Are you kidding me or is this allowed?

  • Arghhh- I've been getting rather irritated. No, not with the game, but with those who play the game! I would just be playing solo and literally not have anything on my ship- I'd be on some island looking for treasure. Then all of a sudden I hear cannon shots- someones attacking my empty ship, with no one on it, and I'm not even out on the sea!

    Another time, I'm on an island again. But this time a GALLEON comes and destroys my ship. The thing is, I had just finished a battle with a skeleton ship so I was getting my barrings. Again, I was playing solo on a sloop... its getting really annoying.

    And of course, again, playing solo on a sloop- I was attacked by another galleon before I even left port! I guess my question is: Is it allowed to attack ships who aren't on the sea? Well, for one thing- I know that its absolutely stupid when a Galleon wants to battle a sloop... seriously.

    - Captain StlthyNnja44

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  • Yes. Be aware of your surroundings, there are pirates out and about.

  • @stlthynnja44 Is it anoying? yes. Is it allowed? yes. Is it griefing? Disputed by some, but general consensus says no. Is it going to be changed? no.

  • There are people who only wants to pvp so they will attack any ship that they see. Also people don't know if you have anything and would rather shoot first and ask questions later.

    As a galleon player most of the time who also likes to pvp the majority of the time we have to attack sloops because that is all there is usually. If there is another galleon we go straight to them but it's a lot rarer to see and even more so that they even remotely put up a fight. People who are good with sloops though can easily kill a galleon with time and experience.

    As always most important thing is to keep yours eyes on that horizon.

  • pirates gonna pirate

    allowed? this isn't supervised recess in elementary school

    these ruthless merchants of death do not abide by rules and regulations. They serve themselves whether that involves treasure or not.

    Nobody will stop them other than you. Practice, practice, then practice. Then kill them all.


    practice, practice, then practice
    and outsmart them and outrun them

    or realize the servers are a luck of the draw where it typically favors those that want to be left alone and more often than not you'll roll a server where pirates mostly leave you alone for 30 minutes- 3+hours and come to terms with the philosophy of you win some you lose some

  • I imagine you got the idea it might not be allowed from that priate code document in the taverns that says "Settle disputes upon the seas" or some such?

    That isn't referring to sailing the deep ocean vs being parked at an island/outpose, that is referring to in game vs out of game. It's just telling you not to extend your conflicts to real life.

  • @stlthynnja44

    If your attackers had business on the island or outpost, it's easier to just sink your ship rather than deal with an unknown crew.

    Remember, they have no idea if you are solo or not. Yes, you can tell them you are a friendly solo player, but just as many players will use that to set up an ambush. You never know if someone is just waiting to rush out at you with a powder keg.

    Sloops are not harmless. There are plenty of sloop players who can take down a galleon with relative ease. It can be frustrating to have your ship sunk for what appears to be no reason, but it's best to just move on. Heck, at least with an empty ship that means you've lost nothing but supplies.

    • How does one know what isn't on your ship?
      They dont, so why not attack an unexpected ship that just sitting there?

    *Defeated a Skeleton ship, 9/10 you have loot.
    Sink the ship so they cant attack or chase and steal loot.

    Sloops can be the thorn in a Galleon side if played right. Some can even sink a galleon. No ship is really "best" if the crew works hard and knows a few tactics.

    Anyways, Yes it is allowed.

  • we sink gallys all the timne on a sloop and yes we are allowed to attack when you arent at sea

  • Welcome to the Sea of Thieves.

  • @stlthynnja44

    Euhm... you set sail and enter the seas. Those islands you are talking about are part of them. You are out on the seas and whether you are solo or not is really no excuse for not watching the horizon.

    You act like a sloop is a bad ship or that a solo stands no chance... just to point out the obvious; you are a pirate and you are a threat. If you are struggling you might want to crew up, but if you underestimate the wrong pirate you will sink even on a galleon.

    If you decide to stay solo (and even on a crew):

    1. Do not sail with more than you are willing to lose.
    2. Watch the horizon, meaning every so often stop your treasure hunt and seek a high point, grab that spy-glass and do a 360.
    3. Park the ship properly, do not do it to far away from where you are and before heading to the island: Raise those sails and raise that anchor (if you dropped it) - this allows you to take off with a simple tuck on the sails.
    4. Learn to sailing mechanics and how to do drop off selling.

    Optionally: Learn to fight and/or use the speaking horn to try and negotiate a truce.

    Happy sailing, #BeMorePirate

  • Playing Solo since more than 3 years now! I’m getting attacked very very rarely! Most time I can finish my work without any enemy encounters! But maybe I’m so aware of it that this meta is into my veins that I don’t get any PvP! When I’m on a voyage, I’m checking surroundings before I arrive on the island, I check very often in between when this island is an 10+ treasure island as example, mostly after every chest I dug up! Then I leave the island and checking again the horizon and before I arrive at an Outpost!

