Constant Greybeard errors

  • Seriously when will this be fixed. Open crew / Arena are not usable for a lot of people.

  • 16
  • Been about 6 weeks for me now

  • Hear! Hear!

    Its been weeks for me, too.

  • works fine on my Xbox, but on both my PC cant join a open crew really sucks.

  • @johhn0 I just started getting it the last couple of days. Maybe it's getting worse?

  • @wolfman6662350 Seems like another wave of people had started getting the error a few days ago. It may not even be related to the previous Greybeard issue.

    Sadly I have seen no response from Rare on the matter.

  • @ashen-alexx Ahoy matey!

    A small patch was pushed to the game 20 days ago to allow the team to grab some extra info to track down the cause of this bug.

    I would expect to hear more on this in the not to distant future.

  • @ashen-alexx said in Constant Greybeard errors:

    @wolfman6662350 Seems like another wave of people had started getting the error a few days ago. It may not even be related to the previous Greybeard issue.

    Sadly I have seen no response from Rare on the matter.

    I also started having this happen to me for the first time 2 days ago (and it has persisted since). I'm not very hopeful atm considering there is no official news outside this other month old issue that i (and presumably the others in here reporting a NEW issue that started 2 days ago) never experienced before. I submitted a report ticket and they referred me to their social media pages which also contain no acknowledgement of any new issue

  • This started happening to me a couple of nights ago to my wife and I. I've tried using a VPN to change my network location to all over the world, I've tried playing from my laptop connecting to my cell phone's hotspot just so that I'm not using the same network, and some variation on 4 different PC setups across 2 different accounts. Last night, just for the heck of it, I dropped a new drive in my PC and installed both win10 and win7 from scratch to see if that would change anything and still can't use any kind of opencrew stuff. So it doesn't seem as if this is related to our setups and has to be on Rare's side, as that is the only common factor.

    It'd be really nice if they could post more acknowledgement about things that are being worked on outside of just a quick blurb in the known issues list.

    Very frustrating.

  • @psionicalpha

    I've tried using a VPN to change my network location to all over the world, I've tried playing from my laptop connecting to my cell phone's hotspot just so that I'm not using the same network, and some variation on 4 different PC setups across 2 different accounts. Last night, just for the heck of it, I dropped a new drive in my PC and installed both win10 and win7 from scratch to see if that would change anything and still can't use any kind of opencrew stuff.

    Nice work! Well done, Sir!

  • I started getting this last night. Still going on today.

  • I'm having the same problem. Closed crews work fine and friends can join as they wish, however open crews are not working.

    This has been occurring for at least 2 days for me and my crew.

  • Same for you greybeard errors as of a few days ago when trying to use Open Crew for Arena and Adventure.
    Possibly related but my friend has been having in-game player audio issues. We've done all the troubleshooting steps provided in Troubleshooting Articles but i think it is on the games end since he is not able to hear players ingame, no we are not on xbox party chat and have checked xbox account privacy settings and he has the same as me. Ontop of that he doesn't even see a chat bubble above players heads when they speak as well as not hearing text to speech when other players use it.

  • Yep, Greybeard all the way for me as well.

  • My Greybeard problems seem to have finally disappeared... after two or three months of not being able to join random crews!

    I have now joined a few random crews, in both Adventure and Arena.

    Are they fixed for everyone else?

  • @surveyorpete

    update fixed it for me as well

10 out of 16