Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.

  • My game constantly crashing has made the game unbearable. Sinking my experience with the game. I pray the fix tomorrow is legit and I among others no longer have chronic game-forced closures. I also hope you realize this messed with my ability to join in the festivities of the event. I sincerely hope you give us something in compensation for this problem. Though I will not hold my breath, and expect to be among a small group of people who will just have to miss out on days of play.

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    windows 10
  • Compensation for what? it's already a 5 day event which is super long for a gold and glory event. 3 days left. This is on top of a season that has already been very piratically lucrative on the pve side.

    They have already made it to where they are pretty much just giving away the sword reward (which is fine)

    I crash too, I've sank a bunch to this, for weeks.

    We are choosing to play this game, they aren't making us play. We aren't really missing anything (nothing happening right now requires much effort to unlock) and we definitely aren't owed anything, imo.

    It takes time to fix things, they never want these issues to happen just like the players don't. They didn't ruin our experience, issues happened and we are getting through an experience together. That's really all that is.

  • @druethwintor Ahoy matey!

    All I will say is... there is a hot fix tomorrow which will hopefully fix some of these issues.

  • funny you want compensation for a few bad days of not being able to play meanwhile people spent millions of gold on sails for a visibility advantage and they didnt even considering letting them sell the cosmetic back. no one paid 8 mil gold or whatever it was for the design of the sails they bought them for the advantage. so yea if you think rare cares enough to compensate you for anything wether its a bug or them intentionally destroying something you grinded like crazy to unlock

  • @musicmee Has there been any other word on the event bottles? I have only seen one since the event start. I did it today after the switch to one bottle and my crew and I still have nothing after about 5 hours? wondering if this is a support issue or will it be fixed tomorrow as well?

  • Just because you can’t partake In a single event, just to get a single item. That equals to your whole gaming experience ruined?

    Yeah sorry. Don’t blame the dev for something that happens to all games and they are trying to please the small masses.

  • @wolfmanbush
    I can hardly play since the launch date of Easy Anti-Cheat. They acknowledged it on the 19th. Which will not be potentially fixed until tomorrow's maintenance. My experience has been ruined cause I have now been sunk several times while carrying loot cause I was in the middle of trying to get back on from a crash. Just because you have not had a horrible experience does not mean others haven't.

  • @musicmee
    I have high hopes that the fix repairs whatever the issue is.

  • @keylessword4029
    I like how all of you skip my last sentence where I talk about being aware that I am just going to have to miss out.
    As for your sails, you spent gold on.... Not real life money, 8 million gold is easy enough to regain. At least you can play without worry of the game crashing. Or crashing at the worst possible moment causing you to lose progress.

  • @druethwintor said in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    I can hardly play since the launch date of Easy Anti-Cheat. They acknowledged it on the 19th. Which will not be potentially fixed until tomorrow's maintenance. My experience has been ruined cause I have now been sunk several times while carrying loot cause I was in the middle of trying to get back on from a crash. Just because you have not had a horrible experience does not mean others haven't.

    I've had a comparable experience to you, likely more times just because I play more.

    I didn't dismiss what you are going through, I addressed your request for compensation and the blame you are putting on the devs.

    Issues happen, they happen all the time, that's just what life is, a bunch of stuff happens and then we figure out a way to work through it.

    You may be having a horrible experience, frustration is understandable. My opinion is that we are not owed compensation because of issues, they made the reward easier to get and they have been working on the issues.

    The most qualified and prepared people that exist run into issues. Overestimating, underestimating, miscalculating, human error, team error, unpredictable interference, on and on and on.

    Holding people working on a live service game to a standard that nobody can reach doesn't help this move along. There will be issues, they ran into issues.

    At some point in the near future the issues will see improvement. All live service games go through comparable struggles, all devs, all online gamers.

    They know people are frustrated, they likely are frustrated themselves, just takes time to get through it.

    Somebody is going through something in this game 100% of the time, right now it's some of us, there are always issues happening, that's life and pirate life.

