Jelly Fish

  • They float around in swarms
    If you swim into a swarm it makes your toon disoriented, like swimming drunk
    They can be caught with a pole, but touching them makes you disoriented
    They can be throw at other players

    And yes, Jelly Fish spelled correctly is a bad word...

  • 17
  • they undoubtedly would be beautiful to see

  • @foambreaker
    Then we can add jelly to the menu when we get a hunter's call update, whenever that might happen.
    But more sea life is always a +1 from me. Unless it's whales. Leave the whales alone.

  • How about no.
    Personally hate jelly fish. Have been stung before. Absolute panic reaction when one floats by irl.

    Stinging nettles instead? Pirates still take damage or whatever just no jellies.

  • As an actual weapon, even a joke one, im not so sure about, but a giant swarm of moon jelly fish randomly under the water would probably look amazing!

  • @goldsmen said in Jelly Fish:

    As an actual weapon, even a joke one, im not so sure about, but a giant swarm of moon jelly fish randomly under the water would probably look amazing!

    Oh come on, a jellie fight would be major lols! :)

  • I would think rather than disorient a jelly fish sting would hurt.
    Throw at other players? Maybe, though I really don't think the more pvp orient players really need more in their arsenal to get the upper hand.
    I'd rather be able to turn them into hunters.
    Bad word?? I'm confused. Why?

  • @foambreaker said in Jelly Fish:

    @goldsmen said in Jelly Fish:

    As an actual weapon, even a joke one, im not so sure about, but a giant swarm of moon jelly fish randomly under the water would probably look amazing!

    Oh come on, a jellie fight would be major lols! :)

    It would be big lols! but the meme fight im waiting for is being able to press r with the shovel out to put it in weapon mode and smack people with a loud "BONG!", if they add that, then i might consider a jelly fight!

  • @pithyrumble I'm with you on the jelly fish hating. Watched an Irukandji glide less than a foot away from me snorkeling once on a holiday. I was at least 200 meters from shore and there were stingrays literally everywhere...

    If you don't mind me asking, do you know what jelly fish stung you?

  • @scurvywoof cannonball jelly. Nothing major unless you're allergic. A little burn cream and I was fine. A friend of mine still has ascar from a Portuguese manowar that got stuck on his leg tho.

  • Stupid sea life idea: Whales that bob around the seas and can be stood on.

    Imagine taking a whale to go keg someone at a FoF

  • @pithyrumble That’s good. A Man ‘O War though, damn. The top three deadliest are the Box Jelly, the Portuguese Man ‘O War and the Irukandji.

    I couldn’t imagine how painful that would be.

    Glad you and your friend are both okay!

  • @pithyrumble said in Jelly Fish:

    @scurvywoof cannonball jelly. Nothing major unless you're allergic. A little burn cream and I was fine. A friend of mine still has ascar from a Portuguese manowar that got stuck on his leg tho.

    lol, that gives me the idea that you can load jellies into a cannon and launch them at other ships :)

  • Now that the "Owl Problem" is solved it is time to get to work on fishing nets and Jellyfish.

    Wow, we made progress, it is now allowed to spell Jellyfish correctly!

    But I had an improvement, you could put a jellyfish or 2 inside shipwrecks :)

  • @foambreaker said in Jelly Fish:

    They float around in swarms

    Until the turtles turn up and savage them! Being stung by jellies isn't so bad when you see a gang of turtles zipping in and out like fighter planes, taking massive chunks as they glide by. A wondrous sight IRL, seen this myself in Great Barrier & Ningaloo reefs. Would be cool to add this.

  • I would love to see that

  • @hauwnted said in Jelly Fish:

    I would love to see that

    Me too, but I will settle for seeing a pirate get hit in the face with a jelly :)

10 out of 17