We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha

  • Ahoy there Pirates!

    We hope those of you who had the opportunity to enjoyed your voyage this past week, and we’re so glad you could be part of the biggest and best Sea of Thieves Technical Alpha ever! We’ve had some epic stories shared with us, including an amazing gold haul!

    Alas, as with all good things - we must bring the Technical Alpha to a close. Your feedback and the data you've generated in the past year of testing has helped get Sea of Thieves ship-shape. To thank you for your help during this stage in development, we’ve granted you the title of Founder!


    So what does being a Founder mean? Well other than sounding incredibly fancy you get:

    • Guaranteed access to the Closed Beta in 2018 so you can continue your swashbuckling ways!
    • A brand new forum badge to show your fellow pirates you’re not to be trifled with.

    With the end of the Technical Alpha means we’re going to be doing some general housekeeping in the Forums, there will be categories that merge, some that have become read only and categories that have disappeared. Our goal in this is to open up the forums to use as we noticed that some categories (Technical Alpha and Insider) were used disproportionately more than others.

    We’ll be back in 2018 with information on the Sea of Thieves Closed Beta and even more sneak peeks for what’s coming in Sea of Thieves, so stay tuned!

  • 530
  • R.I.P SoT Alpha


  • No thank you guys ! Can't wait to play some more SoT

  • I miss it (the game sessions) already!!! :'| shuiff

  • thanks for the fun! cya in beta!

  • Thank you for this opportunity, khaleesi and all you Rare folks. Really appreciate it, and will be ordering the collector’s edition once it comes out!

  • @khaleesibot With the TA ending, does that mean we will FINALLY get some fun stats?

  • I'm glad I had the chance to get absolutely hammered and have a puking match (with another solo slooper no less) to commemorate those last minutes of the Alpha. It has been a really wonderful experience, and I hope that all our feedback has given Rare the neccessary information to create a great final product.

  • @khaleesibot thanks for the session, was a lot of fun - got to know many cool people to play with on next opportunity ;)
    @KnickNic1 @DynamicPioneer @King-Gung @VLP-Cerbo @IKaeptnI @Zocker110 @AtemH7 @Aldyrin @NovaRunble @LeapedPandora85 & all those i forgot ;)

  • @khaleesibot Thakyou all at Rare. Has been a blast. See the rest of you landlubbers in the beta. Or here on the forums ofc. ;p

  • @khaleesibot
    Thanks for giving us all a chance to take part in shaping & testing this fantastic game!!
    Can't wait to see what 2018 brings.
    Merry Christmas

  • Goodbye Technical Alpha! We'll miss you, but bring on the beta and March 20th, I'm excited to see what's coming.

  • Thank you for giving us chance to blow each other out of the waters and steal each others riches.
    I'll miss you scurvy lot!

  • Had so much fun :(

  • @khaleesibot i just was able to play a last song out on the azure blue sea and then got kicked out of the game haha. Thanks for that great session. Played more than 50 hours and i loved it! See you in the Beta!!! :)

  • @khaleesibot And as we bid a fond farewell to the Technical Alpha, with all it's excitement and anticipation we eagerly await to hear what 2018 and the Beta holds for us!

    A huge thank you to everyone in the Community and at Rare for making this voyage a truly memorable one!

  • @khaleesibot I feel something welling up inside of me, I I I am not not not sure sure if if If I I I can can hold Hold, Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah, Sniffle Sniffle. See you next year, until then. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.....

  • @khaleesibot - What an amazing experience this Alpha has been.

    I've had many adventures, met and fought against some amazing people, met veterans, welcomed newbies and made life long friends here.

    Thank you for the oppurtunity Rare.

    See you all around here and see you back on the open Sea's in 2018!

  • @khaleesibot Goodbye

  • Man while playing the actual quests was fun for the past couple days i think that the last hour in the technical alpha was probably the most fun. As nobody cared about losing time or chests, nobody ran away from fights. This led to some amazing battles and even some that involved 3 or 4 ships. It was the first time that we had actually been able to commit to a fight all the way through and it enabled us to essentially play a completely different game to what we had been playing for the last couple of days. Here's to the beta being just as fun as this.

  • @khaleesibot Thank you so much for the opportunity you gave us, can`t wait to play beta!

  • @khaleesibot thanks very much to you and all at Rare (I'm sure you can pass on the sentiment) but quick question....how do I combat the shakes and sweats of SoT Withdrawal?!?

    alt text

  • @khaleesibot Thanks to you and all at Rare for a great experience! Here's to the next chapter in the beta! I'll see you all soon! Until we'll have fun on the forums. Also a thank you to all the @Deckhands who've done a great job keeping information spread and the forums well-moderated during these sessions!

    Here's to everyone so far and to everyone in the future of SoT:

  • May you please reopen until the New Year it would be a nice Christmas present?? 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @katttruewalker said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    @khaleesibot And as we bid a fond farewell to the Technical Alpha, with all it's excitement and anticipation we eagerly await to hear what 2018 and the Beta holds for us!

    A huge thank you to everyone in the Community and at Rare for making this voyage a truly memorable one!

    Set the sails for 2018! The beta is just over the horizon!

  • in an attempt to get them last-minute gold coins I took up 2 voyages. Reached the last stage of the second one with 6 rare chests and a couple regular ones in the berth and was heading for the last bit. Was really excited because there were 3 chests waiting for me on the island.
    Reaching the island I was met with heavy cannon fire, they got me good, 4/4 hits and counting I tried firing back to stop the assault. Wrong move since my s**t was taking water fast. Turned around to try and fix things and one cannonball goes straight through my thought box. Respawn on a sinking ship, water getting in faster than I can get it out. Sadly, the ship gets lost but the chests remain there, floating next to the mermaid offering to bring my ship back from the depths. I respawn 3 isles away and quickly sail my way back. The floating chests were gone.
    I make peace with my choices of fight or flight and go for the last 3 chests, buried on the island. Just as I reach the first one everything goes dark, but before I finally get disconnected, I manage to stick my shovel into the ground to hear that sweet sweet "Bang".

  • Thanks Rare ! Sea of thieves's staff ! fellow alpha players (="founders") ! thank you all ! for this amazing experience, can't wait the beta ! see y'all mates !

  • Its been a pleasure! And thanks for the opportunity, i cant wait to see what booty and loot the new year brings us!

  • Many many thanks for the chance to help get this game all 'ship shape & squared away", such a blast and have made so many Pirate friends along the way too.

    @triheadedmonkey said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    ....how do I combat the shakes and sweats of SoT Withdrawal?!?

    RUM is the answer you are looking for @triheadedmonkey ;-)

  • Thanks for this awesome alpha ! Played as duo with a friend, we share a wonderful gaming experience !

  • I am so looking forward for the news regarding how the game is going forward, and also happy that i have been able to help to test this game out before-hand, It have been an honor.

    Now i look forward to the Beta to see how much new crazy stuff you have added into the game.


  • Absolutely incredible alpha - being a part of it for the past year has truly been an honour.

    Last nights session was one for the ages, got the most seasoned pirates together and we gave it everything we had!

    Onward - to BETA - to GLORY!

  • It's been a blast, can't wait to see what else is on the horizon. Also, happy holidays!

  • @waw-gunn and plenty of it (rum)

  • @khaleesibot 1. how do you become a founder? 2. if i already preordered the beta does that mean I'm in the closed beta?

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