Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance

  • I've been hearing from crewmates that PvE'ers are turned away from the FoF because they know that the fort will be taken over by try hard Reaper ships or 4man galleon crews.

    Now this isn't to say that PvE'ers aren't trying. I see a good amount of PvE ships trying their luck and its great. They have a lot to learn, like not coming straight into enemy broadside but still they are coming to try. However, I don't want that feeling of "why bother even trying" to spread in your community.

    Guys, take your shot please. You only ever learn by trying. Failing is still learning as long as you reflect on why you lost.

    "Did I get too close??"

    "Do I need more practice on cannons??"

    "Did I miss read my rotation??"

    No this is not an attempt to get easy kills from you guys. I am getting all the fighting I need from just the ships that currently roll in and I am FINALLY getting those multiship battles that I miss. I got a 4 ship way battle the other day and it was GREAT. Got close to sinking, the day after we did sink.

    Honestly I've sank more times since the event started then I usually do in a year of playing this game.

    The reason why I am saying take your shot is because you finally have the opportunity to engage with nothing on the line like you suggest that PvP'ers do all the time.

    Sell everything, turn in your flag, go throw your hat in the ring and shoot some cannons.

    This is a great opportunity for you guys to learn and figure out how to PvP without being chased from island to island.......unless you win and get the loot and the ship comes back lololol. Forgot about that lol sorry.

    I don't know about other PvP'ers but I haven't had to hunt any ships down since the event started. I get on, do some events or some quests and wait for the FoF to spawn. When it does, we roll on it, and fight whoever shows up.

    If I'm short on time we hop for it.

    If you sink so what, nothing to lose right??

    I want PvE'ers to have fun with this event also. Don't think of it as "I will never get the loot so why bother". You don't know that. Maybe the players doing it aren't any better than you are. Maybe you might lose today and tomorrow and even the next day, but what happens after trying 10 times and losing?? Maybe you've learned enough that on that 11th try you'll finally sink that annoying ship.

    SIDE NOTE I want to thank Rare for this event. I feel that same rush I used to feel with original forts. Watching the horizon and seeing ships coming in from all direction and sometimes multiple of them lol.

    The best part and the reason why I think so many ships are doing it is because its not activated like the FoTD. Which leads me to believe that FoTD should have never been an activation type but eh whats done is done.

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  • I have no idea what you really want said....but OK :P

  • I’ve done 4 of these.
    Could be the hour or people, but it isn’t interesting enough for some. :p

  • @reapinglegion

    Crewmates are seeing posts on reddit and facebook and what not about PvE'ers complaining about PvP at the Fort and how its just not worth even trying since they aren't going to get anything.

    I want them to be willing to try and be willing to learn. Its one of the best ways to learn PvP in the game and figure things out. They got nothing to lose and can be the attacker for a change.

    Some PvE'ers don't like to PvP because of how they feel about attacking other players doing quests. Well this is a fort and this is a contested fort. Lots of PvP. They could engage freely without any hang ups or worries.

    I don't want them to be scared to try and learn. They might sink but hey I've been actually sinking as well. Its hard to keep a boat afloat when being attacking by fort cannons and 2 other ships.

    They might sink 20, 30, or even 50 times but eventually they will get better and learn things about the game.

  • Imo anyone trying to do it

    1. Don't have a reaper flag up

    2. Be on the server when it goes up. This will give you best chance at getting digs/villainous in case alliances show up ext. Supplies is key here. Getting it done as quickly as you can is huge to avoid hoppers.

    3. Pick your battles sometimes it's easier to do join them and see what happens. this is open to interpretation

  • The biggest competition to the fort right now (gold-wise) unfortunately is the new merchant commodities combined with lost shipment voyages. This is especially true for solos. I can get a dagger tooth or galleon's spawn in a solo brig and make about 200k+ in an hour:

    You go to start at dagger tooth and buy the cloth and spices, throw down a lost shipment (cycle until leads back towards galleon's)

    Finish the voyage and throw down a second from galleon's (cycle until leads down towards ancient spire), stop to buy more cloth, spices, and tea

    Finish the voyage and stop at ancient spire, sell all the cloth, buy spices and tea. Sail to Morrow's.

    Sell all the spices at Morrow's and buy tea. Sail to Dagger and sell all the tea.

  • A lose can teach you more than a win can wins show improvement loses show what you need to do to improve

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    Just make sure to use emissaries so that you maximize your profits when you storm the beaches.

