Merfruit should hide nameplates

  • Merfruit should hide nameplates not much to say.

  • 44
  • Not really. That's why you have sneaking now. Combine.

  • @r3vanns said in Merfruit should hide nameplates:

    Not really. That's why you have sneaking now. Combine.

    Can't be a skeleton or ghost that way. Merfruit is supposed to be an extra stealth buff. No reason not to add it

  • @Fysics3037

    Merfruit is supposed to be an extra stealth buff.

    And it is. By hiding your mermaid in the water, while you're sneaking around with your hidden nameplate.

  • @r3vanns and how does that allow me to act as a skeleton, ghost, or otherwise nameplate less entities which haven't ever (nor ever will given Rare's rep) crouched? Idk if you missed that or what but like I just wanna be able to take my 500 hg levels and cash that in for a good few hours of trolling at an ashen winds, bb, etc

  • @fysics3037 said in Merfruit should hide nameplates:

    @r3vanns and how does that allow me to act as a skeleton, ghost, or otherwise nameplate less entities which haven't ever (nor ever will given Rare's rep) crouched? Idk if you missed that or what but like I just wanna be able to take my 500 hg levels and cash that in for a good few hours of trolling at an ashen winds, bb, etc

    Thats not the purpose of the merfruit. You can still troll noobs by acting like a skeleton/ghost, but it wont work with more seasoned players. Also, if the nametags were hidden, there would be no way of reporting toxic players, griefers, cheaters etc... So no.

  • @fysics3037
    According to your theory - if it was implemented, what would stop me from hoarding tons of merfruit, just pay attention on its cooldown, and basically keep having my nameplate hidden all the time until I run out of them, while moving freely/not having to sneak to hide it? And I'm having a strong feeling this is actually the reason why you're so adamant about it, but whatever.

    Again, sorry Mr. Ghost/Skeleton Curses who's too lazy to sneak while trying to troll new players. My heart is just breaking for you...not.

  • @fysics3037 It doesn't already????

  • Hide nameplates.

    • swimming under water
    • using crouch
    • hide emotes

    I think you have enough ways to hide your name.

  • @lord-budstep That is a good point but you could just allow people to look up name tags easier. Like you already can, but it could be better. I don't think that's an issue that justifies not adding a cool little mechanic for fun.

  • @r3vanns I literally don't even know why you're so against being able to hide nameplates. I mean nothing is stopping you I guess you could get like 10 minutes of no nameplate on what inventory. You're acting like I'm some hacker that's out to get new players by spawn camping. That's just not a reality we live in. I don't even play the game. I don't even have a gaming device for SoT currently. All I wanna do is troll as a skeleton or ghost, cus it'd be cool. If I wanted to spawn camp or be toxic or whatever else, I wouldn't be worrying about my name tag. People are already incompetent at reporting due to the bad system implemented by Rare.

  • @r3vanns Also this isn't like some crazy buff to the merfruit. The nameplate literally doesn't matter in 99% of interactions. Like if you're wanting to board with a merfruit, most of the best players will just spot you regardless of your nameplate, while most worse players will either not guard you or hear the board sound. Like this is a stealth item, a little stealth functionality is not going to break the game. I think being able to hide amongst enemies would be cool. Cus enemies can't crouch, it's pretty obvious.

  • @fysics3037

    1. If you're not playing the game and/or having a gaming device for SoT currently as you said yourself, Merfruit not hiding nameplates should be the least of your concerns.

    2. Even if what you're saying is truth/genuine, many others would use it to cap even more on new players. Just the huge skill gap alone is sometimes enough to make new players quit the game. The last thing we need is even more options to drive away inexperienced players, who anyways get trolled and roll-deck-laughed at.

    3. If the nameplate, as you say, doesn't matter in 99% of interactions - again, no point in asking for this. There's just too many possible downsides just so you can troll new players with either Skeleton or Ghost curses.

