammlgott Already did report them as well my friend, but Microsoft doesn't do anything unless they have lots of reports over the same thing

  • @xxkokoronaixx yes they do...once I had a verbal fight with someone and the other guy was offended because of something I said (don't remember what it was, but I didn't want to offend him)
    So he reported me, I got a 24 hours ban for writing and chat...still where able to play but couldn't talk or write at all...I'm watching more careful what I say since then, because some people get offended really easy...
    It depends what and how often it happens, can be a week ban for even playing...can be a permanent ban...

  • @schwammlgott Then I don't know, once y reported a dude that was harassing me in Fallout 76, just asking me if I wanted to have sex for money, after I denied several time it kept calling me names by the voice chat and even after I left it message me and kept going, I reported him, and the next day I encountered him again

  • @xxkokoronaixx if you have proof (video recording or screenshots or anything you can also report them to RARE but adventure is not pve as i and @Schwammlgott stated.

    However calling you those kind of words is unnacceptable

  • @xxkokoronaixx написал в Toxic Players issue:

    So, I was playing with a friend today, we were doing the event of the gold shores or something like that, we got into a Aventure server thinking that we could finally have some peace meanwhile we play, after a while when we were about to finish our quest a galleon comes to chase us, we didn't had anything except a mermaid gem, I told them "I'll give what I have, but please let us alone" we are female players so, the kid about 13 or 14 years old screamed [Mod edited] I told them "then just go to the arena server if you want to fight against other players and let us alone" then the other player of his crew just called me [Mod edited] I was like "seriously?" then the boy said [Mod edited] and it kept calling me bad word and spawn killing me, my friend got away, till they sunk out ship and I spawned elsewhere, very far, we left the server to another one. Is not the first time I encounter this kind of mess up kids, but what it bugs me that they just come in and offend anyone calling them words, that's not cool.

    As two people Sloop you can easily sunk galleons if you "good" on supllies and and got few decent cursed balls.
    Try to sunk them next time - they will go rage crying mode and you be satisfied that you protect yourself :)

    P.S. Practice come from Combat situations

  • @xxkokoronaixx there should be also a feature to avoid specific players, so the chance is pretty high you won't meet them again...

  • @xxkokoronaixx just looked in the xbox app, you can block people so you shouldn't get into the same server as this guy anymore

  • @schwammlgott Agree

  • @schwammlgott I have tried that, it just makes that the person you "blocked" be unable to send you messages, invites, etc, it doesn't prevent them to join your session sadly.

  • @xxkokoronaixx oh...thought it does that too, as this was possible on XBox360 that time...

    Edit: ok, it was also possible on the 360 to join even if blocked/avoided, but only when you directly join, not with the regular matchmaking or server search...

  • Record it and report it to both Microsoft and Rare. One of my friends had this happen to her, she recorded the incident and the players got banned.

    On a side note why when I record video do I not always get player audio? We were in game chat, I could hear player audio from all parties but the video only has game audio.

  • in the arena its really annoying cause sometimes winning crews tell you how good they are,they believe they are the world cup champions in sot.i dont get it they offend you when they win ,how bad you are....

  • @nefrit-od Is not that I can't or won't fight them, is just the thing that people like them won't stop calling bad word and be aggressive towards other players.

  • @weedstar-deluxe They just got into our ship begin to call us names

  • @xxkokoronaixx that's lame. sorry you had to go through that. i guess some pirates lives are so sad they resort to unsavory behavior to feel good about their selves. don't let the bad man get you down! pirate on!

  • Reportable speech aside, with the addition of Arena, Adventure mode was never going to be this safe no PvP place. If they want to sink you, they are welcome to try. Welcome to open world PvP, where your own arbitrary rules you set to yourself, don't apply to anyone else.

  • Report and make sure you can record it to have evidence.

    I want them all git banned for lifetime.
    Nobody want to play with these poor individuals.

    I'm offering everybody to meet me real life an call me names and such.

    Unfortunately nobody had the balls until.

  • @xxkokoronaixx you can just mute them.

  • @phantaxus
    Check your in game audio settings that output is set to speakers and not headphones. (may not be the exact issue for you but was for me, hope this helps)

  • @xxkokoronaixx написал в Toxic Players issue:

    @nefrit-od Is not that I can't or won't fight them, is just the thing that people like them won't stop calling bad word and be aggressive towards other players.

    That's true they will be toxic anyway, but kicking their a**es will give you some good mood )

  • @xxkokoronaixx one thing you can do to stop the name calling is just open your crew page and click other crews then click mute all other crews voice chat.

    Other then that it’s a pvp game with pve elements and its an online game just like all other online games devs can’t control people’s actions or voices. But thankfully you can mute them mute there written chat and scuttle your ship

  • @xXKokoronaiXx Please refrain from including profanity in your forum posts, as it is a violation of our forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly. If you have encountered a toxic player in game, please report them via support ticket.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @algaram4x That won't stop toxic community

  • @algaram4x said in Toxic Players issue:

    @xxkokoronaixx one thing you can do to stop the name calling is just open your crew page and click other crews then click mute all other crews voice chat.

    And this will also have consequences for when the OP meets non-toxic crews; we're supposed to sail together, toxic people (and the OP has described toxic people IMO) should be removed from the player base. Alas the only way is to endure it... mute them individually and report them.

    Other then that it’s a pvp game with pve elements and its an online game just like all other online games devs can’t control people’s actions or voices. But thankfully you can mute them mute there written chat and scuttle your ship

    After you report them !

    TBH I've never bothered to report posters who were toxic (haven't meet them that many times); but from now on I'll be reporting them, just so that people who are really bothered by them will have a smaller chance to meet them / they will have a bigger chance of being banned.

