i think i have figured something out

  • this may or may not have been discovered, but perhaps some discussion and trials of the community might shed some light. the meg seems to be quite random, whether it pops up and hangs around or decides to attack you. lately ive just been sailing around trying to get the sailor of Athena commendation (want the capstan) and run into the meg often and have started to notice a few things.

    now typically I leave the meg alone and sometimes it attacks sometimes it doesn't, sometimes I attack it and after a couple hits it swims away. but a big key factor ive been noticing is the presence of treasure on board. Ive come to believe the meg is attracted to treasure.

    this can be very helpful in determining your voyage and understanding the outcome. if you dont want to be attacked by the meg it may not be from you attacking it, rather it is also another entity that just wants what you have.

    I cant say this with any certainty, just speculation at this point, but perhaps with enough people running their own tests maybe we can figure it out together. unless this has already been figured out and I have just wasted your time in reading this lol

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  • You're just trying to trick me into carrying loot for the pvp players 😋

    Will try to pay attention to the loot I have when it shows up.

  • @pithyrumble said in i think i have figured something out:

    You're just trying to trick me into carrying loot for the pvp players 😋

    Will try to pay attention to the loot I have when it shows up.

    or be too paranoid to carry it at all lol. something that adds for players who are looking to complete those commendations on how to keep the megs around

  • Jeepers! How much loot must you carry to attract the Shrouded Ghost!?

  • @surveyorpete yup I'll be carrying 100k from here out!😂

  • @norloc People have claimed the same about the Kraken, but personally I can't confirm that for either one. Considering how often I got attacked while having nothing on board or only empty cages because I just started a fetch quest, it can't play a significant role.

  • One of the producers said the Megs have "different personalities." We were doing a fleet last night (with treasure on board) and one aggro'd the fleet ships then chased us down outside the fleet area, then proceeded to cronch our ship unprovoked.

  • @surveyorpete sagte in i think i have figured something out:

    Jeepers! How much loot must you carry to attract the Shrouded Ghost!?

    Three athenas and three of each of the stronghold stuff...maybe

  • @schwammlgott But the stronghold kegs have to be carried on deck or they don't count! :D

  • @crimsonraziel sagte in i think i have figured something out:

    @schwammlgott But the stronghold kegs have to be carried on deck or they don't count! :D

    Sure, that's obvious...did you think of something else...? 🤪🤣

  • @schwammlgott I just wanted to make sure and clarify that for the rest before someone complains. I would feel bad if some misses his chance to defeat the Shrouded Ghost because of that detail. :P

  • @crimsonraziel sure, but if it would have been so easy, everybody would know this already...there are many people who tried dozens of things to trigger it, from playing music, to what light colour your ship has...

  • @schwammlgott
    You also need white lights and to shout I CHALLENGE YOU SHROUDED GHOST out of the side of the ship. Also use all shark hunter stuff.

  • @blazedrake100 this is getting out of control...🤣

  • @surveyorpete said in i think i have figured something out:

    Jeepers! How much loot must you carry to attract the Shrouded Ghost!?

    3 forts' worth and a gilded Athena. Confirmed.

  • @chronodusk I hear you stand a better chance of drawing her to the surface by using Merricks sails & hull (Hunters set I believe). Unfortunately I like the Fat Reapers set with the horse figurehead better so I'll never see the dang thing!

  • You’re absolutely right norloc! I had so many Meg encounters during my 500 Cargo grind(almost everytime I started am cargo run)

    And today i played with my daughter(were only grinding out voyages without taking the loot) the Meg didn’t appeared for hours, then we had a little stash with loot on board and voila the crescent queen appeared suddenly!

    So I think this is an thing!

  • @norloc Sounds like a classic example of seeing patterns where there are none. I think it's just random.

    I remember all the theories on how to get various rare drops in WoW way back when, what to wear, what to do, where to stand etc. Talked to a Blizzard employee, who confirmed that it was all completely random :).

  • @matzor
    That used to happen with the kraken here also, people would say shoveling the bottom deck would summon it. I think any rare thing in any game will make people superstitious about it.

  • @matzor Yeah, it is the stuff superstitions are made of. On the other hand, some games have these sorts of triggers built into them. For example, I think back to the hidden puzzles in Battlefield 4 and Battlefield I. It is hard to know if we are looking for patterns that are not there, or if we are onto something until we put the idea (and the null) to the test.

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