Short-Handed Communication

  • Many occupations use short-hand to communicate, in writing, what they need to know quickly - especially doctors. This is usually showcased as abbreviations.

    For example, just yesterday, I used text chat to communicate a lot of info very quickly and left my crew dumbfounded in the process.

    "R5 @ RBH (I12) is S & ^ N 2 us."

    See if you are savvy enough to translate that. 😉

    My crew wasn't able to, and I was met with a typical response as well as 2 additional funny ones:



    "Queen to A4."

    "Knight takes pawn."

    This, of course, made me laugh.

    What kind of shorthand have you used in your time sailing and how was it received by your crew? Do you think we could figure it out? 😅

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  • Not sure about the middle part but what I got was “There is a level 5 reaper at RBH to the south and it is headed north to us.”

    To be honest, it took me longer to parse that out than if you had just said it, but if we already have the terms/code worked out it could really help. Looking forward to the translation.

  • @galactic-geek I have this I think:
    "R5 @ RBH (I12) is S & ^ N 2 us."

    Reaper Rank 5 at Reaper's Bones Hideout - Map I12 is South and North to us? The South and North bit not so sure...

    Anyways, as shorthand I don't think me and my crews have much, other than a series of grunts and screams that determine how badly someone needs help!

  • We're doing an athenas voyage

    Me- "Ok guys, I don't wanna see any non-athena items on this ship!"
    Everyone- Aye!
    Me- comes back to ship and sees castaways aboard

  • @sshteeve & @ghostpaw

    The "is S" is probably is Sloop (would have used =Sl) as to not use S for Sloop and South

  • @Lem0n-Curry @Sshteeve @Ghostpaw I love all of your guesswork so far, but so far, all of you are wrong (though you all have been pretty close). Let me know when you're ready to read the answer. 😉

  • That's an easy one , i use my voice , don't lose focus for typing and people ,mostly ( * could speak decent English , Moron) ,understand me straight away...

    Talking about abreviations , i will tell you something. As you might know , i'm not English , such as many other Pirates . So if English or French or Spanish or whatever else Nationality starts to type abreviations then most of us are unaware what the other one tries to say...

    i've always wondered why so much extra things needs to be implemented , don't get me wrong ,i do understand that for people with anxiety or the disability to speak then typed messages are a Blessing and i'm not preaching to abandon them , but all the others are gifted with speech , then use that voice and if you are afraid that your tactics are overheard and you just want to play " The Game" instead of the True Pirate's Life , with proximity chat then jump to yer Party Chat...

    Just be a bit considerate and think that some are already happy to understand normal English but abreviations , if you don't use a language 24/7 as a foreigner , is not a Blessing in the middle of a hectic or Epic fight.

  • Everything in front of the ampersand is bogus as to confuse others that may be close to @galactic-geek .
    ^ stands for the mermaid that has the loot and surfaces
    N is obviously North
    2 is how many sharks are following him or the number of items that didn't fit
    us stands for under water shrine


  • @clumsy-george I do normally speak up, but I have been incredibly sick this past week and as a result it's been hard to talk.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Short-Handed Communication:

    Everything in front of the ampersand is bogus as to confuse others that may be close to @galactic-geek .
    ^ stands for the mermaid that has the loot and surfaces
    N is obviously North
    2 is how many sharks are following him or the number of items that didn't fit
    us stands for under water shrine



    Nice try!

  • @galactic-geek

    Sorry Sir , didn't knew that , but if i was part of your crew ,i would feel sooo stupid as your abreviation style is very hard to deduct...( - George?...Politeness? , haven't we forgotten something? ) .And i hope you get better fast and that you are not suffering of that Corona thing.

  • @galactic-geek
    /me realises Geek probably played Zero wing back in the day

    "^ N 2 us" means all their Emissary Flags are belong to us

  • @lem0n-curry

    This is slowly becoming an own language ... The Sea of Thieves Code ...Now , where did i left that Enigma machine?

  • @clumsy-george said in Short-Handed Communication:


    This is slowly becoming an own language ... The Sea of Thieves Code ...Now , where did i left that Enigma machine?

    Don't ask @galactic-geek - we won't understand his directions 😊

  • @lem0n-curry said in Short-Handed Communication:

    @clumsy-george said in Short-Handed Communication:


    This is slowly becoming an own language ... The Sea of Thieves Code ...Now , where did i left that Enigma machine?

    Don't ask @galactic-geek - we won't understand his directions 😊

    Ready for the answer? 🤔

  • @galactic-geek said in Short-Handed Communication:

    @lem0n-curry said in Short-Handed Communication:

    @clumsy-george said in Short-Handed Communication:


    This is slowly becoming an own language ... The Sea of Thieves Code ...Now , where did i left that Enigma machine?

    Don't ask @galactic-geek - we won't understand his directions 😊

    Ready for the answer? 🤔

    The other two in this thread might still be puzzling (and crack it if they have the Enigma).

  • "Reaper grade 5 at Reaper's Bones Hideout is sailing and heading north to us", is what I would have guessed... But S could be "selling"?

  • @galactic-geek Reaper level five at the reapers bones hideout, I12 on the map table, It's a sloop and it's near to us.

    "Samsonite" is my second guess.

  • @galactic-geek I believe I have exhausted my brain cells for the day! I have no more ideas!

