okay so can someone explain what happened

  • during combat isn't 2 blundershots at close range and one sword combo not enough to kill someone? (details: first shot half of the bullets missed second shot all bullets hit but didn't feel like they registered and i swung and did one combo and he pulled his blunder out and one shot me and i was just sitting there wondering how was he not dead)

  • 20
  • @jollyolsteamed Blunderbuss is pretty unreliable if you aren't in smooching distance. Pellets from it only do 15 damage each so if there's a hit reg error then there's a solid chance that nothing'll happen or you'll do very little damage.

  • @redheadedmut they really need to fix the hit reg i know the blunder was a massive menace way back before it was nerfed but second shot was dead center aimed down inches away from him im guessing the second shot did not register at all and my sword swings did nothing either

  • He could have been food buffed too

  • @pithyrumble doesn't meats only add regenerative abilities? and im pretty sure it shouldn't regen while im attacking

  • @redheadedmut said in okay so can someone explain what happened:

    @jollyolsteamed Blunderbuss is pretty unreliable if you aren't in smooching distance. Pellets from it only do 15 damage each so if there's a hit reg error then there's a solid chance that nothing'll happen or you'll do very little damage.

    15? Where'd you hear that? It's my understanding that it's 10 damage per pellet with a total of 10 pellets, meaning you have to hit with all 10 to instant-kill someone at full health.

    @JollyOlsteamed 2 shots from any firearm should kill someone at full health, even the blunderbuss if you can get at least half the spread to hit with each shot. The sword does 20 damage per swing or 50 on a charge. So assuming they didn't eat or regenerate in between attacks, or have bad hit-reg, you can easily do the math.

  • @galactic-geek hm yeah nontheless even not knowing the damage before when it had happened i just sat there thinking "okay what just happened?" my friend said "is he cheating" he saw me shoot him twice i'd say just out of sword range the first time the second i was almost so close i was ready to call the pirate my wife then he didn't die i hit him 3 times with a sword and i got one shot and i was just stunned as of what just happened

  • @jollyolsteamed It's hard to gauge with a blunderbuss, but if you were using a flintlock, it would've been 1 shot and 3 swings (50+20+20+20=110) or 1 shot and 1 charge (50+50=100); with an EoR, it would've been 1 shot and 2 swings (70+20+20=110) or 1 shot and 1 charge (70+50=120).

  • @galactic-geek i use blunder because im insecure with my aim but i got to experiment with the flintlock also i dont know but were you always required to aim down the sights of EoR? i have a faint memory of people being able to just look at someone and it would hit in the middle of the screen

  • @jollyolsteamed said in okay so can someone explain what happened:

    @galactic-geek i use blunder because im insecure with my aim but i got to experiment with the flintlock also i dont know but were you always required to aim down the sights of EoR? i have a faint memory of people being able to just look at someone and it would hit in the middle of the screen

    No, once you could hipfire EoR with 100% accuracy, but that made pistol obsolete, so they changed it to have crazy spread if you hipfire it now.

  • @sweltering-nick ah thats what i mean i remember a time when you could hipfire EoR remembered it being op worse than the blunder in the hands of a good player

  • Hit registration is wildly inaccurate. I shot a pirate point blank 3 times with a blunderbuss yesterday and then slashed him 3 times he didn't die.

    There is very little skill in any of the hand-to-hand combat in this game. The mechanics are too randomly wonky. I once watched my friend (who had been playing the game for all of 40 minutes at that point) run around a Galleon of PL's mashing his buttons and he managed to kill all 4 of them. And this was 8 months ago when being a PL still meant something.

  • @viperishemu2992 yeah i think rare should lay some focus on fixing the mechanics that are in the game already than to add more onto the pile im all for new content hell i want more stuff to do as a PL i sit around doing athenas all day and thats all there is to a PL but i'd rather have the hit reg fixed and combat system reworked so it isn't up to random chance of who will come out the victor of the battle

  • @jollyolsteamed said in okay so can someone explain what happened:

    during combat isn't 2 blundershots at close range and one sword combo not enough to kill someone? (details: first shot half of the bullets missed second shot all bullets hit but didn't feel like they registered and i swung and did one combo and he pulled his blunder out and one shot me and i was just sitting there wondering how was he not dead)

    Could have been server lag and in some cases I have seen evidence of someone being immune to damage, it's a bug not a cheat, something that as far as I know of can't be replicated. I have seen a video of this bug so I know it exist.

  • @jollyolsteamed said in okay so can someone explain what happened:

    during combat isn't 2 blundershots at close range and one sword combo not enough to kill someone? (details: first shot half of the bullets missed second shot all bullets hit but didn't feel like they registered and i swung and did one combo and he pulled his blunder out and one shot me and i was just sitting there wondering how was he not dead)

    This is me everytime. I've given up with toe to toe combat and now I just wave at people and prepare to die.

  • I try not to engage on foot. Nowadays, I keep it strictly ship to ship and prevent boarders as much as possible. We shell their ship with cannonballs and CCBs (strategically, of course) while maintaining a good balance of speed and manueverability until they're dead and then sink the ship so they can't respawn. If there are any floaters, or survivors, would be boarders, etc., they very quickly become easy pickings in the water.

  • @jollyolsteamed I agree with you there. Hand-to-hand is a coin toss and even the incentive for crews to "duke it out" Ship-to-Ship isn't very attractive. In other words, just shooting cannonballs back and forth at each other doesn't really sink ships.

    I've suggested before to Rare that they should hire somebody from outside the office to come in and take a "fresh look" at their whole combat system. A total "overhaul" may be the best fix because the "tinkering" that Rare have been doing for the last year hasn't done much good.

  • Super Foods - All you noobs obsessed with selling fish and leveling your hunters call.

    Eat the stuff and become a god!!!!!

  • @glannigan I eat meg for breakfast!

  • The client side hit markers are a huge disservice to debugging hit detection and creating cheating false positivies. No matter what kind of lag conditions you, your target or the server are experiencing your client will always show a "hit" if what you see on your screen lines up with the target when you fire your gun.

    I suspect the same problem exists with the sword slash hit animation but that one is harder to confirm.

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