Possible idea for a new "sea"

  • Hi all, I'll keep this brief; I really enjoy playing SoT with my friends, but I have more than 3 who play the game, so we can't all play together, which kind of sucks, as we normally just like chilling on outposts in the tavern and chatting and just having a laugh
    I had heard of this a bit back, but what if there was another "sea" option to go with High Seas and Safer Seas, where you could invite (for example) 10 players and they can sail on separate ships, but there's no loot, or if there is, the payout is like 5% of High Seas, and all limitations of Safer Seas are in place here too
    Like how safer seas exists for new players to learn the mechanics that maiden voyage doesn't offer, this mode is to make memories in the game with more of your friends.

    I personally like this idea because a lot of my friends and myself like to play DnD, and a mate of mine thought it would be really atmospheric if we were all able to be in a tavern like port merrick, and use the in game dice for our roles, not to mention it can be a bit frustrating to be playing with a few friends, but others are online too, but are kinda left on their own because there isn't enough space on the crew.

    I appreciate that i don't always put forward the best ideas, but i do think this could be kinda fun. As always, feedback is appreciated, whether it be supportive or constructive.
    Thank you for reading

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  • Like how safer seas exists for new players to learn the mechanics that maiden voyage doesn't offer, this mode is to make memories in the game with more of your friends.

    What memories can you make sailing on a server, which by your description is just...PvE server :p

  • @burnbacon having a laugh with your mates. This sea isn't there to be your own alliance servers, but something multiple friends can engage in across different ships. You could do ship battles, races, dueling competitions and just have a laugh by being silly

  • Having to leave out some friends or be left behind because of the crew limits can certainly be a bit frustrating at times, nothing worse than having 5 people all ready to sail and get into some mischief together.

    The idea of having a chill out spot/server where you can gather bigger groups together for roleplaying and socialising has a lot of appeal to me, sometimes my friends and I end up just having fun on an outpost, chatting and having a good time together before setting sail at all. I guess with custom servers this could be a possibility perhaps?

    I don't know if Rare would look to implement something like this after shutting down the separate servers for Arena because they didnt want to manage the parallel servers but maybe in the future we can have player-managed community/custom servers like this for people to use the epic sandbox of SoT for even more adventures and fun times!

    @BurnBacon have you never played a coop PVE game with your friends before? Such a silly response XD Sometimes all you need are some pixels and your friends for a good laugh and an epic story to tell at the end of it...

  • @bekkbloodaxe96 thanks for your response. It's nice to see someone else can see what I was going for with a chill place to vibe with friends.
    I think it is also important to get across this isn't meant to be a private alliance server. You can do world events and tall tales, but the payout is massively reduced to prevent farming, and the majority of commendations would be locked. The only ones that wouldn't be would be the ones like Glitterbeard. Which would make sense as the whole point of that is to promote friendship on cooperation.
    This is just a place to chill, chat and vibe with friends.
    It would probably be difficult to implement, but I think it would be worthwhile

  • @theredhead5271

    Yeah I think we both realise the difficulties in implementing/maintaining likely outweigh the benefit Rare might see in setting up an area like this but we can dream! BTW have you ever tried the SoT roleplaying board game? You might like it - I haven't played it personally but I know someone who has the game and it might be right up you/your friends street!

  • @bekkbloodaxe96 didn't even know there was a role playing game. I'll look into it, thanks for the suggestion!

  • @theredhead5271

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