Ship disappeared out of nowhere

  • Didn't have any holes, no rain, no crying chest, I was constantly fetching treasures back and forth so no slurping noises and rats, and suddenly when I turned around my ship is gone? Not even a sinking animation... All my 4 hours grind ot Athena lvl 5 gone... Well happy Community Day I guess!

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  • Your ship might of been in an odd placement. Bind and server forced it out. Happens if you don’t notice where you anchor yourself.

    Also…..4 hours of loot and you didn’t cash that in?!!! Dude…..that on you.

  • @karmidzhanov
    Perhaps it touched ground - the game assumes it's stuck and despawns the ship.

    You might have lost the emissary flag, but you still had the treasure to put on a rowboat and/or fetch with your new ship, thus not all of your grind was gone.

  • I did sell everything (I was at an outpost). but my emissary flag was gone. That's what took me 3-4 hours so I had no desire to restart my seesion and just logged out.
    That touching the ground thing, does sound like what happened, because I was anchored in a weird spot. But still doesn't make it okay/ 'not a bug'? The game should at least warn you, or slowly move your ship into an acceptable position, not just scrap your entire progress? How can that be by design? This is game-breaking in this type of session games. I don't usually have time to play long sessions and when I do, this happens? One more reason to not boot up the game even if I have time for a long session..

  • @karmidzhanov said in Ship disappeared out of nowhere:

    The game should at least warn you, or slowly move your ship into an acceptable position, not just scrap your entire progress? How can that be by design?

    It does try to move your ship off of land, but if you have it parked somewhere weird where it can't slide back into the water far enough it will despawn the ship so that you aren't stuck there forever. That is by design.

  • @karmidzhanov said in Ship disappeared out of nowhere:

    I did sell everything (I was at an outpost). but my emissary flag was gone. That's what took me 3-4 hours so I had no desire to restart my seesion and just logged out.
    That touching the ground thing, does sound like what happened, because I was anchored in a weird spot. But still doesn't make it okay/ 'not a bug'? The game should at least warn you, or slowly move your ship into an acceptable position, not just scrap your entire progress? How can that be by design? This is game-breaking in this type of session games. I don't usually have time to play long sessions and when I do, this happens? One more reason to not boot up the game even if I have time for a long session..

    I wouldn't want my ship to change position when I'm anchored (more than it already does).

    Just look (or hear) out for the scraping noises.

  • Other games have similar mechanics, with that being said they also inform you more clearly.. For example; Halo when a vehicle is unusable you get the option to flip vehicle.
    Perhaps Sea of Thieves needs something similar. I know the ship/boat will try to fix itself and if it can't will de-spawn after a certain period. A push ship/boat similar to the push rowboat should be an option making it clear that your ship is indeed stuck.

    Losing emissary grade along with the increased value from selling items you have spent a long time acquiring is never fun. I have been in this position recently at Reapers within the last 2 weeks and lost grade 5 emissary as the game claimed we were stuck on rocks slightly north-east of the main dock.

  • @karmidzhanov

    The game should at least warn you

    it does, when a ship is in such a position you will hear it grinding on a surface, sometimes there is even small movement/instability to the ship.

    Rule no 1 of ship management, never keep your ship anchored when being at an island for extended periods of time
    Rule no 2 of ship management, never keep it pointed towards an island

    these rules will make it so that A: despawning of ships will never happen and B: easier to escape when danger comes your way

  • I know im a bit late but this is exactly what happened to my burning blade with 5 rituals done, huge pain in the butt. I even got the clip.

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