    4. Even for tucking on ports/FotD you now have more than enough tools at your disposal. You'd lose me in a second if I zig-zagged in any area that's cluttered. All it takes is for you to eat 1-2 blunderbombs, and I'm gone. Let alone a new player that still doesn't know even half of the islands in the game. I just need a good stack of merfruit on me, to reset a fight in case you somehow got an upper hand. It would be much easier to lose me while I'm running away finding a hiding spot. Just no.

  • @r3vanns In what world does SoT need new players? They hit 40 million players total. There aren't many new players left that would get the game. Of every gamer in the US/Europe, they have 5% of them. Player retention and depth should be the focus. This "new players will suffer" stuff is exactly what makes me hate the game nowadays. Hiding your nameplate literally has 0 tactical advantage except you can hide a little better... Wait a minute that's the entire point of S14! Wow what a terrible idea! Man I hate the idea of running into bushes and disappearing, or pretending to be a skeleton/ghost, or acting like an NPC... I mean seriously if you think being able to hide your name is going to be the thing that "kills" this game, you're effectively giving a cancer patient a paper cut. Seriously I swear y'all are allergic to fun or cool ideas or something.

    Also thanks for checking in on my PC status, I have a plan for my build just saving up a little more. I'll be back with 4x the performance, just not on SoT ;)

  • @fysics3037

    In what world does SoT need new players? They hit 40 million players total.

    They hit 40 million created accounts maybe. That doesn't equal 40 million current/active players. Far from it. There are still new players coming to the game. All you need is taking a peak at YT comments/Steam forums/Discord channels.

    I mean seriously if you think being able to hide your name is going to be the thing that "kills" this game, you're effectively giving a cancer patient a paper cut.

    Who said it would kill the game? Cuz I didn't. I said it's a bad idea for new players, and explained why, and I stand by it. Don't put me in the same basket as doom sayers. I admit there are a lot of issue with the game, and I don't like a lot of stuff Rare is doing lately, their PR, etc, but that's not the topic of this post.

    Seriously I swear y'all are allergic to fun or cool ideas or something.

    I didn't say it wasn't a fun idea either. There's a difference though what's fun for you and a couple of people that would abuse it, and what's fun for new players (def wouldn't be fun for them). Again, it's a bad idea cuz it's abusable and would defeat the purpose of merfruit and sneaking as separate features. Nothing more to it.

    Also thanks for checking in on my PC status, I have a plan for my build just saving up a little more. I'll be back with 4x the performance, just not on SoT ;)

    Oh I was merely addressing what you said yourself. Have fun playing other games. SoT will remain fun and live.

  • @fysics3037 so you're asking for a completely new feature, I'm not necessarily against it but nothing to do with original intent of merfruit. I've always thought it would be cool if when wearing the curse the relevant pve didn't attack you but there would need to be balancing factors there.

  • @r3vanns I still don't get what you mean when you say it would ruin the game for new players or destroy the original purpose of merfruit. Like this isn't something new players couldn't use. This isn't something that is going to allow players to dunk on newer players. This isn't something that is wildly off brand for the season. This isn't something that destroys merfruits as a stealth buff. I really just don't get it. You're acting like this is going to be the original harpoon gun, or quick swapping, or one of the various launches, or whatever other bug has been "bad for new players". It's just "Oh theres a skeleton on my boat! There's a skeleton on my boat! What the heck how do I kill them!" Then 10 seconds later they're scrolling yt shorts and learn about it. I don't know, if someone quit the game cus a person acted like an NPC, they probably weren't going to stick around anyways.

  • @hiradc it's not a completely new feature. It's a new small mechanic. And it has everything to do with the point of merfruit. You could sneak onto an FotD acting like a skeleton. And no your suggestion is terrible.

  • @fysics3037 without stopping the pve from attacking your suggestion is kinda pointless.

