Harpoon Gun changes

  • I mean just post that you hate solo sloop players. That distance is ridiculous now, and if they take it they can board nearly every time. I don't like playing my game staring at my ladders. Either roll back that distance change or just make it not work at all against a sloop.

  • 13
  • Pretty wild to nerf the blunder one shot for a solo's defense just to turn the harpoon into the thing that they were trying to prevent in the original design.

    Luckily the blow dart boom boom is helpful in camp situations but it doesn't really change the fumble of the above, imo. Boom Boom allows for kills that blunder never would have allowed so it is useful.

    Harpoon gun as an adventure weapon is better than it was, as a part of combat against solos, it's just another decision that shows that the solo experience in challenging combat is either not fully understood, or the game is just leaning even more towards "go play easy big ship or avoid challenging combat as a solo"

    The issue is that they have a multiplayer game that has been and continues to be quite popular as a solo experience. People won't go big ship, they just go to a different game that is more balanced and enjoyable for their experience.

  • Players complain about the distance being to short. Now we have it too long??

    Make up thy minds.

  • @burnbacon said in Harpoon Gun changes:

    Players complain about the distance being to short. Now we have it too long??

    Make up thy minds.

    Distance for the environment makes sense.

    There is a reason it wasn't released as a very long distance boarding tool in combat.

    It's just sanctioned launch exploiting in the form of a tool. Boards that never should happen, that allow people to make up for lack of performance in naval/board attempts.

  • It feels useful now. I like it. I've keep learning new uses for it everyday with the changes, like standing at certain spots (usually getting creative with getting loot out of forts) and snagging loot quicker. I haven't had any headaches with boarders yet because I always hear the loud thump when their harpoon hits the boat but it seems like most of time they struggle and have to burn 3 shots to grab the ladder while I sit patiently waiting for them to get it then knock them off. I solo as well, its a two way street, I've used it with success against larger crews.

  • I like the new changes and more over if you get on with a grapple gun you have to fight with one weapon. Good balance.

  • @furnost said in Harpoon Gun changes:

    I mean just post that you hate solo sloop players. That distance is ridiculous now, and if they take it they can board nearly every time. I don't like playing my game staring at my ladders. Either roll back that distance change or just make it not work at all against a sloop.

    If they received fall damage for being batman from a cannon launch, would this fix the issue for you?

  • If you have someone boarding with a harpoon gun, they have only one weapon. Should be easy to dispatch them. With the locked armory, it's very balanced even as a boarding tool IMO.

  • @sweetsandman said in Harpoon Gun changes:

    If you have someone boarding with a harpoon gun, they have only one weapon. Should be easy to dispatch them. With the locked armory, it's very balanced even as a boarding tool IMO.

    For some one on one fight or something.

    Fighting against board spamming larger crews, all it did was continue to make it easier to be a spammy big crew and worse for the smaller crew.

    Blunders are still ridiculous with the popcorning from the blunder against a solo.

    All it did was reward board spam without any sort of perk for the smaller crew in combat. (as far as defense goes).

    The entire design of big crew board spam isn't based around performance, it's based around spamming a lot to eventually get something to work once, then it's difficult for the solo to recover. Adding more opportunity to board is rewarding low performance combat spam.

    Changes like this (in combat specifically) are because they look at the game as casual brig crews should win no matter their performance against smaller crews/sloops.

    All they are doing is putting themselves in a situation where there will be another season 8/9/10 stretch where the seasons are built around trying to get people back that they drove out. Except it'll probably be an even more dramatic shift, like sloop servers or something.

  • @wolfmanbush The Blunderbuss change I am vehemently against. Have been since the onset. It makes no sense with how the harpoon gun works and with how the armory now works. It was a "necessary change" because of the harpoon gun...but then the harpoon gun actually hit retail and it absolutely makes no sense and is far from a "necessary change".

    In fact, I think bringing back the old Blunderbuss mechanics would probably balance the harpoon gun boarding even more. Some dev crew galleon probably got wiped by a top tier double gunner and decided that was not OK...so the change was "necessary"

    Bully PvP (big ship attacking small ship) has always been a challenge - as it should be - for the smaller crew. It's just the way of the sandbox. That said, I don't think the harpoon gun made any impactful change to the general bully meta.

    If a player can't dispatch a pirate that has elected to attack with only one weapon in his loadout, they weren't going to win that fight anyways. Let's not pretend otherwise for the sake of trying to prove that the harpoon gun is some wild PvP meta.

    I PvP solo in adventure pretty much daily...not once since the harpoon gun was introduced have I lost because of it...and that includes countless battles where I am outnumbered. I can only think of one instance where I even saw a crew using the harpoon gun during PvP...they were Swabbies, but they were the aggressors...they lost badly.

  • @sweetsandman said in Harpoon Gun changes:

    @wolfmanbush The Blunderbuss change I am vehemently against.
    In fact, I think bringing back the old Blunderbuss mechanics would probably balance the harpoon gun boarding even more. Some dev crew galleon probably got wiped by a top tier double gunner and decided that was not OK...so the change was "necessary"

    That was a bigger part of it than will ever be acknowledged.

    Popular/known content crews getting wiped from tdmers. It's also just a long time feedback thing but this was their chance to try to sell it as necessary.

    There is years of history of people that win 99% of the time against smaller crews and inexperienced pvers that associated "tdmers" with toxicity just because once in a while they got humbled.

    I've brought that up many times before, players that win a lot should be humbled in SoT by skilled pvpers. Arrogance over non-competitive winning is a real issue in SoT and SoT content creation.

  • @wolfmanbush I've always found the "TDM" hatred in SOT fascinating.

    I've also always found the association of anyone that boards to being a "TDMer"

    Most boarders could absolutely not hang with the old TDM crowd taking over Arena lobbies. Heck, I could barely hang in there most of the time...it was fun as heck, though. Man, I miss Arena 😞

    Boarding was made to be borderline necessary with how ridiculously easy Rare made naval combat defense and running.

  • nope. its perfect now. if they are going to revert the changes then just remove it from the game altogether. before the buff it wasnt worth using cause the range was too short. now with the buff its almost mandatory to keep it equiped. keep in mind they have 1 less weapon to kill you with now as well. this isnt a game for solo sloopers. never has been. while they have done some updating to benefit us anti social solo players this game is about the crew experience. theres plenty of full progress pve discords out there now even if updates like this one seem to be killing off interested in the game.

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