  • @keylessword4029
    I like how all of you skip my last sentence where I talk about being aware that I am just going to have to miss out.
    As for your sails, you spent gold on.... Not real life money, 8 million gold is easy enough to regain. At least you can play without worry of the game crashing. Or crashing at the worst possible moment causing you to lose progress.

    Ya'll keep skipping the I am aware that I am not likely to get anything resembling compensation. I was simply saying it would be a nice thing. The have test servers to check for these issues, it's not hard to make sure it doesn't ruin a players experience in the actual game before launching it entirely.
    I was simply airing my frustration where they can see it.

  • @burnbacon
    I am missing out on the experience of playing with others during an event. It's narrow sighted to say it is all about a single item.

  • @druethwintor said in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    I am missing out on the experience of playing with others during an event. It's narrow sighted to say it is all about a single item.

    You said you've sunk while carrying loot. Playing solo? I play solo too.

    You have enough access to gather loot, which is also something I've had the chance to do.

    Not a good time to carry loot until tomorrow (hopefully) but it sounds like you can play with others in some form.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    @druethwintor said in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    I am missing out on the experience of playing with others during an event. It's narrow-sighted to say it is all about a single item.

    You said you've sunk while carrying loot. Playing solo? I play solo too.

    You have enough access to gather loot, which is also something I've had the chance to do.

    Not a good time to carry loot until tomorrow (hopefully) but it sounds like you can play with others in some form.

    Primarily solo yes, and playing with others I listen to the people get frustrated cause one minute I am there then the next I am not. The crash is extremely random. It can happen while I am on the main screen or it can happen at any given second within the game.
    I can't reliably do anything other than maybe sail safer seas, but I wouldn't get any positives out of it since I am a minimum 77 in some of my reps.
    I do take in part blame for my constant attempts to play regardless of the bug. Causing me to lose Chest of Legends and Chest of Fortunes more than I care to acknowledge. It is just highly frustrating to want to play a game but the game just can't function because of game-breaking bugs.
    My goal here was more to make the devs aware that there is a lot of frustration with the length of time I have been dealing with it. (Since the launch of easy anti-cheat: roughly 6 days 7 tomorrow if the fix doesn't go through).

  • @druethwintor said in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    I do take in part blame for my constant attempts to play regardless of the bug. Causing me to lose Chest of Legends and Chest of Fortunes more than I care to acknowledge. It is just highly frustrating to want to play a game but the game just can't function because of game-breaking bugs.

    I just see it as risk not blame. Similar to stacking in general. All stacking is a risk.

    During times like these we are just taking higher risk with treasure. Frustrating to lose to something outside of performance but that's always a risk in online gaming. Disconnects, bugs, crashes, etc.

    I don't blame you for trying to play, playing, taking risk. I've done that all too. It's gonna get better though.

    When it does improve there will still be treasure to find, gold to make, people to encounter.

    Blame really just brings down morale in situations like this, no blame just patience, we are all just waitin' for the morning. Help is on the way.

  • @druethwintor your not in a small group most people posting on here actually are most the comunity is not happy with how bad the past 2 double xp events have been they need to extend

    i had crashes and my xbox friends couldnt play on the last one and now its the same thing but the diving is broken aswell

  • @wolfmanbush I swear to god you defend the devs so much at this current unplayable state of play that I swear you're distance working for Rare. If I had a current status of SOT it would display unplayable and this is before PS5 launch. Sorry we're not Kenough to blindly accept the BS coming out of Rare. Shoulda focused on Playability for this year as the game is now very nearly unplayable.

  • @thrawnpariah said in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    @wolfmanbush I swear to god you defend the devs so much at this current unplayable state of play that I swear you're distance working for Rare. If I had a current status of SOT it would display unplayable and this is before PS5 launch. Sorry we're not Kenough to blindly accept the BS coming out of Rare. Shoulda focused on Playability for this year as the game is now very nearly unplayable.

    The forums are full of my criticisms.

    It doesn't do any good to encourage outrage and escalation over things like this.

