Noobs actually get some action. (Short Story)

  • Ahoy!!

    So my friend and I have been playing a couple of months or so and our success with pvp has been limited. Had a couple of lucky wins where we fought some other noobs or caught people unaware. We tried hourglass and got owned repeatedly.

    We generally do pvp and try tucking at the end of our play session following some pve. Anyway, tonight we had a good run. Tucked on a ship, dropped a keg on the players and stole some loot before they killed us. As I said, we arent very good at pvp so people who know what they are doing generally wreck us. Well, after they killed us, we spawned back on our ship and headed back to find them for a ship battle. Surprisingly, they were running from us - but we chased.

    As we were chasing, we suddenly realised that there was a Galleon chasing us! I dont know if they were allied or not but we ended up fighting the sloop at full sails, still being chased by the galleon. The sloop eventually sunk, we didnt get chance to kill the players as the Galleon was still on us. The Galleon couldnt catch us as we were using the wind effectively and I kept trying to board them as they were chasing.

    I tried to do an anchor turn but the Galleon was in harpoon distance and managed to harpoon me from our ship. The guy that harpooned me didnt realise that he had caught me so I was stood behind him and managed to kill him. Before they knew what was happening, I killed all their crew while they were cannoning. I hid on the bottom deck and they seemed to forget I was there. I could hear the crew panicking and chattering away to each other, obviously a random crew.

    Within a minute I heard strange sounds, The Kraken had spawned and attacked the Galleon! The water began raising in the lower deck so I made my move. While they were running around trying to bucket, I killed them as they were spawning, allowing the Kraken to finally confuse them enough until the ship sunk!

    Probably one of our best nights on the Sea of Thieves - I just thought I'd share the story with you and hopefully inspire some of the new PS5 players to keep on sailing, it takes some time to become competent but when you finally realise you are not the worst players on the seas, its definitely worth it!

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  • Sounds like an epic adventure! This kind of playstyle, while not necessarily the most rewarding in terms of gold, will definitely get your crew to a higher skill level and some good laughs while you're at it

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