  • @fysics3037 said in Merfruit should hide nameplates:

    @r3vanns ..... Hiding your nameplate literally has 0 tactical advantage except you can hide a little better...

    What about if you're in an alliance?
    Or you're hacking / cheating / spawncamping / abusing etc. Being unable to I.D. & report someone is a problem.

  • @fysics3037

    Can i just say, if you hid nameplates and disguised yourself as a ghost or skeleton, there would be close to no difference between player and environment. The perfect disguise would fool more than the newbies. We do however have alot that can already do this, like the barrel hide, but mermaids can spoil it. They have now done something about that aswell though, through the merfruit.

    Im not against the idea, but the more they hide traces by players, the more awareness is required. And there alot of players that lack the game sense to deal with sneak at all, and lots of frustration has followed ive seen.

  • @wujuwarrior1375 awareness is the single most important aspect of this game outside of understanding the flow of naval combat. I think playing into that is fine. I mean I've developed an incredible level of passive hearing because of a thousand hours perfecting boarder defense on this game. I think you could very easily just amplify player footsteps against enemy footsteps or add a small distortion effect to the disguise and really add a ton of stealth to this game. Stealth is one of the things SoT has incidentally done right for a long time, playing into those strengths is what can really take the game from fun to incredible.

  • @smuntface just overall the report menus. I mean that's where most high end players grab names from anyways. Nameplates isn't the only system used, they're often times the last system. I mean you could even do something as simple as giving a small indicator as to who killed you upon loading onto the ferry. For example, the pink flame of fate could show the player that killed you when taking it. Or just even more generally any flame of fate could. Lots of solutions to these minor problems. I definitely don't see a reason fun features should be out ruled cus of it.

  • @hiradc No it just adds skill. You can definitely work around skeletons, use crouching, and more to achieve the desired effect. It shouldn't be a free kill a player/camp an island card.

  • @fysics3037 said in Merfruit should hide nameplates:

    Merfruit should hide nameplates not much to say.

    Wait.. It doesn't hide nameplates? What's the point of it then? Sure, the mermaid can no longer give you away, but the obvious nameplate above your head will.

  • @felix-ashur The point of it is to make the mermaid go away. It's not a 'hiding' fruit.

  • @felix-ashur you'll be asking that question a lot with SoT updates. Everything from S9 to S14 has been "what's the point outside of this one specific thing"

  • @fysics3037 said in Merfruit should hide nameplates:

    @felix-ashur you'll be asking that question a lot with SoT updates. Everything from S9 to S14 has been "what's the point outside of this one specific thing"

    I can almost see you saying "Blunderbuss should extinguish fire, because horn of fair winds already does it. Not much to say". Omegalul.

  • So we just need "spookfruit" that for few minutes hides your name tag and make skelly and phatoms ingore you for same time duration.

  • @r3vanns ???

  • @fysics3037
    Was making a parallel, a bit sarcastic. But all in good fate, just a friendly banter! Nothing more really.

    I actually even respect your devotion to get this idea through, if it means anything to you.

  • I'm truly sorry to hear what you're going through, and I'm really disappointed that you have to bring this up here. I’m skipping over other replies because I know many will just criticize or dismiss the idea without consideration. You’ll likely hear things like, "Just sneak or crouch, or use whatever mechanics the game already has." Honestly, I'm choosing to ignore those kinds of responses for now, but I wanted to make sure you received this message.

    [mod edit] This place has a habit of frustrating creative thinkers, with replies from people who don’t consider the value of a crew that's on the same page and looking to enjoy the game together. I can just imagine that if I suggested adding something like "merfruit" as a new idea, they’d say, "Pirates wouldn’t know what that is!"

  • @seathiever As has already been explained (numerous times)...

    If you want to appeal or need more information about moderation actions, you would need to contact Support, as it is not something that can be discussed on the Forums.

  • why you delete my 2nd post mod, show your self , dont hide behind the screen!

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