    People get more fired up until they get themselves ran out of the forums or removed from them, which then turns into people getting themselves run out or removed from other areas in the community. It's happened countless times. Then what? nothing good or productive comes from that. People just end up losing something that matters to them. I find that to be unnecessary so I get involved. I'd rather try and fail than just sit and watch it happen regularly.

    I understand the frustrations but it's not Rare that I am looking out for.

  • alt text is how I feel about playing right now.

  • @wolfmanbush
    Sounds like the community needs a place to air grievances, and let it be that. I know what you are getting at.

  • @wolfmanbush sagte in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    Compensation for what? it's already a 5 day event which is super long for a gold and glory event. 3 days left. This is on top of a season that has already been very piratically lucrative on the pve side.

    They have already made it to where they are pretty much just giving away the sword reward (which is fine)

    I crash too, I've sank a bunch to this, for weeks.

    We are choosing to play this game, they aren't making us play. We aren't really missing anything (nothing happening right now requires much effort to unlock) and we definitely aren't owed anything, imo.

    It takes time to fix things, they never want these issues to happen just like the players don't. They didn't ruin our experience, issues happened and we are getting through an experience together. That's really all that is.

    While I don't fault the devs because it's usually some higher up idiots who are at fault and I don't expect to get compensated, they should add 1-2 extra days to the event.

    And who cares if it's 5 days long if you can't play the game? The changes to the sword quest are probably more because the tracking didn't work properly.

    You're right they aren't making us play but we had to pay for it, which makes it reasonable to expect it to work.
    Sure, that something breaks happens but Rare should try their best to prevent it and if it still happens, to make it a top priority to get it back working, because they owe us a working game if we paid for it.

    There are two thing about the whole situation that are really irritating to me.

    First, from what I've read from Insiders, Rare knew the update from 14.03 wasn't in a good condition and some idiot(s) still decided to release it.

    Second, since the 14.03 the game is in an unplayable state for some of us, it took five days alone to get a official response and (best case) they fix it only today 8 days later.

    You know Helldivers? That game had and has again some bad stability issues but they communicate and you can see they're giving their best to make it stable for everyone, of course those games aren't comparable but Rare has double the employees and works on SoT since 6 years, they aren't a small team anymore that just launched their first big title which completely exploded in terms of expected players.
    I think it's reasonable (and right) to expect a bit more from Rare.

  • actually i want to thank the devs for ruining MY game experience more than YOURs........ i actually had a reason to play again but they had to go and ruin it as always. back to not playing i guess

  • @wolfmanbush said in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    Compensation for what? it's already a 5 day event which is super long for a gold and glory event. 3 days left.

    It doesnt matter how long the event is planned for, and even if it would be 10 days. If you miss half of the event because of issues that were caused BY the developers then its just fair to ask for a compensation.

    Look, I dont know why you and others constantly downplay these things, but I'm getting to a point where -apart from some time limited cosmetics- I start to not care about these events anymore because EVERYTIME there is an bigger issue. I'm not exaggerating. I dont remember when the last time I tried to play SoT through an event and wasnt disappointed because there were major issues.

    This time its by far the worst because literally every PC player on the Store version cant play the game. The worst is that this was foreseeable. The issues since the new GDK update were not new. Rare could have organised everything a bit better. Maybe the GDK issues could have been addressed earlier and the Anniversary could have been postponed accordingly. Or, the other way around, we could have had the anniversary as planned, but postponed the game updates messing with GDK and adding anti cheat. But Rare literally went "f it" and dropped this mess on us.

    Yes, we want compensations. At the very least we should get 2 days added to the event, making up for the loss of 2 days that WE COULD NOT PLAY.


  • @burnbacon The devs chose to run an event with ‘time limited’ cosmetics as part of the sixth year anniversary celebrations while many players are crashing, rather than postponing. This is a company that’s always going on about being inclusive, I guess that doesn’t apply to the players that are crashing.
    Yes, issues occur that are unforeseen, but poor communication and running events players can’t take part in really irritates. Poor communication has been an issue for some time, now.

  • Love the call out to Helldivers 2 posted above. Me and the mates were talking the other day about how that small indie studio put a lit cigarette out on every other live service game on the market right now including SoT which had at one point the best live service and community interaction on the market.