  • I understand the frustration, but I have learned from playing this game since launch two years ago that you have to be aware of your surroundings. As long as you keep an eye on the horizon and weigh your acceptable levels of risk, sailing solo can be peaceful and fun. Using this method, I cleared 5 vaults in a single session.

  • @ronin20 said in Are you kidding me or is this allowed?:

    @stlthynnja44 Is it anoying? yes. Is it allowed? yes. Is it griefing? Disputed by some, but general consensus says no. Is it going to be changed? no.

    These debates about whether it's "griefing" is really missing the point: It isn't fun. It makes the game unenjoyable for many people. There are many obvious ways of solving this problem, easily, and declining to do so is nothing short of a myopic failure of game design.

  • @defendedcub11 said in Are you kidding me or is this allowed?:

    These debates about whether it's "griefing" is really missing the point: It isn't fun. It makes the game unenjoyable for many people. There are many obvious ways of solving this problem, easily,

    So what are some of these “obvious ways” that you have in mind?

    and declining to do so is nothing short of a myopic failure of game design.

    You mean the game that has remained popular for more than three years is a failure? What successful titles did you create? The truth is, the game’s design actually depends on the threat of other players. It was primarily designed as a game centered on players striving to steal from one another. The work we put into finding loot is to ensure it has meaning for us. It represents time and effort, but it is not the main point. If Rare removed the danger it might please a small number of players (for a short time as they run through the content) at the expense of the vast majority of us who appreciate the game for what it is. My crew spends most of our time working on PvE content, but we take opportunities as they arise. If you take out the danger then we are basically playing Couriers & Archeologists not Sea of Thieves.

  • @ghostpaw said in Are you kidding me or is this allowed?:

    So what are some of these “obvious ways” that you have in mind?

    Don't be disingenuous--This forum is filled with such ideas. You don't need to ask this question.

    You mean the game that has remained popular for more than three years is a failure?

    Don't be disingenuous. I didn't call the game a failure--I am referring to an aspect of its design as a failure. Plenty of fundamentally broken games still become popular.

    What successful titles did you create?

    If Rare removed the danger it might please a small number of players (for a short time as they run through the content) at the expense of the vast majority of us who appreciate the game for what it is.

    There are ways to make the danger more consensual that would not affect your experience at all.

  • @stlthynnja44

    Be more stealthy Ninja44 😉

    Its open sea free for all pvp and soloing is not recommend to start with. Absolutely a MP Game. You can solo, but its unforgiving and you need to aproach it different then.

  • @defendedcub11 said in Are you kidding me or is this allowed?:

    @ghostpaw said in Are you kidding me or is this allowed?:

    So what are some of these “obvious ways” that you have in mind?

    Don't be disingenuous--This forum is filled with such ideas. You don't need to ask this question.

    I will address this below.

    You mean the game that has remained popular for more than three years is a failure?

    Don't be disingenuous. I didn't call the game a failure--I am referring to an aspect of its design as a failure. Plenty of fundamentally broken games still become popular.

    You keep saying I am being disingenuous. I am not. You are saying a key pillar of the game is a failure. It is like saying the need explore and build to improve your chance of survival in Minecraft is flawed. Or that the need to manage resources in Civilization in the face of threats is a broken mechanic. Sure, you can strip those out, but they become much less interesting to most players. The difference is, SoT would actually become segmented into two play styles. This has been discussed to death in countless threads.

    What successful titles did you create?
    [Appeal to accomplishment](link url

    Nice attempt to dodge, but no. If you were speaking about your personal preference for a certain type of game, that would be one thing. You are claiming the game is actually broken because your preference is not being adjusted for. That the possibility of you losing and feeling the sting that accompanies it is a sign of bad game design. You are speaking as if you are an authority on game design, not just personal preference. No. You are a consumer who does not like the vision that Rare sought to fulfill. That is okay. But your dislike of something is not a sign of someone else’s failure. Rare’s developers have stated over countless interviews what their intent with the game is, and it includes the things you do not like about it. This includes the feelings of paranoia and sorrow after loss that comes with an open world, tools not rules, PvPvE design. Not everyone likes a horror film, art that disturbs them, or an extra bitter flavor, but others do. Your personal aversion to it is not a sign that it is wrong. You are just not the audience here.

    If Rare removed the danger it might please a small number of players (for a short time as they run through the content) at the expense of the vast majority of us who appreciate the game for what it is.

    There are ways to make the danger more consensual that would not affect your experience at all.