    Everything will be fine.

    These things are wild. They are like the old days of just having forts except amplified. Massive loot and you aren't stuck at the fort of the damned. It's out in the open, plenty of visibility, much easier to defend and you don't have to spend time activating it. All this did was take everything good about FOTD and made it even better.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain so get out there and sink me then mock the holy heck outta me for missing my shots.

    Also this event can hit get you to level 5 athena from just 1 event. That's a huge opportunity for those that still are grinding it.

  • @goldseeker-gar said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    @xultanis-dragon it's just recycled content sadly Rare just sprinkled a little bit of existing content into one event. Once everybody gets thier 10 done for commendation s it'll fall off like the other world events.

    Possible but I believe this will be just like how it was in the beginning hopefully. Granted I would have liked it to be more on a timer respawn instead of a place holder really, or maybe I'm just getting really lucky?? Who knows.

    However, if they keep releasing cosmetics where the the prices are in the millions then the FoF will be the best place to earn money which would mean that players will keep trying to go to it.

    The past events really had no incentive outside the commendation, you could get that kind of loot doing anything else entirely. FoTD was no different, only benefit was the Athena you could get at the end. At most you could get around 60k to 70k in loot. Not really worth the possible loss and having to deal with other players when you could just do vaults or something else and make the same amount of gold.

    However, this fort has about 100k in loot. They are all high tier. You don't have to activate this one and so far the forts that it spawns on are the easy forts. Which is good also.

    If Rare pumps out more cosmetics at the millions then the life span of this FoF will keep going.

  • how long does the fort take if nobody appears? (i heard it takes pretty long)when the ashenlords first came out it was awfull doin them solo ,sniper like no tomorrow .the normal forts are perfect,do rare realize its not fun when raids taking longer? in a pvp setting. idk where is the fun doin a long repetitive raid , just to get interrupt? i guess its the adventure where you dont know what happen.....

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    how long does the fort take if nobody appears? (i heard it takes pretty long)when the ashenlords first came out it was awfull doin them solo ,sniper like no tomorrow .the normal forts are perfect,do rare realize its not fun when raids taking longer? in a pvp setting. idk where is the fun doin a long repetitive raid , just to get interrupt? i guess its the adventure where you dont know what happen.....

    Depends on crew size.

    On a Galleon me and my crew can knock one out in about 30mins. On a brig its closer to 40mins.

    Haven't tried it on a sloop yet.


    One ashen vault does not pay out 100k and of course if you spam it you can get the same about thats true of if you spam anything.

    Still the number 1 way to get a large about of loot will be the FoF.

    This is how the game was back in the day.

    Forts gave the most gold in one sitting however you could just do anything else in the world and get the same amount eventually. Especially since most of the time forts were contested hot zones. I usually spend 3 to 4 hours on a single fort sometimes 5 to 6. Few times I spent 8 hours fighting over a single fort.

    The 10k or 12k I got from the forts was definitely not worth the time spent but its not only about the time spent its about the fact that I was king of the hill and I'm taking my haul with me.

    The FoF gives off the same feeling I had when the game first came out. Hell even last night my crewmates were on a brig fighting off like 3 ships at a single time. Again multiship battles.

    You might think the event is "cookie cutter" and nothing new, just a rehash of old stuff, however this fort isn't about the PvE portion, its about the contested PvP that happens. There is an event that everyone is fighting over. CONSISTENTLY.

    As long as Rare keeps releasing cosmetics that cost millions then players will continue to fight over this thing.

    I'm not gonna lie, this is the most fun I have had in a very long time. I don't have to spend hours hunting for ships. I just go do an event and see ships off in the horizon. Sometimes I see even multiple ships. Sink one ship and suddenly another one shows up. I've even sank a bunch of times lol. Granted I was frustrated when I sank but thats part of losing. Build a bridge and get over it.

    Even after sinking a lot of those ships will try and try again.

    Rare did really good going back to how the game used to be.

    I also want to point out that with the new FoF, at least in my experience, it doesn't seem that PvE players are being targetted as much anymore. If ships are fighting with me for a few hours they obviously aren't going out hunting on the server. So theres that saving grace for players wanting to complete stuff.