    I don't know if it's a leadership issue, a Macrosoft heavy handed approach affecting things or a bit of both but as much as I love the content finally coming this year that looks to shake things up and 'engage' the community there has just been a disconnect between Devs and community for awhile. Like when they were silencing people posting about the cheating, dropping the end of arena with no warning leaving people scurrying to complete achievements. Each of these ("and many, many more") along with current state of play has lost players.

    Now the fact that the game is a janky, buggy, sometimes nearly unplayable or literally unplayable mess which leaves us scratching our heads as to how well the game will run when you add these 'features' this year assuming we get to season 14 this December (Sure there won't be delays). Or that there has just been zero investment made to keep people invested to simple things like a more than 100 levels pass, or the loading screen that is also a pirate emporium ad that looks identical whether you're loading or disconnected leaving you listening to audio with a look of horror as to whether you load in or out.

    There's a longer list of issues but I'll just settle for the game running correctly with decent frames and being able to actually use the 'features' instead of crashing or disconnecting.

    Literally all I'm asking at this point and that seems to get harder each and every day.

    P.S. Never forget that last patch where AShinyRay made a video showing the patch notes and red lined everything except one line that was listed as 'fixed' that was still broken.

  • @thrawnpariah Couldn't agree more, well said. The game is in an awful state and the patch notes are basically a meme at this point. But don’t worry, they’re going to start taking the health of the game seriously now, which implies that it wasn't taken seriously previously.

  • @kato-kiyomasa00 imo them revealing so much about upcoming updates and pretending they are going to take the health of the game seriously. pretty sure they made this claim 2 seasons ago as well. i get there are major issues that arent a simple fix and will take time but the fact like recently with these crashing issues that seem to have only started because of the introduction to anti cheat and the slow response time especially when they have yet another time limited fomo event going on.

    i love the game but the i feel like the heavy focus on adventures 2 years ago which was throw away content took a ton of developer time and resources for content that lasted 2 weeks then tossed in the bin. now that the game is in a dire state and players have quit in massive amounts and player count at an all time low they are in panic mode breaking their nda to reveal a years worth of coming changes to try and build hype back up for the game and the desprate push to playstation which obviously will bring in more players.... but what will their opinion be when they see this 6 year old game is such a buggy messy? and now on boot up we have pop ups putting the cash shop IN YOUR FACE. because the cash shop ui is so darn awful that they feel the need to have pop up ads to try and navigate us to random stuff.

    i had been so passionate about this game but the devs.... are being kinda weird lately. their focus is all over the place and inconsistent

  • @captblue3052 said in Just wanted to thank the Devs for ruining my gaming experience.:

    Yes, we want compensations. At the very least we should get 2 days added to the event, making up for the loss of 2 days that WE COULD NOT PLAY.


    The issue is that some of y'all go on and on about game health and then completely ignore the health of the organic environment in favor of extreme rewards.

    The massive handing out of rewards in season 11 and the game in general is terrible for a risk/reward environment, it's terrible for consistent activity in the game, it's terrible for significance, it's terrible for organic encounters and interest.

    Just because people like cheese more than bugs doesn't mean it makes any sense to make the organic environment worse as a reward for bugs.

    That's the issue in the game on the player side and the dev side. Sacrificing the organic experience and risk/reward that makes sense because cheese is being used as social media currency between dev and player over bugs and game issues.

    Issues? here is more cheese
    mad? here is more cheese
    willing get some engagement on social media about SoT? here is a bunch more cheese

    The health of the organic experience is just as important as anything else in this game.

    Megs don't attack, skelly ships sink to the wind, people aren't participating in risk because they are doing nothing but finding ways to turn this game into a farming simulator for gold and screenshots. Adding more and more gold and glory on top of what has already been happening this season is nothing but more sacrifice for worse results. People are sailing around with a boat full of boxes of secrets, what is even going on anymore?

    or we could all just stop pretending this is really a risk/reward game anymore, 'cause it sure as heck isn't for a lot of the veteran players in this game.

  • @druethwintor
    alt text

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