    You are consenting to the danger by playing the game. If you are talking about a passive mode, this idea has been floated by the PvE-only crowd since before the game’s release. As you mentioned earlier, this has been discussed to death. I suggest you head back over to the mega thread devoted to this topic. Private servers are coming. Rare has rightfully disabled progress on them because they know that allowing the population to progress on passive servers would harm the game experience for all players. Then again, you refuse to give specifics here so I am forced to make assumptions about what changes you suggest. If I am off base on my assumption of your meaning, well... who could blame me?

    Again, we already have a mega thread devoted to this.

  • There is no sympathy for self inflicted wounds...

    You are choosing to Solo a Multiplayer game.

    Your basically setting the Game on Dark Souls difficultly and then getting frustrated.

  • @defendedcub11

    Losing isn't fun? It has nothing to do with griefing. The person who is unable to watch the horizon and notice the pirates around them, need to learn to use the tools we have to be able to respond to it as they seem fit. There is no issue with the games design, it is an issue with those that do not use the tools provided. The obvious solution is simply to use the options provided, it is an open world PvEvP game... which option to use is up to you, but it will not limit the options of others. Sometimes in a game you will lose, that is perfectly acceptable in game design.

    We are already consenting to the dangers of the seas when we enter it: Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.

  • White sailed solo-sloops are my favorite target practice before taking on a player galley. :)

  • @nyr1n

    Careful with that. Some pros will pull the "new player" look specifically to tempt players like you.

  • To the player above me...I can't reply to you because the first word of your name is listed as restricted word. :(

    Fear not, I've sunk many a pirate legend with white sails trying to pull a sneaky on me.

    In fact, I too use this strat when trying to tuck on my fellow pirates doing a fort! ;)

  • Ok, to begin with: if someone managed to notice your ship while you parked it near island and left - you are already doing something wrong. Check the horizon, ALWAYS check the horizon before you do anything like this. If there is one side, where your ship is likely to be seen by freshly respawned players, like from the nearby outpost - park the ship on the opposite side. Don't wander on the island aimlessly. Do your job and leave, or at least, check the horizon from time to time.

    Always remember - ship near island is VERY likely to do some treasure hunting so there is obviously something to take from it. Or there may be other crew with the voyage, leading to that exact island and they don't want any witnesses in such a private business like digging out chests. Nothing personal - people just being careful.

    As you seem to play solo sloop, remember: you are the bottom of the food chain, so it is better to play the game as some multiplayer stealth.

    Another example on how not to do things has just happened in my recent game today. I played on the sloop with my friend, we were planning to leave soon but I suggested to drown a skeleton sloop first. We chased it and it led us to the galleon under mark of reaper flag. I decided that sinking skeletons for the loot right in front of other ship with 4 people crew isn't wise and decided to finish session with guns blazing and swords shining. So, yes, we attacked a galleon on the sloop. And sunk it which wasn't even part of plan, I just expected a bright death. Have no idea what the hell were they doing with anchor dropped, but we even got some loot which we miraculously saved while running from the reapers emissary ship, who was very eager to send us right after that galleon.

    So yeah, where I lead this... This is a game where every other ship is a threat and every other player would kill you for anything - from your treasures to your supplies. Get over it and enjoy the game.

  • Welcome to a PvPvE pirate game with "Thieves" in the title.

    Everything you've earned can be lost in an instant, don't get attached to anything.

    If you're the kind of player who thinks that sinking ships should be against the rules, you're exactly the kind of player I sink for fun.

    Learn from your mistakes, learn to check the map and your surroundings, learn to check in with your ship more often than you think you need.

  • You just have to be more of a StlthyNnja.

  • Check your horizon, its not easy for a galleon to sneak up on you.

  • Sink them first ask questions later.... how are they to know you don't have loot?!

  • Of course this is allowed. Pepega.

  • I was delivering 2 voyages worth of loot to reapers hideout. I see that someone else is already parked there, delivering his loot. Sink his ship, kill him, and my 2 voyages' worth of loot becomes 4 voyages worth of loot. I'm delivering, while I do, another player attacks me and does the same (luckily I sold about 95% of the loot so ZULUL). You gotta realize that this is not your Christian Minecraft server. This is basically pirates of the Caribbean, the videogame. Of course, when you park your Sloop on an island and another player sees a chance to engage, he will engage. But maybe when he engages, you come on top as a winner. It's a gamble but that is the game. Pirates pirating. Sea of THIEVES. The word thief is literally in the name of the game so when someone, a THIEF pirate, steals your loot... well... yeah, that's the point of the game.

    Also to your comment about "why the FK would a galleon ever attack a sloop". Well, cuz 4v1? or 4v2? it's quite a powerplay. Trust me, if you were with 3 friends on a galleon, and you see some solo player park his sloop on an island in front of you, YOU WOULD attack that. You are simply on the sharp edge of the blade and u don't like it but don't worry, you will get better. When I first played the game I was terrified whenever I saw something with sails. You'll learn, no worry. But the learning process might cost you some chests, true that

  • Kinda how the game works

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