Do YOU Fear Death?

  • Ahoy lads , Captain of the mighty Flying Dutchman Ship here.
    Some call me Davy Jones , Some call me FishFace , Some of them call me Heartless villain.
    Hah , cant even complain , My heart would never be found and I will live a life of an immortal.
    Just wanna give a fair warning before the release , we are not the ship that you want to stumble upon , we are notorious , deadly , And we show no Mercy towards any ship.
    So let me ask you again , before we scuttle your ship.

    "Do YOU Fear Death? * Hits the pipe * Do YOU Fear that Dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. I can offer escape."
    No? Then We will meet soon , ye' dirty Scallywag!

    Some might be wondering why we are cruel and evil.
    "Life is cruel , Why should the afterlife be any DIFFERENT?"

    P.S : We might recruit people to our crew in the future , if you don't Fear Death , If you think you'll keep up with the crew , we'll be happy to host you , but remember , once you leave there is no return.

  • 30
  • I do not fear death, it’s death that fears me.

  • I got a jar of dirt!

  • Anyway i also saw a certain Jack Sparrow, here on the forum, is he a friend of yours?

  • @grim-davy-jones Every Davy jones has is Will Turner matey!

    P.S. If you have enough people for a second ship name it Leviathan. It would be fitting

  • @radzz-the-drunk One hundred years before the mast , Will YOU Serve? * lifts left eyebrow as I wonder *

    (but for real idk yet , so far u are the first one so I might consider that if we need more :) )

    @jimb0-hawkins No he is not , but he looks like a cool dude @CappJackSparrow .

    @doctorviolet3 Too bad it has nothin' in it

  • @grim-davy-jones It is? Well then. (tosses jar over shoulder off ship) Where do i sign? =u=

  • I was just wondering if you and your future crew want to join my alliance called the black wake (discord server), it's a personal project and i need brave captains like you to help me out, alliance is NOT a group, it means that you'll have your own group name just to be clear, it would be a cool way to know each other better. by now we are just 6

  • @jimb0-hawkins I do not want to make allies at the moment , or maybe at all , we are too greedy , notorious and we just love scuttling other ships.
    we will see how the release would go.

    @doctorviolet3 I guess you can sign in here but atm we are not looking for more sailors.
    on the release we might.

  • @grim-davy-jones
    I think I gave you the wrong impression, Your project sounds real cool and all but I gave my loyalty to the iron fleet a couple of days ago.
    I prob be sailing with 2 friends as well.

    But good luck matey! I hope you find the Scallywags for your crew!

  • @radzz-the-drunk How dare you refuse serving on the Flying Dutchman?!
    Ill take this as a no , we will meet at the sea , I hope your crew is well experienced.
    . * walks away with anger *

  • @grim-davy-jones said in Do YOU Fear Death?:

    @jimb0-hawkins I do not want to make allies at the moment , or maybe at all , we are too greedy , notorious and we just love scuttling other ships.
    we will see how the release would go.

    @doctorviolet3 I guess you can sign in here but atm we are not looking for more sailors.
    on the release we might.

    i see i see, you have my name if you'll ever change your mind, it was just a comunication matter!

  • I don't fear it or you and your club

  • Oy! Still looking for your 'thumb thumb mate!? Guess what I've got!

    I mean, I'd like to consider us mate's? Friends? I know it's been some time now between the last moment we shook....hand and tentical... But all I need is 3 days... Three more days and I'll have you your 100 soul's. And for those soul's you'll promise to keep your kraken on a tight leash 'n let me continue to sail the sea's upon The Pearl?! Savvy??

    And yes... I fear death, I fear death QUITE ALOT! PARLAY!

    AND he who just suggested an alliance with Davy Jones... Son, do you understand who it is you are talking to? The Devil of the Sea does not solicitate with the likes of Men.

  • @cappjacksparrow No Jack , maybe you didn't understand what 3 days mean.
    the souls debt should've been paid long time ago , the kraken is desperate for food and a few servants shall do no harm to the flying dutchman.
    your not a captain , and your a liar and when you'll get caught you'll be sent to the gallows , and maybe , if i feel a bit of mercy towards you , ill let you clean off the rotten clams stench from the bottom of the ship and you will serve a lifetime on the flying dutchman.
    . * leaves your ship by walking through the boat into the sea * slowly fading away

    (btw , i still need those souls , 3 days , you shall bring me 100 souls in 3 days. we'll meet soon jacky)


  • @cappjacksparrow i am just trying to make influent friends, i wanted to ask you first to join my alliance as the captain of your crew but i lost your post so i couldn’t... if jones is an enemy then you may be my ally, what you think Captain Sparrow?
    We can fight him together!

  • All men fear death, and some fear life, but a true pirate fears only 1 thing...

    An empty tankard.

  • I do not fear I will be the captain of the Ferry of the Damned!

  • @grim-davy-jones

  • @cappjacksparrow Showing just a part of the story isnt enough , if you saw on the gif my claw was about to grab your sword and break it , you fight like a chicken , hit and run.
    Even if you stab my heart , it doesnt matter ill always have the powers to come back , what can you do Jack? Life is cruel why should the afterlife be any different?

    @iviikeonxbox we will see lad.

    @snowbodhi you almost made me cry , dont say such things.

  • Don’t fear the reaper....

  • @grim-davy-jones "We are the sea, expect us". That felt inspired by Anonymous lol

  • @skyjtsmc yea , i didnt want it to be like that :q ill take it down

  • @grim-davy-jones Have you seen Mikey Dolan or Mike Nesbitt recently? And is there any chance of you getting the band back together?

  • I'll never take orders from the Like's of you, Squid!

  • @Grim-Davy-Jones

  • @grim-davy-jones I run from death, and dont worry i am still looking for the 100 souls to pey my debts.

  • @maailmanvalo Imposer! @CappJackSparrow

  • @grim-davy-jones Welcome aboard matey.

  • @foxdodge Thanks lad

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