Decent Hourglass Supplies Should be Easier and Faster to Attain

  • There should be a faster way to attain a decent stockpile of supplies to get back into the fight sooner. I understand that winning an Hourglass can come down to who has the most supplies during a longer fight. But every single crew I play with exploits the supply glitches at the merchant and shipwright to gain an ungodly amount of supply crates and more barrel supplies. Sorting those crates takes tedious time away from players hoping to get right back into a queue and can be very costly steering new players away from the mode. Resulting in wasting time between matches, unpredictably long queue times, and most fights being against loss farmers with no supplies or veteran crews who we end up battling back-to-back several times because there are simply not enough crews looking for a match. I'm not sure if Rare has plans on making changes to remedy this, but if ALL your players are exploiting to get a better game experience...That's a major issue. If more players were incentivized to play Hourglass somehow and if exploiting supplies wasn't such a necessity the mode would be much better off in the long run. All thoughts on this topic are welcome. Hopefully, someone at Rare sees this.

  • 21
  • I agree.
    Hourglass fails massively in keeping the players interested because it fails completely in having a fun and engaging game loop.
    You sink once, you literally have to spend minutes re-supplying up, it kills morale and motivation.
    If your a good player/crew you feel less of this effect when you can have a 10+ win streak session and as long as you don't sink you just continue on playing.
    But players who are not as good that sink multiple times in a row get dis-heartened pretty quickly.
    It's never a good feeling the awkward silence in galleon crew sinking twice in a row and someone just wants to out right quit because of it.

    There needs to be things that don't break the core loop of getting back into a fight in Hourglass..

  • @ix-indi-xi
    Thank you for your feedback. I couldn't have explained the current state of Hourglass better myself. At the end of the day, we're all here because we love this game and want to see it thrive. And I believe these discussions can help us all get there. Happy sailing mate.

  • @skill-issue8888 said in Decent Hourglass Supplies Should be Easier and Faster to Attain:

    Thank you for your feedback. I couldn't have explained the current state of Hourglass better myself. At the end of the day, we're all here because we love this game and want to see it thrive. And I believe these discussions can help us all get there. Happy sailing mate.

    What's funny is that I haven't touched the game since October last year, and I don't need a genie to tell me they haven't done anything to Hourglass in my time away.
    Too predictable in were there priorities lay...

  • @skill-issue8888 said in Decent Hourglass Supplies Should be Easier and Faster to Attain:

    There should be a faster way to attain a decent stockpile of supplies to get back into the fight sooner. I understand that winning an Hourglass can come down to who has the most supplies during a longer fight. But every single crew I play with exploits the supply glitches at the merchant and shipwright to gain an ungodly amount of supply crates and more barrel supplies. Sorting those crates takes tedious time away from players hoping to get right back into a queue and can be very costly steering new players away from the mode. Resulting in wasting time between matches, unpredictably long queue times, and most fights being against loss farmers with no supplies or veteran crews who we end up battling back-to-back several times because there are simply not enough crews looking for a match. I'm not sure if Rare has plans on making changes to remedy this, but if ALL your players are exploiting to get a better game experience...That's a major issue. If more players were incentivized to play Hourglass somehow and if exploiting supplies wasn't such a necessity the mode would be much better off in the long run. All thoughts on this topic are welcome. Hopefully, someone at Rare sees this.

    IMO stop using exploits / stop playing with people who cheat & exploit.

  • @skill-issue8888

    if ALL your players are exploiting to get a better game experience...That's a major issue

    I mean, it’ll be a minority. The hyperbole isn’t needed to make your point more dramatic than it already is.

  • @skill-issue8888 record and report the cheaters and don't play with them. Your crews are part of the problem.

  • I understand that winning an Hourglass can come down to who has the most supplies during a longer fight.

    Biggest lie anyone would tell someone.

  • @lem0n-curry Couldn't agree more. The only downside to that is I'd never find an LFG crew to play with. Have yet to meet a crew that doesn't exploit for supplies :/

  • @skill-issue8888 said in Decent Hourglass Supplies Should be Easier and Faster to Attain:

    @lem0n-curry Couldn't agree more. The only downside to that is I'd never find an LFG crew to play with. Have yet to meet a crew that doesn't exploit for supplies :/

    Maybe it's a skill issue 😁

    -- sorry couldn't resist

  • @tesiccl I'd have to say the majority partake in this method of gaining supplies. I have yet to meet an LFG crew that doesn't use these exploits honestly. It's just an opinion, but I do think it's a major issue that can be fixed :)

  • @burnbacon I've had longer battles against people who ran out of supplies quite a few times. If your team or the enemy runs out of chains, wood, good food, or god forbid cannon balls...that's a recipe for disaster :)

  • Yeah, the resupply issue is big specially because Rare balances the supplies you can get based on the whole game instead of just the PvP mode.
    As for me I don't bother getting supplies because if it comes to a situation where both crews run out of supplies both crews have skill issue.
    A tip: I have won 2 battles where both ships were low on supplies by resupplying during battle, both battles I went to a small island and killed the pirate captain and got a storage crate of supplies.
    While every time I bought supplies I was just giving them to the next competitor so I stopped buying supplies after losing and instead only bought after winning that leads me to play more aggressive than usual and I only have an issue with people who are good at boarding or are terrible at managing their sails, I call the last ones the zoomers because they zoom past my ship before any of us can get a shot.

  • @lem0n-curry Well played my pirate friend xD Thank you for the humbling laugh!

  • @captain-fob4141 If that's my best course of action, I'd be reporting just about every crew I play with from the official LFG discord. Have you had a different experience LFG? If so I wish I found more of the folks you're playing with :)

  • I have 2.5k hours in game and I'm rank 410 in servants. I don't know anyone who uses that exploit. lol

  • @burnbacon Also my take on that was inspired by other people in the forum with a similar perspective. Keep in mind losing to no supplies is a very rare experience. But it can happen in long engagements if you're running default supplies. For reference here's the exchange from that other forum post:

    The winner of pvp has never depended on the amount of supplies!

    -I mean, that's patently false for me. I have lost a number of close matches because I ran out of planks.

  • @rare-jumbie Dude I wish I ran into more people like you brother. Hoping for the best in future crew assembly!

  • @skill-issue8888 yes, and you should be reporting it. Normalizing cheating and bad actors because everyone is doing it is the problem

  • @astralenigma Great feedback I'll remember in the future! Thank you for expanding my perspective and approach towards Hourglass!

  • @captain-fob4141 I understand and think you're valid take on things is the correct way to approach the situation. I'll be more proactive moving forward in trying to keep our community in line with the intended game mechanics! Thank you for your time and opinions!

16 out of 21