  • My crew and I finally completed it last night! It was an all out slap fight! We had to fight 2 sloops a brig and Galleon. Took about 2 hours and it was on the edge of the seat the entire time, and we came out victorious with 2 cannonballs and 3 boards to our name, But the turn in was so epic! So much fun.

  • @dr-orchamedes

    That turn in at the end after you sank the whole server 3 times over is a really good feeling lol.

    Repeating talking over comms "I got repairs!!" - "WE GOT BOARDERS!!" - "CANNONS LEFT SIDE!!" - "WE ARE OVER ROTATING SOMEONE GET THAT WHEEL!!!"

    Seriously I am having so much fun with the new Fort lol.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    right!? It was so satisfying after what felt like a rugby match lol!

  • I keep finding FoF items at forts, I think server merges, while people fighting, and moves forts away from people.
    I like going to forts for supplies, and few times I had found insane amounts of items left at fort.
    One time it was a content of whole FoF (including chest of legends) neatly stacked outside the FoF door. Not sure what is going on with this. I have hard time believing somebody would finish FoF and just leave everything behind.
    Anybody else had seen that ?

  • Yet to try one. Only logged in once on season 2 so far, made it to level 13, got myself a barrel and got off again. Flameheart was around the entire time I did that.

    Finding it too much of a challenge to log into the game right now.
    Recently finished off all my tall tales and that has made me HATE the game for making me do something so tedious and repetitive over and over.

  • What is the point? Just completed one with my best friend and a new sloop friend we made only to be snuck upon by a rowboat sloop crew who sank us with explosive bombs, steal our stuff and then when we catch up to them, condescendingly mock us as they barrel bomb us as we are unable to get down to disarm it

    I am fine with the killing, I am fine with the stealing, I am fine with the sneaky tactic... What I hate about this game is when someone who puts more time into this game treats you like garbage over the mic as they ruin what little time you have to play because of things like work, timezone differences to play with friends and belittling language.

    I'd say that is pretty toxic, especially if they don't do anything but spawn camp you on your ship but there is no point in recording it and sending it to the admins because it isn't enough to deal with this toxicity... Frankly I am done with doing sloops, I might just quit all together if all the players I end up meeting are condescending jerks

  • @goldseeker-gar said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    @xultanis-dragon it's just recycled content sadly Rare just sprinkled a little bit of existing content into one event. Once everybody gets thier 10 done for commendation s it'll fall off like the other world events.

    That's great, then those who PVE and don't like to PvP can have the forts to themselves! :D

  • @kommodoreyenser sagte in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    The biggest competition to the fort right now (gold-wise) unfortunately is the new merchant commodities combined with lost shipment voyages. This is especially true for solos. I can get a dagger tooth or galleon's spawn in a solo brig and make about 200k+ in an hour:

    You go to start at dagger tooth and buy the cloth and spices, throw down a lost shipment (cycle until leads back towards galleon's)

    Finish the voyage and throw down a second from galleon's (cycle until leads down towards ancient spire), stop to buy more cloth, spices, and tea

    Finish the voyage and stop at ancient spire, sell all the cloth, buy spices and tea. Sail to Morrow's.

    Sell all the spices at Morrow's and buy tea. Sail to Dagger and sell all the tea.

    who, who play a game in this calculated way? i must be very depressiv to play games in this way, only to be effectiv.
    the reason to play a game is to have fun and enjoy the game, not to be a productive, effective capitalism man.

  • @mrmalfor It's a personality thing. The feeling when you're a perfectionist and everything is going efficiently, no time is wasted, and everything is done right is a great feeling for some.
    (Or if you're trying to buy Dark Adventurer cosmetics lol)

  • @xultanis-dragon I've been absolutely LOVING the battles at the FoF. The first day I got a bad taste in my mouth because a crew ran away with the key for two hours (though that's still nostalgic) but that hasn't happened again since.
    The FoF has some great Year One vibes. The only problem is when I load into a game for a voyage and I get a FoF, instantly I've got to drop everything, ping my friends and get going lol.

  • @grumpyw01f said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    @xultanis-dragon I've been absolutely LOVING the battles at the FoF. The first day I got a bad taste in my mouth because a crew ran away with the key for two hours (though that's still nostalgic) but that hasn't happened again since.
    The FoF has some great Year One vibes. The only problem is when I load into a game for a voyage and I get a FoF, instantly I've got to drop everything, ping my friends and get going lol.

    NO KIDDING!! "Hey lets try to work on something this time." - Yeah sure.

