Update questions.

  • I just have a couple questions about the new update because I don't have my Xbox right now. I saw that they nerfed the roar again. So how much less do volcanoes hit ships now? Also, about how long are the new voyages, and are the cosmetics locked behind comms?

  • 19
  • @blazedrake100 New cosmetics are locked pending the completion of commendations. Not sure what the new frequency is for the DR accuracy. New voyages are about as lengthy as any other voyage.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in Update questions.:

    @blazedrake100 the voyages are just tedious reapers runs.

    you have to go around hunting for 60 (yes 60!!) mermaid gems and 60 gunpowder barrels along with 15 mega-kegs to complete commendations.

    These parts aren't time limited though right? Or are the cosmetics tied to these commendations specifically?

  • I believe the cosmetics are time limited. Commendations will remain after the event, but the buffed item spawns will likely go away. Completing commendations will unlock the cosmetics.

  • @rowdy-reid what @mr-dragon-raaar said: why should these commendations stay, when the previous ones didn't...

  • @xcalypt0x the cosmetics are tied to the commendations for the voyages, not to the mermaid gems or gunpowder ones

  • @schwammlgott Perfect. So @mr-dragon-raaar you can take your time turning in those gems. And there are like 3x the amount of ways to get them now.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar
    That's too bad. Guess I'm not getting any more cosmetics... Oh well, at least there are some comms that are staying this time if they aren't tied to the voyages. I don't see why rare keeps doing mercenary voyages, I don't think anyone likes them on the forums.

  • @blazedrake100 I like 'em...and I'm pretty sure, I'm not the only one

  • I like running them to. But that is for just the 2 weeks they are in.

  • @schwammlgott @BlazeDrake100 In another thread I said I hated them. I should clarify because that's not exactly true. I don't hate the mercenary voyages. I hate the commendations that require us to do them X amount of times.

    They are okay to do once or twice but then after that I feel like I am just wasting doubloons. I liked the bilge rat adventures much more (at least I think I did, that was a long time ago).

  • @xcalypt0x I like the Bilge Rat adventures also more...
    This mercanary voyages we have to do just 3 times...so not a big deal

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in Update questions.:

    the roar is a joke now. just like every other area.

    The keep nerfing everything. The problem is Rare that keeps seeing all the complaint-posts from players who would rather come to the forums to scream about lavarocks, sniper skeletons, and anything else that challenges them, rather than asking themselves, "What can I do next time to avoid or mitigate this problem in the future?" These players come here and state, "X is too hard for my situation! My friends and I feel (disappointed/angry/frustrated) and do not want to come back!" Then the players grow defensive and argumentative when we try to help them understand how they can better deal with that situation in the future. Rather than trusting players will grow into the game (we did), Rare reacts by making it a little easier each month. Now, I feel like I am walking around the world with god-mode turned on. Without other players to worry about, nothing within this game is a challenge anymore. Unfortunately, it feels like Arena has sucked the PvP players out of the main game. Most ships just avoid one another in Adventure Mode (I still hate that name, BTW).

  • @ghostpaw @mr-dragon-raaar I have always hated the roar because I felt that the way they tried to introduce a difficult area to the game was implemented badly.

    But I like the idea of a more challenging area, and perhaps I'm way off base but I feel like most people like that idea.

    I just think it could have been done better. Scrap the lock-on/auto target rocks, make the rowboats actually useful so that you aren't just sitting outside the range of the volcano waiting for the eruption to finish (and shorten the length of time you have to sit there...). Show a shadow of where the rocks are going to fall so that people with semi-quick reaction time can dodge the falling rocks. Maybe allow the player to shoot rocks that are about to hit the ship with the cannon to stop it. IDK. The idea seemed awesome but I feel like they messed up the implementation and now they are just going to end up nerfing it to the point it's not a challenge.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar 20 mega kegs if you count the mysterious stranger

  • @mr-dragon-raaar I hope, for Rare's sake, that you and are are in the minority. Each time I fire it up now I ask myself, "Why am I doing this?" Half the time I quit before I leave the outpost.

  • @ghostpaw I have found that my tolerance for adversity in SoT has gone waayyy down lately. It used to be that no matter what, I was in for at least a 3 hour session. If things were going bad that just made it take a little longer. I was going to accomplish what I set out to do.

    These days (if I'm soloing), I frequently find myself saying "screw it" and quitting the minute I have to sail across the map or deal with a galleon/brig, etc.

    I'm not saying I want easy mode. Quite the opposite. It's more that I just don't feel like putting in the effort these days. It's probably mostly due to the fact that my crew isn't playing anymore and as much as I love SoT, I usually pick them over SoT.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar I'm still going to log in for this event and hopefully complete it. Despite it's flaws I still love it lol.

  • Only 3 times for commendation now? Woohoo, good news!

13 out of 19