Ships should respawn further with each sink

  • I know this isn't a new request, and the briggsy quest makes this somewhat redundant but I think everytime you sink someone they should spawn further away each time. Had to sink a guy 3 times today while doing my gilded voyage. I enjoy pvp I have no issue with it, I said well played. Even understood him coming back 2nd time with crewmate to try his luck. But by third time it just feels like a petty nuisance. Note they weren't getting supplies or anything just coming back everytime with base supps and trying their luck. At least bring me some chains 🥲

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  • You proved yourself a worthy pvp player. They want what you have and will by chance get it. Even if it means sinking and repeating.

    Hurry up and finish your voyage :p
    Sure it be nice that sinkers would respawn far away. But rare encourages you to fight over loot. Interact.
    Even if it’s annoying.

  • This is very much my opinion, I think the two changes that should be made are:

    • The Skull of Siren's Song close spawn should only apply once both the key and chest are dug up (that reduces significantly its use outside of that voyage whilst still maintaining its "competition" for the final leg).
    • In general, if a ship is sunk 3 times on the same server, they should be merged out to new seas.
  • Whole heartedly agree. You should always be given the chance to get your stuff back or try again but after the 2nd time it's obvious the other crew is just better. On the flip side a losing ship after being sunk 3 times could be being harrassed by an aggressor.

    Skull of siren song should spawn you near the islands for the quest, not close to where you sank.

  • @realstyli said in Ships should respawn further with each sink:

    This is very much my opinion, I think the two changes that should be made are:

    • The Skull of Siren's Song close spawn should only apply once both the key and chest are dug up (that reduces significantly its use outside of that voyage whilst still maintaining its "competition" for the final leg).


    • In general, if a ship is sunk 3 times on the same server, they should be merged out to new seas.

    Perhaps when the sinks happen within a certain timeframe or in the "same" fight.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Ships should respawn further with each sink:

    @realstyli said in Ships should respawn further with each sink:

    • In general, if a ship is sunk 3 times on the same server, they should be merged out to new seas.

    Perhaps when the sinks happen within a certain timeframe or in the "same" fight.

    Yeah, I had an idea about that (inspired by Inscryption). Essentially each ship would have a candleholder with 3 lit candles on the quest table.

    When they sink/scuttle on that server, one candle goes out. When the last one goes out, they merge to new seas. The candles relight themselves after two in-game days (48 minutes) of not sinking (If two are out, that's 96 minutes to get all 3 lit candles again).

  • @realstyli I'm not sure about merging out only because people who sink aren't always aggressors and I'm sure people would find ways of abusing that mechanic in order to control servers

  • @hiradc said in Ships should respawn further with each sink:

    @realstyli I'm not sure about merging out only because people who sink aren't always aggressors and I'm sure people would find ways of abusing that mechanic in order to control servers

    There are easier ways for players to control a server than going around sinking every other ship 3 times (each ship would only be replaced by another ship anyway).

    As to not being the aggressors, I can understand that. Being a "friendly" pirate (I only attack ships to defend myself or if they are in opt-in scenarios), I have been on the defending side a lot more than the aggressive side over the years. But going back more than twice seems unnecessary and only raises the salt levels. At that point, you take the L and try to do better on the next server.

    While I understand the concerns, I think the overall result of this would be a net positive.

  • Fix SoSS.
    Yes to topic.

    No forcing merges except in HG: "nobody wants to fight anymore"
    Someone finds you who wants to fight: noooooooo stop attacking meeee I sank you!!!
    Maybe they want to practice against a difficult ship?

  • @realstyli said in Ships should respawn further with each sink:

    This is very much my opinion, I think the two changes that should be made are:

    • The Skull of Siren's Song close spawn should only apply once both the key and chest are dug up (that reduces significantly its use outside of that voyage whilst still maintaining its "competition" for the final leg).
    • In general, if a ship is sunk 3 times on the same server, they should be merged out to new seas.

    Good suggestions but I would make it so you only respawn close to another SS ship if they hand a hand in sinking you.

  • I like the idea of them coming back quick after quick being sunk, gives them a chance to try get loot back.

    My boat sunk once, got sunk two more times. Third time managed to board the ship and ram it ashore and kill all and take all the loot. Win win. It was fun, then the other boat came back and we killed them off again and they gave up.

    Being persistent normally wins.

    If you don't want players coming back after a sinking quickly get the loot and flee. Don't give them a chance to come at you again.

  • I think that ships that sink should spawn further and with less supplies (10 cannonballs and few planks) so they can't engage in combat that often, so they need to resupply before going into battle again.

    Sinking needs a better penalty.

  • @capt-pilotes Less supplies? Imagine that you have been sunk by someone else and that you are about to go to the trading post to replenish your supplies after being resurrected, and you run into another player again, and you don't even have the ability to fight back.

  • they had tweaked this once in the first year where when sunk you literally spawned the complete opposite side of the map so if you got sunk trying to do a fort or right after completing you had 0 chance to get back. this was decided to be a bad change as the whole point of the game is stealing from other people. they side with what the pve crowd would call trolling game play. i dont miss year 1 at all. my buddy and i would no life the game so we would keep coming back at forts until the crew ran out of supplies and it was like hey we got all day we will waste all the time you have. this loot is ours.... and with a 3 hour gap between fort spawns and forts being the only thing to do to level fast.... yea. so glad i found pve servers after my friend quit. its been like 80% pve life since then. only pvping when forced to like hourglass achievements

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