    We get on a server, get supplies, put up a flag.......BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM.

    We all turn to the FoF like Batman looking at the bat signal in Batman Returns.

    "It calls us" - "We must go and lay waste" "Its the precious" - Well guess we dropping our plans and doing this instead lol.

    However, dropping everything and heading for the fort was how it used to be in year one. Man I missed this feeling for SO long. Get that rush of holding down the fort and looking all around you as other players are closing in and your mind starts racing planning out the battle plan. THIS IS SO GOOD!!

    Some of my crewmates don't like how long the fights draw out for but only because we are all currently doing stuff in real life but they are still loving it and so am I.

  • @mrmalfor said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    @kommodoreyenser sagte in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    The biggest competition to the fort right now (gold-wise) unfortunately is the new merchant commodities combined with lost shipment voyages. This is especially true for solos. I can get a dagger tooth or galleon's spawn in a solo brig and make about 200k+ in an hour:

    You go to start at dagger tooth and buy the cloth and spices, throw down a lost shipment (cycle until leads back towards galleon's)

    Finish the voyage and throw down a second from galleon's (cycle until leads down towards ancient spire), stop to buy more cloth, spices, and tea

    Finish the voyage and stop at ancient spire, sell all the cloth, buy spices and tea. Sail to Morrow's.

    Sell all the spices at Morrow's and buy tea. Sail to Dagger and sell all the tea.

    who, who play a game in this calculated way? i must be very depressiv to play games in this way, only to be effectiv.
    the reason to play a game is to have fun and enjoy the game, not to be a productive, effective capitalism man.

    Some players have fun playing efficiently. There are people who have fun winning, some who have fun participating. Others having fun with seeing how coordinated everyone is.

    Like those military groups that play siege and go ham with the communication "south entrance, BREACH" "12 o'clock laying down cover fire!!"

    Some players have fun getting things done.

    Also not going to lie. Playing with inefficient crews is mind numbingly boring. Taking HOURS to do a simple quest that should take 30mins. Yeah no

  • One was up forever in my server tonight with a galleon at it. I finished what I was doing, sold some flags at reapers, and figured I'd close up shop taking my chances against the galleon.

    Turns out it's 2 new players on a galleon. I strike a peace deal as killing new players isn't my thing when not provoked. They get a skelly galleon aggro'd on them and I take that out for them then start helping with the end of the fort (they were on the first main boss when I showed up)

    They decided to break our gentleman's agreement and sink my ship with kegs while I'm fighting the boss for them.

    I come back and make that galleon look like a chunk of swiss cheese used as a silencer on a blunderbuss and watched them become shark food while holding out a banana.

    by the end of that ordeal the entire server had shown up and sent me straight to Hell. I did not get to pass go or collect 200 dollars. One way ticket.

    A tasty loss

  • @mrmalfor said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    @kommodoreyenser sagte in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    The biggest competition to the fort right now (gold-wise) unfortunately is the new merchant commodities combined with lost shipment voyages. This is especially true for solos. I can get a dagger tooth or galleon's spawn in a solo brig and make about 200k+ in an hour:

    You go to start at dagger tooth and buy the cloth and spices, throw down a lost shipment (cycle until leads back towards galleon's)

    Finish the voyage and throw down a second from galleon's (cycle until leads down towards ancient spire), stop to buy more cloth, spices, and tea

    Finish the voyage and stop at ancient spire, sell all the cloth, buy spices and tea. Sail to Morrow's.

    Sell all the spices at Morrow's and buy tea. Sail to Dagger and sell all the tea.

    who, who play a game in this calculated way? i must be very depressiv to play games in this way, only to be effectiv.
    the reason to play a game is to have fun and enjoy the game, not to be a productive, effective capitalism man.

    The same type of person that likes to play games like Satisfactory or Factorio. Also I am big into RTS games for the past 25 years. I just have fun and enjoy playing differently. That's the beauty of a game like this, it brings many different play styles together. I can choose to be efficient and gain gold the fastest way possible, I can go fight people if I want and be more pirate, I can play pirate James Bond and go tuck at world events, or I can go get into the story with Tall Tales.

