Planning Ahead for April Fool's Day

  • Share your ideas for what Sea of Thieves should do for April Fool's Day. 😅

    My idea? Release a rock as a new type of (free) pet in the Emporium - only available one day a year. 😂

  • 19
  • My idea for a number of years has been that they should release the Day One build of Sea of Thieves - the game as it was at launch.

  • Disable to ability to defuse kegs that one guy at every skullfort is gonna have a fun surprise.

  • Ah, the obvious. PvE servers for April Fools day! 😉

  • @xzodeak Love it!

    @Galactic-Geek Every meg will look like the Shrouded ghost but wont be.
    The forum will be flooded with players complaining that they did not received the title. 🤣

  • They'd be getting lawsuits from parents for having alcohol in their kid's game, so they'd just decide to remove grog from the game

  • @lovelocc said in Planning Ahead for April Fool's Day:

    They'd be getting lawsuits from parents for having alcohol in their kid's game, so they'd just decide to remove grog from the game

    I mean, to be fair alcohol is not mentioned in the age rating for the game soooo... ;)

    (and no, your reference has not gone over my head)

  • Every shanty played for 24 hours is Merric's version of this.

  • add rng toot noises on all ships that randomly play when the entire crew is on board throughout the day

  • Have the shrouded ghost spawn only to have it immediately despawn.

  • @el-spaniardchi said in Planning Ahead for April Fool's Day:

    Ah, the obvious. PvE servers for April Fools day! 😉

    I agree, Just for the joke

  • Just for that day, introduce a bound and gagged version of Flameheart that can't talk anymore.

  • Flame heart it’s muted but his voice becomes more lower pitch XD

  • @metal-ravage

    Alvin & The Chipmunks voices all around!

  • @realstyli said in Planning Ahead for April Fool's Day:

    My idea for a number of years has been that they should release the Day One build of Sea of Thieves - the game as it was at launch.

    I don't know how feasible this is, but this would be awesome.

  • @sweetsandman said in Planning Ahead for April Fool's Day:

    @realstyli said in Planning Ahead for April Fool's Day:

    My idea for a number of years has been that they should release the Day One build of Sea of Thieves - the game as it was at launch.

    I don't know how feasible this is, but this would be awesome.

    Even if they couldn't actually release the build itself, a trailer for April Fools' Day would be hilarious. They could list all the things they are "removing" to streamline the game...

    "Pirates don't need 5 types of fruit and meat, so we've simplified their lives with just bananas!"

    "We've made the lowly normal fort even more valuable... by removing all other world events! Gaze upon the unspoiled skies as you wait 3 hours between skull clouds!"

    "But don't worry about the lack of gold, there are less cosmetics to buy! You can't waste money on a new capstan, wheel, or cannons, if there's no customisation for them!"

    "With only one quest type for merchants, you'll get through those animal deliveries in no-time!"

  • The first time a player sets sail a shrouded ghost spawns and instantly despawns not giving you enough time to kill it.

  • I still stand for a release of the pre-alpha build of the game. I want to play as those bean characters and use the poking stick to harass people.

  • Islands spawned in random locations, per server.

    ...when I first played the beta, I thought that's how the game was going to be.

    I've been wanting this for April Fools, since back then. I even emailed Rare about it. lol

10 out of 19