Doubloons, mind helping?

  • I'm about to be on, doing some commendations for doubloons. My best friend really wants some ashen clothes so I'm grinding for doubloons to help them out. Any tips on how to effectively farm, or anyone who'd be willing to help me out? Hate to beg for assistance, but I'm sorta out of options. I'll give you some athena voyages if you have a captained ship.

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  • @thegreatkidkaos or really, any voyages I can afford for ya. I just wanna get lots of doubloons so my buddy can have their dream outfit after so many tries of bad luck.

  • Kill skeleton ships they often drop ashen chests, check every.single.island for Ashen key guardians.

    Kill cursed skeleton captains, the maps they drop often lead to ritual skulls which are sold for doubloons.

    You might not be ready just yet, but if you dare, put on reaper and do Fort of the damned. At grade V, you will get a lot of doubloons.

    The catch: You will need all colors of flames of fate. One way of acquiring is to do the skull voyage, another one is the old school way and get them sailing around.

    OH. I almost forgot. The best way might be to do the Skeleton Fleet events (Ship in the sky event), you will get 3 Ashen chests and 2 Ashen keys as far as I remember. Probably quickest and easiest way to get what you are seeking.

  • @zig-zag-ltu thanks

  • @thegreatkidkaos

    Have your buddy check their commendations. You cam get a bunch from Finishing some of those. FotD has a good 45 for starring it, killing each color skelly 5xplus a couple of achievements lol

  • just the boss gally in a fleet will get you to grade 4 in reaper and fleets are right next to reapers

    you'll want to do reaper because it's the only way to get emissary bonuses for doubloons

    ashen chests/tomes and ritual skulls with the grade 4+ reaper emissary bonus is a quick way to farm them

    if a reaper chest is nearby snag that up too for some good doubloons

    doesn't really get any quicker/more efficient than this in organic play

    fleets typically drop 2 keys although there will be times only 1 shows up but 1 to 2 keys and 3 ashen chests to sink a gally is good lootin'

  • Its a bit risky but red reaper chests are one of the most reliable ways to get large sums of doubloons fast, especially with higher reaper emissary levels. Commendations are semi limited and some hard to farm, so locked ashen chests and reapers chests are your best bets.

  • If you have doubloons to spare, get an Ashen chest and Ashen key voyage from Larinna, while you end up with a loss, your friend will have some easy earned doubloons from the content of the chest and the chest itself.

  • If you have the shores of gold unlocked, you can fish in the pond on top of the waterfall and you’ll get a ton of ashen keys. Normally people do this to get the treacherous plunder commendation done, but you always get more ashen keys than treacherous plunder.

    You could work on 2 at once though, to turn in that treacherous plunder to finish its commendation at the same time as farming for doubloons.

    That’s the only suggestion I have that’s different from what everyone said above. The other suggestions are probably faster and funner, but the ashen key farming can be done while watching YouTube as long as you use a different screen so you can keep an eye on it. I usually watch something on my tablet while I wait for in game something to grab my hook.

  • @abjectarity heck, I'll just do that!

  • @abjectarity pretty certain that's been patched. I've tried and tried and failed. If you can still do it, let me know!

  • @bub3832 catching treacherous plunder at the shores of gold? I hadn’t heard anything change. It’s been a few weeks since I last was out there, but it worked last time I did. Maybe closer to 2 months as it was before the MI update. I can definitely go try it out next time I’m on.

  • @bub3832 didn't work for me either.

  • Back on original topic, I actually think I got most of my doubloons from finding Umbras hidden history of pirates.. the legends of the sea commendations under bilge rats.

    Was also quite fun just sailing round not worrying about loot or being sunk but just discovering the world and the hidden secrets..

  • @thegreatkidkaos @bub3832

    Just wanted to let you know I’m out at the Shores of Gold right now and so far I’ve caught a fish bones and an ashen key. Been about 15 minutes since I started and no fish have caught my line, they despawn as usual. I’d be happy to invite one of you to the ship if you’re on currently.

    ETA: admittedly it does feel a little slower than I remember. Though I also normally never do this solo, but it does feel like I’m getting fewer per hour than I remember. I feel like on average I would get something every 7-8 minutes and I’m currently at an average of 1 every 10 minutes. Now have an old skull as well as the 2 previously mentioned items and it’s been exactly 30 minutes since I started.

    ETA2: decided to call it at 55 minutes and 6th catch. 3 ashen keys, and 3 treacherous plunder(1 fish bones, 1 old hat, 1 old skull). For an average of 1 catch every 9-10 minutes. A little odd I got 50% keys and 50% plunder as I normally get 2 keys to 1 plunder, not 1:1. But could just be specific to my session. Hope this helps though. It hasn’t been patched, though it does feel slower than it used to and I’d only do it if I were serious about afking while watching TV or it’s extremely boring. Would definitely rather go do Umbra commendations if you haven’t already.

  • @abjectarity Thanks .. yeah.. just spent the most boring 90 mins of my life playing SoT.. caught 3 plunder, 3 keys.. technically got another 2 plunder but reeling them in they caught on the rock and i lost them. Most frustrating experience.. So.. probably similar average except for failings. I would never wish this kind of experience on my worst enemies.. I think you're better off fishing pondies and getting lucky with plunder.

    edit- oh i also got 2 or 3 planks.. so those count as plunder, meaning the timings were quicker but the result was deffo not worth it

  • @bub3832 yeah it’s always been mind numbing to do treacherous plunder. I spent 6 hours out there once with a crew and got 34 keys and 19 plunder to show for it. Then one of them wanted to dig up an ashen chest for every single key… I’m too helpful sometimes… 😂

  • @abjectarity next time you do 6 hours, invite me in just for the sell at the end ;-)

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