    My definition of depressing gaming is wandering around aimlessly doing just bottle quests or worse yet, no goal at all.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    "It calls us" - "We must go and lay waste" "Its the precious" - Well guess we dropping our plans and doing this instead lol.

    lol that's perfect/

    Also not going to lie. Playing with inefficient crews is mind numbingly boring. Taking HOURS to do a simple quest that should take 30mins. Yeah no

    I was in a 4 ship alliance recently doing glitterbeard for my friend. Afterwards, we wanted to do world events to see if we could get a FoF to pop. Two galleons took over an hour to finish a skeleton fort. No one knew to stay in groups so as not to slash each other, 2 of the 8 people were freaking singing to themselves.
    When the fort was finally cleared, I realized we were both gold hoarders so the loot split would be bad. We spent soooooooooooooo much time worrying about how to split the loot. And when we had to talk about something important, half of the people drowned us out by splitting off into some star wars conversation.
    Server alliances have dedicated parties for each crew, but everyone is still extremely inefficient. I hate those so much.

  • So three of us heard and saw the FOF cloud arrive in the sky so we went and completed the Fort. Bit of a grind, but a nice pile of loot upon completion. Job done!!
    But what amazed me the most, was we had just previously spent 4 hours trying to complete a regular skull Fort whilst fighting off 3 other ships constantly. It was just ship after ship coming in to fight non stop, followed by hunting down campers each and every time.
    I couldn't believe we had the FOF to ourselves after a session like that!

    Will I go out of my way to complete another? Probably 😁

  • @xultanis-dragon

    I agree! Everyone should go do the Fort of Fortune. Great treasure, awesome fights, crazy occurrences; it has it all.

    Everyone go check out the FoF. EVERYONE. Go, right now! It'll be AWESOME!!

    (quickly slinks away to rest of map)

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  • @mrmalfor said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    who, who play a game in this calculated way? i must be very depressiv to play games in this way,

    Oh stop.. how is this any different than crews that spend most of their time jumping in and out of games just looking for a fort to steal?

    Let other people enjoy the planning, and potential success and benefits of being well informed, and organized.

  • My crew ran one we stick mostly to pve but we will fight off crews of the get near it’s a very fun fort

  • I liked fighting for the fort but just like arena, it really does show everything wrong with this game's pvp. The hit reg alone is so bad at times like I genuinely wonder if Rare just gave up on fixing it since we haven't seen any fixes or improvements for a long while now. It's whatever though, people will lose interest in this fort and it'll die out just like FotD did after a month

  • Use these to get your 20 flags

    I'm turning in 4-10 a fight even when you don't get an ultimate win you can still get some version of one.

    also this makes bringing in random athena flags for your reaper commendation way faster. WAY easier than turning these unicorns in on random servers before

    Today I sold 7 flags, got an ancient skelly, was sneaky enough to get the commendation credit for finishing it and I didn't get any of the loot, still productive

    other times I'll sell the loot before the boss spawns just to lock in some gold. Even before the boss wave there are still plenty of high value skulls and maybe a rage chest or 2 depending on rng of the digs

    Anyone can win these and anyone can lose them I'm seeing skilled pvp brigs and galleons go down just like everyone else because of the towers and kegs and mass chaos of having so many crews around.

    Come on in the water is fine

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:

    SIDE NOTE I want to thank Rare for this event. I feel that same rush I used to feel with original forts. Watching the horizon and seeing ships coming in from all direction and sometimes multiple of them lol.

    I've done it twice, and both times it was deserted. It's long and grindy, and I only do it to get the skeleton kills for season progress (because it's darn near one of the best ways to do that in the game).

    The fort itself is boring and exactly the same as a regular fort just... longer.

  • @cptphteven

    Its not suppose to be about the PvE portion of the fort. Its suppose to be the PvP portion. Players coming in to attack it.

    Sad part is that its not as rare as I would have liked it, its really easy to find and we did like 2 or 3 other events and it pops. Could have been a little less frequent.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Fort of Fortune - PvE'ers take your chance:


    Its not suppose to be about the PvE portion of the fort. Its suppose to be the PvP portion. Players coming in to attack it.

    So... they made a long, boring event to lure in PvPers to fight over...what? It's long and boring, players don't want to do the PvE portion. But, without the stupidly long and boring PvE portion there's no point in the people trying to steal it showing up.

    Sad part is that its not as rare as I would have liked it, its really easy to find and we did like 2 or 3 other events and it pops. Could have been a little less frequent.

    Honestly, they needed it to be frequent. Without it literally the only feature the season would have is the merchant loop. This season is terrible for content.

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