  • @xxkokoronaixx said in Toxic Players issue:

    So, I was playing with a friend today, we were doing the event of the gold shores or something like that, we got into a Aventure server thinking that we could finally have some peace meanwhile we play, after a while when we were about to finish our quest a galleon comes to chase us, we didn't had anything except a mermaid gem, I told them "I'll give what I have, but please let us alone" we are female players so, the kid about 13 or 14 years old screamed [Mod edited] I told them "then just go to the arena server if you want to fight against other players and let us alone" then the other player of his crew just called me [Mod edited] I was like "seriously?" then the boy said [Mod edited] and it kept calling me bad word and spawn killing me, my friend got away, till they sunk out ship and I spawned elsewhere, very far, we left the server to another one. Is not the first time I encounter this kind of mess up kids, but what it bugs me that they just come in and offend anyone calling them words, that's not cool.

    I have a vigilante approach to toxic griefing from crews. I solo sloop so I run into them all the time as an "easy target". As a result I have learned how to greif like no other when I feel that someone deserves it. Do the following if you ever want to ruin a greifers fun:

    1. Bait them by looking as new as you can. Apply no skins to anything visible. Keep all of your lights on all of the time. When they make it obvious that they're going to greif you use your voice chat to tell them that you just bought the game yesterday and that you're still learning. When they insult you with all kinds of tough guy talk, racial slurs, sexual statements, etc... agree that you look up to them as your betters and tell them that you have always known how inferior you are to the rest of humanity. This will empower them to get even more abusive and overly sure if themselves. At this point they will become very careless. All of the sudden start killing them like someone who didn't really just buy the game yesterday. It takes greifers by surprise every time. Get ready for all kinds of online tantrums and threats to report you for trolling and TOS violations when you employ this tactic. You will discover that most greifer crews playing this game are intensely dumb and without any skill at all. Being in a toxic trolling crew all of the time never requires greifers to learn any crafty tactics or strategies. A popular YouTube dunce is supposedly going to sue me for millions over this because I supposedly ruined his "noob trolling" video. He somehow decided I was Jewish, young, and "racist" out of thin air (Which I gladly went along with because the ruse was fun even though all three accusations were way off the mark). I only wish I had recorded it myself so I could profit from his misery. I bet he won't be posting that video on his channel.

    2. VBIED their ship repeatedly. Use the small islands to farm powder kegs. You can easily get 3 or 4 kegs in a short period of time. Skeletons carrying them are easily sniped. Bait some greifers and wait for toxicity while appearing to desperately run away from them. Beg and plead with them to be left alone while repeatedly telling them how new you are. As soon as high seas grant you a little privacy stack your kegs on top of one another in front of your ship (but out of sight). Suddenly come about and aim for their ship while standing as far back as you can with the eye of reach pointed at a keg. Fire just before impact and listen to the screams when their ship instantly sinks. (This works on every ship in SOT) You'll have a little health left as long as you stand far enough back. You can proceed to slaughter the remaining members of their crew in the water while they scream death threats into their mics. Look for them after respawn and blow them up repeatedly for best results.

    3. Stash a powder keg near your ship on the shoreline and wait for some obnoxious troll to sink your empty ship for no good reason. While they're focused on your ship swim over with the keg unnoticed and release it under their ship. Shoot it from a short distance with your eye of reach as an early Christmas present no bored little troll wants. This generous gift is always certain to inspire all kinds of butt hurt over the mic.

    4. Use powder kegs as IEDs on outposts that they're using to cash loot in. (This commonly works on alliances that grief you while they grind forts. They sometimes get overly territorial and verbally toxic). Sail your ship away on the far side and let the mermaid spawn out of sight of anyone looking to anchor at the pier. Stage kegs near common vendors and wait with the eye of reach. Blow up the offending allied greifers from a distance just before they cash in. Take the loot and hide it somewhere. Wait for them to respawn and offer riddles leading to nothing at all as a means of getting their loot back. (Always lie about everything and be sure that your riddles never help them at all) The tantrums are amazing! PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS TO PLAYERS WHO HAVEN'T DONE SOMETHING TO DESERVE IT!!!!

  • @winter-fritz44

    Lol this is gold and with the new ship damages kegs are far more affective

  • @xxkokoronaixx

    First off you can't eliminate toxicity. 1 cause it's like cancer it will find away back. 2 they are funny to kill.

    Secondly your on a sloop learn to manuvere. It's extremely vital for offense and defense.

    Third kegs are highly useful but also a double edged sword.

    Fourth always be on the lookout for ships. Even if it's adventure PVP is still allowed.

    Fifth storms aren't scary. For some reason most people won't chase u in a storm idk y.

    Sixth never let them on your boat. Once they're on u lost ur huge advantage

    Seventh sloop although small can take a massive pounding and kept afloat with bails. So don't worry alot about fixing holes cause if the are on board then fixing the hole won't matter cause it only to allows hits on u.

  • @xxkokoronaixx If it makes you feel any better, I chased down and sank some toxic little brats like that yesterday. As they were going down, I heard one of them yell, “The boat sunked!” Another one whined, “Awwww man!” Then they logged off, leaving all their loot.

    Sometimes justice wins.

  • There needs to be a pve mode. if they can make an arena mode. All I want to do is the story missions but cant because of toxic players. They steel items from you that are needed for the story and you cant get them back you cant sell them anyway so why take them. I understand full well what this game is I was like many apart of the first testers and that was my only complaint about the game. You want to steal and kill go to arena dont grieve other players that are just trying to unlock the games mysteries.

  • @genuine-heather not all heroes wear peglegs!

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