  • I guess we have to assume @galactic-geek is mischievous or has made errors ...
    RBH, by some translated as Reaper's Bones Hideout - but the island is Reaper's Hideout - there is the Reaper's Bones Trading Company's NPC over there though ...

  • @lem0n-curry said:

    RBH, by some translated as Reaper's Bones Hideout - but the island is Reaper's Hideout - there is the Reaper's Bones Trading Company's NPC over there though ...

    Ooh really? 😳
    Hmm... 🤔

  • @foxdodge said in Short-Handed Communication:

    @galactic-geek Reaper level five at the reapers bones hideout, I12 on the map table, It's a sloop and it's near to us.

    Closest 1 so far. Keep in mind that if I'm looking at a map table (I was, BTW), then how can I tell if it's a sloop?

    If you're ready for the answer, give me "Aye!" from 3 separate pirates. 😊

  • Reaper 5 at Reapers' Bones Hideout (I12), stopped and angled north of us

  • Only time I play with other people is open crew and plenty of times we don't even speak the same language. As I was climbing the food chain I would direct clearly and as simple as possible to avoid confusion with people I don't know and that I don't have an established history of communication with

    Now it's all instincts I don't even spend time on that at all anymore. I just read the scene and observe whatever they do and make constant decisions based on that

    I've always found that too much unnecessary communication occurs and it's distracting shorthand or anything else.

    That's why I don't have any interest in a crew that is always talking about mics and language stuff and all that. I'll ride with a crew that stays active with no mic and no text running off instincts 10/10 times.

  • @galactic-geek said in Short-Handed Communication:

    […] keep in mind that if I'm looking at a map table (I was, BTW), then how can I tell if it's a sloop? […]

    That's information we didn't have ..., besides you could be in an alliance with them ...

  • Is "2 us" the distance between your ship and the R5 ? something like unit squares or so ?

  • @lem0n-curry said in Short-Handed Communication:

    @galactic-geek said in Short-Handed Communication:

    […] keep in mind that if I'm looking at a map table (I was, BTW), then how can I tell if it's a sloop? […]

    That's information we didn't have ...,

    Hence why I gave it. 😉

    besides you could be in an alliance with them.

    Hmm... Perhaps. 🤔

    For the record, my brother brings home Weekly Word Wuzzles every week (word puzzles). This is almost like that - if you haven't tried them before, they're a heck of a lot of fun!

    Maybe Rare could implement a few in-game? 🙂

  • @galactic-geek Reaper level five at the reapers bones hideout, I12 on the map table, It's stopped and up near to us.

  • What kind of shorthand have you used in your time sailing and how was it received by your crew? Do you think we could figure it out? 😅

    I’m gonna head over to that dig spot and see if any tongueless critters are there. Spark a fire in the sky if you see any moving clouds.

    Translation: I’m heading to nearby island for any skeletons. Fire the cannon if you see a ship.

    Sometimes I say something and even myself don’t understand yet my crew just says “okie.” XD

  • Seems like a recipe for poor communication to use short-cuts with people who aren't on the same page. I try to avoid using key phrases that are used primarily with the regular crew. If the goal is to communicate effectively, your audience should factor in how you communicate.

    My crew has a phrase that has implied meaning, "Pack a Lunch." Within this phrase has nuance that while on the surface implies food, has more meaning of fully preparing yourself for what is to come. Doing a little swim-play on a boat in the distance? Only grab food leaving room for looting their cannons and planks. About to engage in ship vs. ship combat? Get full supplies in order to save time and be prepared for whatever.

    If I am with a different crew, I spell it out. "Just grab food, we can steal their supplies that way." "Combat is about to begin, grab everything you can store on you.

  • @galactic-geek said in Short-Handed Communication:

    Many occupations use short-hand to communicate, in writing, what they need to know quickly - especially doctors. This is usually showcased as abbreviations.

    For example, just yesterday, I used text chat to communicate a lot of info very quickly and left my crew dumbfounded in the process.

    "R5 @ RBH (I12) is S & ^ N 2 us."

    See if you are savvy enough to translate that. 😉

    Reaper 5 @Reaper Bones Hideout. RBH is I12 on the map and is located south of the crew's current location, and they (The Reaper 5) are heading North towards us.

    Did I win?

  • @galactic-geek don't keep us in suspense!

  • @sshteeve I know, right?

  • @nabberwar said in Short-Handed Communication:

    Seems like a recipe for poor communication to use short-cuts with people who aren't on the same page. I try to avoid using key phrases that are used primarily with the regular crew. If the goal is to communicate effectively, your audience should factor in how you communicate.

    My crew has a phrase that has implied meaning, "Pack a Lunch." Within this phrase has nuance that while on the surface implies food, has more meaning of fully preparing yourself for what is to come. Doing a little swim-play on a boat in the distance? Only grab food leaving room for looting their cannons and planks. About to engage in ship vs. ship combat? Get full supplies in order to save time and be prepared for whatever.

    If I am with a different crew, I spell it out. "Just grab food, we can steal their supplies that way." "Combat is about to begin, grab everything you can store on you.

    I just call that be prepared. 😅

    If you're boarding, I wouldn't just take food with you; I'd take food, blunderbombs, a sword, and ammo.

  • @galactic-geek said in Short-Handed Communication:

    What kind of shorthand have you used in your time sailing and how was it received by your crew?

    I call Megladons "Megs".

    Everybody gets so confused.

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